A trigger definition file is a text file used for adding new triggers, modifying existing triggers, or removing obsolete triggers. A trigger definition file consists of one or more trigger definitions. A trigger definition includes the following information:

An automatically generated trigger name is a string comprised of two parts. Using the global name as a base, GT.M takes the first part as an alphanumeric string of up to 21 characters starting with an alphabetic character or a percent sign (%). The trailing part consists of an automatically incremented number in the form of #n# where n is a whole number that monotonically increases from 1 to 999999 that uniquely identifies a trigger for the same update. For example, if no trigger names are specified in the trigger definition file, GT.M automatically generates trigger names Account#1#, Account#2#, and Account#3# for the first three triggers defined for global variable ^Account. An attempt to use automatic assignment for more than a million triggers produces an error. Once the numeric portion of the auto generated names reaches 999999, you must reload all triggers associated with the global variables that use the auto generated name space. At run-time GT.M generates a trailing suffix of a hash-sign (#) followed by up to two characters to ensure that every trigger has a unique designation, even when the environment is complex. The run-time suffix applies to both user-specified and automatically generated trigger names. It helps in differentiating triggers with the same name in different database files.

Suppose you want to set up a trigger called TrigAcct on every s ^Acct("ID") to invoke the routine ^OpenAccount. Your trigger definition file may have an entry like +^Acct("ID") -command=S -xecute="do ^OpenAccount" -name=TrigAcct. The following diagram identifies the different parts of this trigger definition:

To apply this trigger definition file to GT.M, all you do is to load it using MUPIP TRIGGER -TRIGGERFILE or $ZTRIGGER(). GT.M would invoke trigger name TrigAcct on every SET operation on ^Acct("ID"). Internally, GT.M stores trigger TrigAcct in the same database file where ^Acct is stored. The syntax of an entry in a trigger definition file is:

{-triggername|-triggername-prefix*|-*|{+|-}trigvn -commands=cmd[,...] -xecute=strlit1 [-[z]delim=expr][-pieces=[lvn=]int1[:int2][;...]] [-options={[no]i[solation]|[no]c[onsistencycheck]}...] [-name=strlit2]}


-triggername deletes a user-specified trigger name called triggername from the database.-triggername* deletes all those user-defined triggers whose starting name match triggername.-* deletes all triggers; if the MUPIP TRIGGER command does not specify -NOPROMPT , GT.M displays a warning and asks for user confirmation before deleting all triggers. If MUPIP TRIGGER command specifies -NOPROMPT and the definition file includes a -* line, GT.M deletes all the triggers without user confirmation. $ZTRIGGER() performs deletions -NOPROMPT.+triggername issues an error; to add a new user-specified trigger name, use -name=strlit2.


trigvn is a global node on which you set up a trigger.-trigvn deletes any triggers in the database that match the specified trigger. +trigvn adds or replaces the specified trigger. If the specified trigger exists (with a matching specification), MUPIP TRIGGER or $ZTRIGGER() treats the matching definition as a no-op, resulting in no database update. If you want to specify more than one global node for the same trigger code, the following rules apply:

  1. You can use patterns and ranges for subscripts.

  2. You can specify a semicolon (;) separated list for subscripts.

  3. You can specify a selection list that includes a mix of points, ranges and patterns, but a pattern cannot serve as either end of a range. For example, :,"a":"d";?1U is a valid specification but :,"a":?1A is not.

  4. You can specify a local variable name for each subscript. For example instead of ^X(1,:,:), you can specify ^X(1,lastname=:,firstname=:). This causes GT.M to define local variables lastname and firstname to the actual second and third level subscripts respectively from the global node invoking this trigger. The trigger code can then use these variables just like any other M local variable. As described in the Trigger Execution Environment section, trigger code executes in a clean environment - as if all code is preceded by an implicit NEW - the implicit assignments apply only within the scope of the trigger code and don't conflict or affect any run-time code or other triggers.

  5. You cannot use the @ operator, unspecified subscripts (for example, ^A() or ^A(:,)) or local or global variable names as subscripts.

  6. You cannot use patterns and ranges for the global variable name. Therefore, you cannot set a single trigger for ^Acct*.

In order to account for any non-standard collation, GT.M evaluates string subscript ranges using the global specific collation when an application update first invokes a trigger - as a consequence, it detects and reports range issues at run-time rather than from MUPIP TRIGGER or $ZTRIGGER(), so test appropriately. For example, GT.M reports a run-time error for an inverted subscript range such as (ASCII) C:A.


cmd is the trigger invocation command. Currently, you can specify one or more of S[ET], K[ILL], ZTR[IGGER], or ZK[ILL]. A subsequent GT.M release may support ZTK[ILL] for triggering on descendent nodes of a KILLed ancestor, but, while current versions accept ZTK, they convert it into K. If cmd specifies multiple command values, GT.M treats each M command as a separate trigger. Note that even if you specify both SET and KILL, only one M command matches at any given time. Trigger code is not executed in the following conditions:

  • A KILL of a node that does not exist.

  • A KILL of a node that has a cmd=ZK trigger, but no cmd=K trigger.

