The conversion utilities are:

%DH: Decimal to hexadecimal conversion.

%DO: Decimal to octal conversion.

%HD: Hexadecimal to decimal conversion.

%HO: Hexadecimal to octal conversion.

%LCASE: Converts a string to all lower case.

%OD: Octal to decimal conversion.

%OH: Octal to hexadecimal conversion.

%UCASE: Converts a string to all upper case.

The conversion utilities can be invoked as extrinsic functions.

While the radix conversions work for very long values, the performance degrades with length and may be impractical beyond some point. If your application limits the input(s) and performance is important, you can get some speed improvement by eliminating behavior on which your code does not rely.

The %DH utility converts numeric values from decimal to hexadecimal. %DH defaults the length of its output to eight digits. However the input variable %DL overrides the default and controls the length of the output. The routine has entry points for interactive or non-interactive use.

The %DO utility converts numeric values from decimal to octal. The default length of its output is 12 digits. The value assigned to the input variable %DL overrides the default and controls the length of the output. The routine has entry points for interactive or non-interactive use.

The ^%JSWRITE utility routine converts a glvn structure or a series of SET @ arguments to a string of JS objects. The format of the ^%JSWRITE utility is:



# Demo lv
GTM>zwrite demodevtest
demodevtest("Developer1","Token1","testSetup")="runtest holt maintest cpipe"
demodevtest("Developer1","Token2","testSetup")="runtest holt maintest tconv"
demodevtest("Developer2","Token3","testSetup")="runtest holt maintest tconv"
demodevtest("Developer3","Token4","testSetup")="runtest holt maintest tconv"
GTM>set glvn="demodevtest(""Developer2"")" 
GTM>do ^%JSWRITE(glvn,"*") ; JS Object Strings: All descendants of demodevtest("Developer2") 
{"demodevtest":{"Developer2":{"Token3":{"testSetup":"runtest holt maintest tconv"}}}}
GTM>do ^%JSWRITE(glvn,"[*]") ; Array: All descendants of demodevtest("Developer2") 
[{"demodevtest":{"Developer2":{"Token3":{"testSetup":"runtest holt maintest tconv"}}}},
GTM> do ^%JSWRITE(glvn,"#") ; JS Object Strings: All descendants of demodevtest starting from demodevtest("Developer2") 
{"demodevtest":{"Developer2":{"Token3":{"testSetup":"runtest holt maintest tconv"}}}}
{"demodevtest":{"Developer3":{"Token4":{"testSetup":"runtest holt maintest tconv"}}}}
GTM>do ^%JSWRITE(glvn,"[#]") ; Array: All descendants of demodevtest starting from demodevtest("Developer2") 
[{"demodevtest":{"Developer2":{"Token3":{"testSetup":"runtest holt maintest tconv"}}}},
{"demodevtest":{"Developer3":{"Token4":{"testSetup":"runtest holt maintest tconv"}}}},
$ $gtm_dist/mumps -r %XCMD 'ZWRITE ^demodevtest' | $gtm_dist/mumps -r STDIN^%JSWRITE
[{"^demodevtest":{"Developer1":{"Token1":{"testSetup":"runtest holt maintest cpipe"}}}},
{"^demodevtest":{"Developer1":{"Token2":{"testSetup":"runtest holt maintest tconv"}}}},
{"^demodevtest":{"Developer2":{"Token3":{"testSetup":"runtest holt maintest tconv"}}}},
{"^demodevtest":{"Developer3":{"Token4":{"testSetup":"runtest holt maintest tconv"}}}},

Utility Label:

STDIN^%JSWRITE [singlesub]

With the STDIN, the %JSWRITE utility routine expects a valid SET @ argument (like the one from the ZWRITE command) as its standard input over a named/unnamed pipe device and returns an array of objects. This construct ensures that $ZUSEDSTOR remains consistently low even for processing large data for conversion. STDIN^%JSWRITE automatically terminates the process with a non-zero exit status when it does not receive a READ terminator for 120 seconds from standard input.

When "singlesub" is specified as an argument, ^%JSWRITE expects ZWRITE lines for single subscript glvns. Here ^%JSWRITE implicitly removes the unsubscripted glvn name and returns an array collection of objects in the form of [{"key1":value,"key2":value,...},{"key1":value,"key2":value,...}] where:

The subscript first received by STDIN^%JSWRITE singlesub denotes the start of the object. When ^%JSWRITE finds the same subscript, it ends the current object boundary and starts the boundary of a new object.


