GT.M provides nine ISVs (Intrinsic Special Variables) to facilitate trigger operations. With the exception of $ZTWORMHOLE, all numeric trigger-related ISVs return zero (0) outside of a trigger context; non-numeric ISVs return the empty string.

$ZTWORMHOLE allows you to specify a string up to 128KB of information you want to make available during trigger execution. You can use $ZTWORMHOLE to supply an application-context or process context to your trigger logic. Because GT.M makes $ZTWORMHOLE available throughout the duration of the process, you can access or update $ZTWORMHOLE both from inside and outside a trigger.

$ZTWORMHOLE provides a mechanism to access information from a process/application context that is otherwise unavailable in trigger context. GT.M records any non-empty string value of $ZTWORMHOLE in the GT.M database journal file as part of any update that invokes at least one trigger which references $ZTWORMHOLE. GT.M also transmits any non-NULL $ZTWORMHOLE value in the replication stream, thus providing the same context to triggers invoked by MUPIP processes (either as part of the replicating instance update process or as part of MUPIP journal recovery/rollback). Therefore, whenever you use $ZTWORMHOLE in a trigger, you create something like a wormhole for process context that is otherwise NEWed in the run-time or non-existent in MUPIP.

Note that if trigger code does not reference $ZTMORMHOLE, GT.M does not make it available to MUPIP (via the journal files or replication stream). Therefore, if a replicating secondary has different trigger code than the initiating primary (an unusual configuration) and the triggers on the replicating node require information from $ZTWORMHOLE, the triggers on the initiating node must reference $ZTWORMHOLE to ensure GT.M maintains the data it contains for use by the update process on the replicating node. While you can change $ZTWORMHOLE within trigger code, because of the arbitrary ordering of triggers on the same node, such an approach requires careful design and implementation. GTM allows $ZTWORMHOLE to be NEW'd. NEWing $ZTWORMHOLE is slightly different from NEWing other ISVs/variables in the sense that the former retains its original value whereas the latter does not. However, like other NEWs, GT.M restores $ZTWORMHOLE's value when the stack level pops.

The following table summarizes the read/write permissions assigned to all trigger-related ISVs within trigger context and outside trigger context.


The following examples are derived from the FIS Profile application.

Nodes in ^ACN(CID,50) have TYPE in piece 1, CLS in piece 2, FEEPLN in piece 15 and EMPLNO in piece 31. Indexes are ^XACN(CLS,ACN,CID), ^XREF("EMPLCTA",EMPLNO,ACN,TYPE,CID) and ^XREF("FEEPLN",FEEPLN,CID) and use ACN from the first piece of ^ACN(CLS,99). These indexes are maintained with four triggers: one invoked by a KILL or ZKill of an ^ACN(:,50) node and three invoked by SETs to different pieces of ^ACN(:,50) nodes. Note that ACN, CID, CLS and TYPE are required, whereas EMPLNO and FEEPLN can be null, which requires (in our convention) the use of $ZC(254) in indexes. The triggerfile definitions are:

+^ACN(cid=:,50) -zdelim="|" -pieces=2 -commands=SET -xecute="Do ^SclsACN50"  
+^ACN(cid=:,50) -zdelim="|" -pieces=1,31 -commands=SET -xecute="Do ^SemplnoTypeACN50" +^ACN(cid=:,50) -zdelim="|" -pieces=15 -commands=SET -xecute="Do ^SfeeplnACN50" 
+^ACN(cid=:,50) -commands=KILL,ZKill -xecute="Do ^KACN50" 

The code in KACN50.m KILLs cross reference indexes when the application deletes any ^ACN(:,50).