  • A ZKILL or ZWITHDRAW of a node that has descendents but no data and a trigger with cmd=ZK.

  • The trigger uses the "piece" syntax (described below) and no triggering piece changes in the update.


strlit1 specifies the trigger code that is executed when an update matches trigvn. If strlit1 is a single line, enclose it with quotes (") and make sure that the quotes inside strlit1 are doubled as in normal M syntax.

If strlit1 is in multiple lines, mark the beginning with << which must immediately follow the = after the -xecute. A newline must immediately follow the <<. >> should mark the end of multiple-line strlit1 and must be at the beginning of a line. The lines in strlit1 follow the standard conventions of a GT.M program, that is, optional label, line start, and M code.

The maximum length of strlit1 (even if multi-line) is 1048576 (ASCII) characters or 4096 DB records, whichever is smaller.

To validate strlit1, MUPIP TRIGGER or $ZTRIGGER() compiles it before applying the trigger definition to the database and issues a TRGCOMPFAIL error if it contains any invalid code.


Trigger compilation detects compilation errors, but not run-time errors. Therefore, you should always test your trigger code before applying trigger definitions to the database.


As stated in the Trigger Definition File section, the text of trigger code is a part of the trigger signature. If you use two trigger signatures that have the same semantics (global variable, subscript, value, and command) but different text (for example: set foo=$ztoldval, s foo=$ztoldval, and set foo=$ztol), their signatures become different and GT.M treats them as different triggers. FIS recommends you to use comprehensive and strong coding conventions for trigger code or rely on user-specified names in managing the deletion and replacement of triggers.


+^multi -commands=set -name=example -xecute=<<
 do ^test1
 do stop^test2


If cmd is S[et], you can specify an optional piece list sequence where int2>int1 and int1:int2 denotes a integer range from int1 to int2. The trigger gets executed only when any piece from the specified piece list changes. Suppose your trigvn has a list "Window|Chair|Table|Door" and you want to execute the trigger only when the value of the 3rd or 4th piece changes so you might specify the following trigger definition:

+^trigvn -commands=S -pieces=3;4 -delim="|" -options=NOI,NOC -xecute="W ""3rd or 4th element updated."""
GTM>W ^trigvnWindow|Chair|Table|Door|
GTM>s $Piece(^trigvn,"|",3)="Dining Table"
3rd or 4th element updated.

This trigger is not executed if you change the first element. For example:

S $Piece(^trigvn,"|",1)="Chandelier"

does not invoke the trigger.

You can also specify a range for your piece sequence. For example, 3:5;7;9:11 specifies a trigger on pieces 3 through 5,7 and 9 through 11. GT.M merges any overlapping values or ranges - for example, 3:6;7 is the same as 3:7.


If cmd is S[ET] , you can specify an optional piece delimiter using -[z]delim=expr where expr is a string literal or an expression (with very limited syntax) evaluating to a string separating the pieces (e.g., "|") in the values of nodes, and is interpreted as an ASCII or UTF-8 string based on the environment variable gtm_chset. To allow for unprintable delimiters in the delimiter expression, MUPIP TRIGGER only accepts $CHAR() and $ZCHAR() and string concatenation (_) as embellishments to the string literals. If zdelim specifies a delimiter, GT.M uses the equivalent of $ZPIECE() to match pieces and to identify changes in $ZTUPDATE() (refer to the ISV description for additional information); otherwise, if delim specifies a delimiter, GT.M uses the equivalent of $PIECE() for the current mode (M or UTF-8). Specifying a delimiter for cmd other than S[ET] or specifying both delim and zdelim for the same trigger each produce an error.

[-options= {no]i[solation]|[[no]c[onsistencycheck]}...

You can specify [NO] ISOLATION or [NO]CONSISTENCYCHECK as a property of the triggered database updates. NOISOLATION is a facility for your application to instruct GT.M where the application logic and database schema take responsibility for ensuring the ACID property of ISOLATION, and that any apparent collisions are purely coincidental from multiple global nodes resident in the same physical block which serves as the GT.M level of granularity in conflict checking. In the current release this trigger designation is notational only - you must still implement NOISOLATION at the process level with the VIEW command, but you can use the trigger designation in planning to move to schema-based control of this facility. NOCONSISTENCYCHECK is a facility for your application to instruct GT.M that application logic and schema take responsibility for ensuring the ACID property of CONSISTENCY. The [NO]CONSISTENCYCHECK feature is not yet implemented and will be made available in a future GT.M release. For now, you can plan to move CONSISTENCY responsibility from your application to a trigger and implement it later when this feature becomes available.Note: -options are not part of the trigger signature and so can be modified without deleting an existing trigger.


strlit2 is a user-specified trigger name. It is an alphanumeric string of up to 28 characters. It must start with an alphabetic character or a percent sign (%). Note: -name is not part of the trigger signature and so can be modified without deleting an existing trigger. Note also that the name can be used to delete a trigger - this alternative avoids potential issues with text variations in the code associated with the -xecute qualifier which is part of the trigger signature when the variations do not have semantic significance.

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