$ $gtm_dist/mumps -r ^RTN
$ $gtm_dist/mumps -r ^RTN | $gtm_dist/mumps -r STDIN^%JSWRITE singlesub

fis-gtm-jswrite.tar.gz is an npm package containing four ^%JSWRITE reference implementations and three examples for the ^%JSWRITE utility routine. It also includes a utility class called JSWRITE.js to help process the output of the ^%JSWRITE utility routine for use in a JavaScript runtime environment and convert JavaScript objects to SET @ arguments.

The fis-gtm-jswrite.tar.gz package is available only for supported GT.M customers from the FIS Client Portal ( Being a supported GT.M customer entitles you to receive package patches and upgrades under the terms of your support agreement. Note that the license for the fis-gtm-jswrite.tar.gz does not permit redistribution. You may use the fis-gtm-jswrite.tar.gz package as-is or modify as appropriate to suit your needs. In both the cases, you must adequately test the reference implementations and the utility class before using them in a production environment. Please contact or your support channel for more information on obtaining this package.

The ^%JSWRITE reference implementations are:

  1. Dynamic Journal File Progress Bar: GTMJSJNLCHAIN.m/gtmjsjnlchain.js

  2. Global Buffers Dashboard: GTMJSACCESSBG.m/gtmjsaccessbg.js

  3. Journal File Chain Report: GTMJSJNLCHAIN.m/gtmjsdbjnl.js

  4. %YGBLSTATS Sparkline Chart and %YGBLSTATS to JSON: GTMJSGVSTATS.m/gtmjsgvstats.js

The examples are:

  1. gtmjstree.js (renders ^sampletree in the form of a tree)

  2. gtmjs-sql1.js (a simple example)

  3. gtmjs-sql2.js (a simple example)

  4. gtmjs-to-gtm.js (example of JSWRITE.js helper class)

Step 1: Install node.js and npm

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -
sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
curl -L | sh

Step 2: Install the fis-gtm-jswrite npm package

cd $project_dir
npm install /path/to/fis-gtm-jswrite.tar.gz # This command installs the @fis-gtm/jswrite package and the relevant %JSWRITE reference implementation dependencies. 
npm audit --fix

Step 3: Run the %JSWRITE reference implementations

# The following reference implementations use the "STDIN^%JSWRITE singlesub" entry point and require the gtmposix plugin.
export gtmroutines="node_modules/@fis-gtm/jswrite/reference_implementations $gtmroutines"      # include the reference_implementations directory in the search list
node node_modules/@fis-gtm/jswrite/reference_implementations/gtmjsjnlchain.js  # journal file chain status sheet  
node node_modules/@fis-gtm/jswrite/reference_implementations/gtmjsaccessbg.js  # %dirty buffer dashboard 
node node_modules/@fis-gtm/jswrite/reference_implementations/gtmjsdbjnl.js     # displays the size of the database and journal files 
# Set the environment variable LC_ALL to a UTF8 locale (needed for the %JSWRITE Sparkline Chart (GTMJSGVSTATS.m/gtmjsgvstats.js) reference implementation)
node node_modules/@fis-gtm/jswrite/reference_implementations/gtmjsgvstats.js   # By default, this reference implementation displays a sparkline chart for SETs and GETs. For monitoring other statistics, open gtmjsgvstats.js and update the STAT array to include the list of statistics which require sparkline chart style monitoring.  

Step 4: Run the examples

Create a sandbox environment for GT.M and run the following commands:

