The Global utilities are:

%G: Displays global variables and their values.

%GC: Copies a global or global sub-tree.

%GCE: Replaces a specified value or part of a value in a set of variables.

%GD: Displays existing globals in the current global directory without displaying their values or descendants.

%GED: Provides full-screen editing capabilities for global variables and values.

%GI: Loads global data from a sequential file into a GT.M database.

%GO: Extracts global data from a GT.M database into a sequential file.

%GSE: Displays global variables and their values when the values contain a specified string or number.

%GSEL: Selects globals.

%ZSHOWVTOLCL: Restores ZSHOW "V":gvn data into its original local variables.

The "%" sign has been removed from the topic headings below, intentionally.

The %G utility displays names, descendants and values of globals currently existing in the database. Use %G to examine global variables and their values. Enter a question mark (?) at any prompt to display help information.

Output Device: <terminal>:

Requests a destination device; defaults to the principal device.

List ^Requests the name, in ZWRITE format, of a global to display.

For descriptions of valid input to the List ^ prompt, see the following table.

Arguments for %G and %GED:




Global name

M name

SQL, %5

M pattern form to match several globals

?1"A".E, ?1A1"TMP"

asterisk to match all global names


global directory lists request


Subscripts following a global name in parentheses

M expr



[expr]:[expr] for a range

1:10, "A":"F",

:4, PNT:, :

M pattern form to match certain subscripts



* descendants


The %GCE utility changes every occurrence of a string within the data of selected global nodes to a replacement string. ^%GCE changes the string in each place it occurs, even if it forms part of a longer string. For example, changing the string 12 to 55 changes 312 to 355.

%GCE displays the name of each global as it is processed. You can suppress the output of the names of globals in which no changes are made by using the QUIET utility label.

The %GSEL utility selects globals. %GSEL creates a variable %ZG that is a local array of the selected globals. After each selection %GSEL displays the number of globals in %ZG.

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