KACN50 ; KILL of entire ^ACN(:,50) node, e.g., from account deletion
  ; Capture information
  Set cls=$Piece($ZTOLD,"|",2)                   ; CLS
  Set emplno=$Piece($ZTOLD,"|",31)
  Set:'$Length(emplno) emplno=$ZC(254)                ; EMPLNO
  Set feepln=$Piece($ZTOLD,"|",15) 
  Set:'$L(feepln) feepln=$ZC(254)                     ; FEEPLN
  Set type=$Piece($ZTOLD,"|",1)                  ; TYPE
  Set acn=$Piece(^ACN(cid,99),"|",1)             ; ACN
  Kill ^XACN(cls,acn,cid)
  Kill ^XREF("EMPLCTA",emplno,acn,type,cid)
  Kill ^XREF("FEEPLN",feepln,cid)

The routine in SclsACN50.m creates cross references for a SET or a SET $PIECE() that modifies the second piece of ^ACN(:,50).

SClsACN50 ; Update to CLS in ^ACN(,50)
 ; Capture information 
  Set oldcls=$Piece($ZTOLD,"|",2)                ; Old CLS 
  Set cls=$Piece($ZTVAL,"|",2)                   ; New CLS 
  Set acn=$Piece(^ACN(cid,99),"|",1)             ; ACN 
  Set processMode=$Piece($ZTWORM,"|",1)          ; Process
  If processMode<2 Kill ^XACN(oldcls,acn,cid)
  Set ^XACN(cls,acn,cid)="" 

Note that the example is written for clarity. Eliminating values that need not be assigned to temporary local variables produces:

  S acn=$P(^ACN(cid,99),"|",1)
  I $P($ZTWORM,"|",1)<2 K ^XACN($P($ZTOLD,"|",2),acn,cid)
  S ^XACN($P($ZTVAL,"|",2),acn,cid)=""

Indeed, this index can simply be included in the (one line) triggerfile specification itself:

+^ACN(cid=:,50) -zdelim="|" -pieces=2 -commands=SET -xecute="S oldcls=$P($ZTOLD,""|"",2),acn=$P(^ACN(cid,99),""|"",1) K:$P($ZTWO,""|"",1)<2 ^XACN(oldcls,acn,cid) S ^XACN($P($ZTVAL,""|"",2),acn,cid)="""""

In the interest of readability most triggerfile definitions in this chapter are written as complete routines. The code in SemplnoTypeACN50.m handles changes to pieces 1 and 31 of ^ACN(:,50). Note that a SET to ^ACN(:,50) that modifies either or both pieces causes this trigger to execute just once, whereas two sequential SET $Piece() commands, to first modify one piece and then the other cause it to execute twice, at different times, once for each piece.

EmplnoTypeACN50 ; Update to EMPLNO and/or TYPE in ^ACN(,50)
 ; Capture information 
  Set oldemplno=$Piece($ZTOLD,"|",31)
  Set:'$Length(oldemplno) oldemplno=$ZC(254)
  Set emplno=$Piece($ZTVAL,"|",31)
  Set:'$L(emplno) emplno=$ZC(254)
  Set oldtype=$Piece($ZTOLD,"|",1)
  Set type=$Piece($ZTVAL,"|",1)
  Set acn=$Piece(^ACN(cid,99),"|",1)
  Set processMode=$Piece($ZTWORM,"|",1)
  If processMode<2 Do
  . Kill ^XREF("EMPLNO",oldemplno,acn,oldtype,cid) 
  . Set ^XREF("EMPLNO",emplno,acn,type,cid)=""

The code in SFeeplnACN50.m handles changes to piece 15.

SFeeplnACN50 ; Update to FEEPLN in ^ACN(,50)
  ; Capture information     
  Set oldfeepln=$Piece($ZTOLD,"|",15)
  Set:'$Length(oldfeepln) oldfeepln=$ZC(254)    
  Set feepln=$Piece($ZTVAL,"|",15)
  Set:'$Length(feepln) feepln=$ZC(254)
  Set processMode=$Piece($ZTWORM,"|",1)
  If processMode<2 Do 
  . Kill ^XREF("FEEPLN",oldfeepln,cid) Set ^XREF("FEEPLN",feepln,cid)=""
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