$gtm_dist/mupip set -key_size=1019 -region "*"
$gtm_dist/mupip load node_modules/@fis-gtm/jswrite/examples/sample.zwr
$gtm_dist/mupip load node_modules/@fis-gtm/jswrite/examples/sampletree.zwr
export "gtmroutines=node_modules/@fis-gtm/jswrite/examples/ $gtmroutines"
# The following example uses the do ^%JSWRITE("^sample","[*]") entry point. This uses the lodash library to merge the nodes coming from %JSWRITE. 
npm install lodash@latest
node node_modules/@fis-gtm/jswrite/examples/gtmjstree.js     # loads sample.zwr in the tree format
# The following two examples use the STDIN^%JSWRITE entry point of the %JSWRITE utility routine and then use the getter methods of the JSWRITE.js helper class to create the SQL queries. 
npm install alasql@latest
node node_modules/@fis-gtm/jswrite/examples/gtmjs-sql1.js
npm install sqlite3@latest
node node_modules/@fis-gtm/jswrite/examples/gtmjs-sql2.js
# The following example uses the @fis-gtm/jswrite helper class (JSWRITE.js) to send data back to GT.M in SET @ argument form using shelljs.
npm install shelljs@latest
node node_modules/@fis-gtm/jswrite/examples/gtmjs-to-gtm.js

The journal file chain report display the journal file chain starting from the current journal file for reach region. This reference implementation also displays the "out-of-chain" journal files, that is, those journal files which are broken and do not participate in journal recovery in normal circumstances. These out-of-chain journal files can be removed at the discretion of the GT.M database administrator to make space available.

This %JSWRITE reference implementation uses the STDIN^%JSWRITE singlesub entrypoint of the %JSWRITE utility routine.


$ node node_modules/@fis-gtm/jswrite/reference_implementations/gtmjsjnlchain.js
# Journal File Chain Report
| Region     | Journal File                          | Size (MiB) | Switch Date          | Back link                    | Chain status |
| :--------- | :------------------------------------ | ---------: | :------------------- | :--------------------------- | ------------ |
| GTMWIZARDS | /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl               |       0.07 | current              | gtmwizards.mjl_2020063121042 | In chain     |
| GTMWIZARDS | /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl_2020063121042 |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:42 | gtmwizards.mjl_2020063121035 | In chain     |
| GTMWIZARDS | /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl_2020063121035 |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:35 | -                            | In chain     |
| REGIONA    | /path/to/regiona.mjl                  |       0.07 | current              | regiona.mjl_2020063121042    | In chain     |
| REGIONA    | /path/to/regiona.mjl_2020063121042    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:42 | regiona.mjl_2020063121035    | In chain     |
| REGIONA    | /path/to/regiona.mjl_2020063121035    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:35 | -                            | In chain     |
| REGIONB    | /path/to/regionb.mjl                  |       0.07 | current              | regionb.mjl_2020063121042    | In chain     |
| REGIONB    | /path/to/regionb.mjl_2020063121042    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:42 | regionb.mjl_2020063121035    | In chain     |
| REGIONB    | /path/to/regionb.mjl_2020063121035    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:35 | -                            | In chain     |
| REGIONC    | /path/to/regionc.mjl                  |       0.07 | current              | regionc.mjl_2020063121042    | In chain     |
| REGIONC    | /path/to/regionc.mjl_2020063121042    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:42 | regionc.mjl_2020063121035    | In chain     |
| REGIONC    | /path/to/regionc.mjl_2020063121035    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:35 | -                            | In chain     |
| N/A        | /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl_2020063120753 |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:07:53 | -                            | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl_2020063120800 |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:00 | -                            | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl_2020063120801 |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:01 | gtmwizards.mjl_2020063120800 | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl_2020063120812 |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:12 | gtmwizards.mjl_2020063120801 | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl_2020063120822 |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:22 | gtmwizards.mjl_2020063120812 | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl_2020063121026 |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:26 | gtmwizards.mjl_2020063120822 | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regiona.mjl_2020063120753    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:07:53 | -                            | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regiona.mjl_2020063120800    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:00 | -                            | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regiona.mjl_2020063120801    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:01 | regiona.mjl_2020063120800    | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regiona.mjl_2020063120812    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:12 | regiona.mjl_2020063120801    | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regiona.mjl_2020063120822    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:22 | regiona.mjl_2020063120812    | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regiona.mjl_2020063121026    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:26 | regiona.mjl_2020063120822    | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regionb.mjl_2020063120753    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:07:53 | -                            | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regionb.mjl_2020063120800    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:00 | -                            | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regionb.mjl_2020063120801    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:01 | regionb.mjl_2020063120800    | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regionb.mjl_2020063120812    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:12 | regionb.mjl_2020063120801    | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regionb.mjl_2020063120822    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:22 | regionb.mjl_2020063120812    | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regionb.mjl_2020063121026    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:26 | regionb.mjl_2020063120822    | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regionc.mjl_2020063120753    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:07:53 | -                            | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regionc.mjl_2020063120800    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:00 | -                            | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regionc.mjl_2020063120801    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:01 | regionc.mjl_2020063120800    | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regionc.mjl_2020063120812    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:12 | regionc.mjl_2020063120801    | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regionc.mjl_2020063120822    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:08:22 | regionc.mjl_2020063120812    | Out of chain |
| N/A        | /path/to/regionc.mjl_2020063121026    |       0.07 | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:26 | regionc.mjl_2020063120822    | Out of chain |
# Out of chain journal files:
 /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl_2020063120753 /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl_2020063120800 /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl_2020063120801 /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl_2020063120812 /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl_2020063120822 /path/to/gtmwizards.mjl_2020063121026 /path/to/regiona.mjl_2020063120753 /path/to/regiona.mjl_2020063120800 /path/to/regiona.mjl_2020063120801 /path/to/regiona.mjl_2020063120812 /path/to/regiona.mjl_2020063120822 /path/to/regiona.mjl_2020063121026 /path/to/regionb.mjl_2020063120753 /path/to/regionb.mjl_2020063120800 /path/to/regionb.mjl_2020063120801 /path/to/regionb.mjl_2020063120812 /path/to/regionb.mjl_2020063120822 /path/to/regionb.mjl_2020063121026 /path/to/regionc.mjl_2020063120753 /path/to/regionc.mjl_2020063120800 /path/to/regionc.mjl_2020063120801 /path/to/regionc.mjl_2020063120812 /path/to/regionc.mjl_2020063120822 /path/to/regionc.mjl_2020063121026
# Out of chain total        : 1.68 MiB
# Summary
| Region     | Size Total (MiB) | Recoverability up to |
| ---------- | ---------------- | -------------------- |
| GTMWIZARDS | 0.21             | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:35 |
| REGIONA    | 0.21             | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:35 |
| REGIONB    | 0.21             | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:35 |
| REGIONC    | 0.21             | 03-MAR-2020 12:10:35 |

