FIFOs have most of the same characteristics as other sequential files, except that READs and WRITEs can occur in any order.

The following characteristics of FIFO behavior may be helpful in using them effectively.

With READ:

The process hangs until data is put into the FIFO by another process, or the READ times out, when a timeout is specified.

The following table shows the result and the values of I/O status variables for different types of READ operations on a FIFO device.



The default access permissions on a FIFO are the same as the mask settings of the process that created the FIFO. Use the SYSTEM, GROUP, WORLD, and UIC deviceparameters to specify FIFO access permissions. File permissions have no affect on a process that already has the FIFO open.

The following table summarizes the deviceparameters that can be used with FIFOs.

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