M commands may be abbreviated to a defined prefix. Most commands have arguments. However, some commands have either optional arguments or no arguments. When a command has no argument and is followed by more commands on the same line, at least two spaces (<SP>) must follow the command without arguments. Commands that accept arguments generally accept multiple arguments on the same command. M treats multiple arguments the same as multiple occurrences of the same command, each with its own argument.

GT.M process execution is interruptible with the following events:

When GT.M detects any of these events, it transfers control to a vector that depends on the event. For most events, GT.M uses the $ETRAP or $ZTRAP vectors described in more detail in the Error Processing chapter. For INTRPT and $ZTEXit, it XECUTEs the interrupt handler code placed in $ZINTERRUPT. If $ZINTERRUPT is an empty string, the process ignores any MUPIP INTRPT directed at it. The default value of $ZINTERRUPT is "IF $ZJOBEXAM()" which redirects a dump of ZSHOW "*" to a file and reports each such occasion to the operator log. For $ZTIMEOUT, the value may specify a vector that takes precedence over the current error handling vector. For <CTRL-C> without CENABLE, it transfers control as if there was an error; with CENABLE, GT.M enters Direct Mode to give the programmer control. Without CENABLE or CTRAP, GT.M ignores <CTRL-C> on a $PRINCIPAL terminal. The GT.M terminal handler only recognizes other <CTRL> characters if CTRAP enabled when the OS terminal handling delivers and they appear in the terminal input stream.

GT.M recognizes most of these events when they occur but transfers control to the interrupt vector at the start of each M line, at each iteration of a FOR loop, at certain points during the execution of commands which may take a "long" time. For example, ZWRITE, HANG, LOCK, MERGE, ZSHOW "V", OPEN of terminals, disk files, PIPEs, FIFOs, and SOCKETs (unless zero timeout,) WRITE /WAIT for SOCKETs, and READ for terminals, SOCKETs, FIFOs, PIPEs, and sequential files in FOLLOW mode.

The HANG command and timed restartable I/O commands such as timed READ for terminals, SOCKETs, FIFO, PIPE, and sequential files in FOLLOW mode as well as SOCKET OPEN CONNECT and WRITE /WAIT account for time spent in handling the interrupt. However, the LOCK command pauses the timeout countdown until the interrupt handling is complete.

If +$ZTEXIT evaluates to a truth value at the outermost TCOMMIT or TROLLBACK, GT.M XECUTEs $ZINTERRUPT after completing the commit or rollback. Except for <CTRL-C> GT.M recognizes CTRAP characters when READ. CTRAP characters other than <CTRL-C> tend to be limited by terminal configuration.

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