JSWRITE.js is a utility class for managing objects created with the ^%JSWRITE utility routine of GT.M. It helps with object mutation and cases when you need to round-trip data back to GT.M. The use of JSWRITE.js is optional and is provided as a convenience to JavaScript developers working on ^%JSWRITE utility routine.

The constructor of JSWRITE.js takes one argument which can be an array collection object from %JSWRITE(glvn,[#]|[*]), one object string %JSWRITE(glvn,#|*), or an empty object. After instantiation, the object has the following getter function.


Returns an array containing the unsubscripted GT.M glvname and their subscripts. The first element of the array is always the glvname.


Returns the value of the GT.M glvname.


Contains an array of ZWR lines with each element represents one valid argument for use with SET @ in GT.M.

For example, for following GT.M lv structure:

GTM>do ^%JSWRITE("A","*")

..instantiate an object as follows:

> var JSWRITE=require("@fis-gtm/jswrite")
> JSObj=new JSWRITE({"A":{"One":{"Two":{"Three":{"Four":"Demo"}}}}})

The getter functions return the following values:


[ 'A', 'One', 'Two', 'Three', 'Four' ]




[ 'A("One","Two","Three","Four")="Demo"' ]


Attempts to traverse and convert the JSON paths and their values of JSONObj to a form that can be used with SET @. The argument must be an object. Specifying an array produces an error. Invoking the .toZWR(JSONObj) method appends the getZWRLines array.

customZWR(glvName, [subscripts], glvValue)

Returns an array containing the unsubscripted GT.M glvname and their subscripts. The first element of the array is always the glvname.


Checks whether the string argument is a valid JSON object. If str is a valid JSON string, it returns the result of JSON.parse(str).



>var JSWRITE=require("@fis-gtm/jswrite")
> JSObj=new JSWRITE({})
> JSObj.toZWR({"A":{"A1":[1,2,{"C":"C3"},4]}})
> JSObj.getZWRLines


> JSObj.customZWR("A",[1,2,3,4,5],"ABCD\n")
> JSObj.getZWRLines
[ 'A(1,2,3,4,5)="ABCD"_$C(10)_""' ]
loading table of contents...