This section describes the operation of GT.M database encryption with the reference implementation. A subsequent section describes the functions of the reference implementation which can be reworked or rewritten to use different encryption packages.




An encryption algorithm or the implementation of an encryption algorithm, for example, the symmetric cipher AES 256 CFB.

Hash (or Fingerprint)

A signature algorithmically derived from an object which is certain to a very impressive probability that uniquely identifies an object within a set of similar objects.

Key length

The number of bits comprising a key. Longer key lengths may result in stronger encryption (more difficult to break) but require more computation.

Key management

The generation, distribution, and access of keys. The reference implementation of database encryption uses:

  1. symmetric keys to encrypt data and index records.

  2. public keys to encrypt symmetric keys (so they can be placed on disk).

  3. private keys to decrypt symmetric keys.

  4. passwords to encrypt private keys (so they can be placed on disk).

Master key file

This file contains pairs of entries indicating which symmetric key is used to encrypt/decrypt database records. Database records can be found in database, journal, extract and backup files.


A technique used to make data difficult to discern on casual observation. A common example is "pig Latin". Since the password used for the GPG keyring exists in the process' environment with the reference implementation, GT.M obfuscates it to reduce the chance that visual access to process information (say during debugging) inadvertently exposes the password.

Password (or Passphrase)

A secret word or phrase used in the reference implementation to protect a private key on disk (a password should never be on disk in the clear, which is the electronic equivalent of taping it to your monitor with a sticky note).

Public key / Private key (or Asymmetric keys)

A pair of keys used so what one key encrypts the other can decrypt. The private key is sometimes referred to as the "secret" key (because it is not shared as opposed to the public key which is; the private key should never be on disk in the clear). In the reference implementation, asymmetric keys are used to encrypt the symmetric database key. This allows a master to encrypt a symmetric database key with a user's public key (so only the user can decrypt it with their private key).

Encryption using a public key / private key pair is referred to as "public key encryption". The reference implementation uses GNU Privacy Guard with associated libraries libgpgme and libgpg-error for asymmetric key encryption.

Symmetric key

The same key used to both encrypt and decrypt. Symmetric ciphers are faster than asymmetric ciphers. Encryption using a symmetric key is referred to as "symmetric key encryption". Depending on the platform, the reference implementation uses either GNU Privacy Guard's libgcrypt, or libcrypto from OpenSSL, for symmetric key encryption.

A passphrase protects the key ring on disk that contains the private key uses to encrypt the asymmetric database keys. GT.M requires this passphrase either in an obfuscated form as the value of the gtm_passwd environment variable, or,if gtm_passwd is set to "" and then typed at the GTMCRYPT passphrase prompt. GT.M obfuscates the passphrase to prevent inadvertent disclosure, for example, in a dump of the environment that you may submit to FIS for product support purposes, the passphrase in the environment is obfuscated using information available to processes on the system on which the process is running, but not available on other systems.

You can provide the passphrase of the key ring to GT.M in one of the following four ways:

Remember that $gtm_passwd is not a database authenetication mechanism. $gtm_passwd provide the keyring passphrase to GT.M and the requirement to put it in an obfusacated form is for better security.

For each key_filename, the GT.M process (MUMPS, MUPIP or DSE) builds a memory key ring from the key ring on disk and the master key file. The memory key ring contains a list of elements where each element consists of a filename, a symmetric cipher key, and a cryptographic hash of that symmetric cipher key. Using the private key obtained from the key ring on disk, GT.M obtains the symmetric keys from key files pointed to by the master key file.

Database and journal file headers include a cryptographic hash of the encryption key and algorithm used for that file. When opening a file, GT.M uses the key in the memory key ring whose hash matches that in the header - the database_filename in the key ring is ignored. Older keys need not be deleted until they are no longer required (for example, an older key may be required to access a restored backup copy of a database). Permitting the same database_filename to occur multiple times in a master key file also enables one master key file to be used for multiple instances of an application. This ensures that the correct key for a file is always used, even if the file has been renamed, copied from another location, etc. - the correct key must of course be available in the memory key ring; if no such key exists, GT.M triggers a CRYPTKEYFETCHFAILED error.

Only for MUPIP CREATE does GT.M rely on the database_filename in the key ring. MUPIP CREATE computes the cryptographic hash for the correct key to place in the database file header. If the same database_filename occurs more than once in the master key file (and hence in the memory key ring), MUPIP CREATE uses the key_filename associated with the last occurrence of that database_filename in the master key file.

This is illustrated by the following illustration:

On disk, database and journal files are always encrypted - GT.M never writes unencrypted data to an encrypted database or journal file. GT.M uses decryption when reading data records from disk, and encryption when it writes data records to disk.

With encrypted databases, the number of global buffers allocated is automatically doubled, for example, if the database file header specifies 2000 global buffers, when the file is opened, GT.M automatically allocates 4000 global buffers. Global buffers are used in pairs: one global buffer has a copy of the encrypted database block as it exists on disk and the other has a copy of the unencrypted version. There is no change to the size of the control structures (including lock space and journal buffers) in shared memory. So, when using encrypted databases, you need to adjust your calculations of memory and shared memory usage accordingly: for each open database file, the shared memory usage will increase by the number of global buffers times the block size. For example, if the block size of a database file is 4KB, with 2048 global buffers, and the shared memory segment for that database file occupies 9MB when unencrypted, it occupies 17MB when the file is encrypted. Depending on your operating system you may need to change system configuration and tuning parameters. Other than global buffers, there is no change to memory usage with encryption.

Encrypted databases consume additional CPU resources for encryption and decryption. Without detailed knowledge of the chosen algorithms, the application patterns and hardware configuration, it is not possible to predict whether this will be appreciable, and whether application throughput will be affected. As far as possible, FIS has attempted to engineer GT.M database encryption so that the additional CPU resources are consumed outside software critical sections. The intention is to minimize the impact of encryption on application throughput, at least on computer systems that are not starved of CPU resources. You should determine the actual impact of encryption on your application when it runs on your system, preferably using a test environment that exactly reflects your production environment.

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