AD[D] |
-B[LOCK]=block number |
- |
- |
-D[ATA]=string |
Incompatible with -POINTER, -STAR |
- |
-K[EY]=key |
Incompatible with -STAR |
- |
-O[FFSET]=offset |
Incompatible with -RECORD, -STAR |
- |
-P[OINTER]=pointer |
Incompatible with -DATA |
- |
-R[ECORD]=record-number |
Incompatible with -OFFSET, -STAR |
- |
-S[TAR] |
Incompatible with -DATA,-KEY, -OFFSET, -RECORD |
AL[L] |
-A[LL] |
Meaningful only with -DUMP |
- |
Incompatible with -RENEW |
- |
Incompatible with -RENEW, -RELEASE, -SEIZE |
- |
-D[UMP] |
Use with: -ALL |
- |
Incompatible with -RENEW |
- |
Meaningful only with -[NO]FREEZE |
- |
Incompatible with -RENEW |
- |
Incompatible with -CRITINIT, -RENEW,-SEIZE |
- |
-REN[EW] |
Use alone |
- |
-S[EIZE] |
Incompatible with -RENEW, -RELEASE, -CRITINIT |
- |
Incompatible with -RENEW |
-ALL |
Used with -RECOVER, -SHOW, and -VERIFY |
- |
Use only with -ALL. |
- |
-SH[OW] |
Use only with -ALL. |
- |
Use only with -ALL. |
-BL[OCK]=block number |
Incompatible with -FILEHEADER and qualifiers used with -FILEHEADER |
- |
-BS[IZ]=block-size |
Use only with -BLOCK, -LEVEL, -TN |
- |
-L[EVEL]=level |
Use only with -BLOCK, -BSIZ, -TN |
- |
-TN [=transaction number] |
Use only with -BLOCK, -BSIZ, -LEVEL |
- |
-OF[FSET]=offset |
Use only with -BLOCK, -CMPC, -RSIZ |
- |
-RE[CORD]=record number |
Use only with -BLOCK, -CMPC, -RSIZ |
- |
-CM[PC]= compression count |
Use only with -BLOCK, -RECORD, -OFFSET, -RSIZ |
- |
-RS[IZ]=record size |
Use only with -CMPC -OFFSET, -RECORD, -BLOCK |
- |
Incompatible with -BSIZ, -CMPC, -TN, -LEVEL, -OFFSET, -RECORD, -RSIZ |
- |
AVG_BLKS_READ=Average blocks read |
- |
- |
B_B[YTESTREAM]=transaction number |
- |
- |
-B_C[OMPREHENSIVE]=transaction number |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
B_D[ATABASE] = transaction number |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
-B_I[NCREMENTAL] = transaction number |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
-BLK[_SIZE]=block size |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
-BLO[CKS_FREE]=free blocks |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
-B_R[ECORD]=transaction number |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
-CO[RRUPT_FILE]=value |
Use only with -FILEHEADER |
- |
-CU[RRENT_TN]=transaction number |
Use only with -FILEHEADER |
- |
-DATA[_RESERVED_BYTES]=data_reserved bytes |
Use only with -FILEHEADER;decimal |
- |
Use only with -FILHEADER; decimal |
- |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; |
- |
Use only with -FILEHEADER |
- |
-FL[USH_TIME][=delta time] |
Use only with -FILEHEADER |
- |
-FR[EEZE]=value |
Use only with -FILEHEADER |
- |
-FU[LLY_UPGRADED]=boolean |
Use only with -FILEHEADER |
- |
Use only with -FILEHEADER |
- |
-HARD_SPIN_COUNT=Mutex hard spin count |
Use only with -FILEHEADER |
-HEXL[OCATION]=value |
Use only with -FILEHEADER;hexa | |
- |
-INDEX[_RESERVED_BYTES]=index_reserved_bytes |
Use only with -FILEHEADER;decimal |
- |
-INT[ERRUPTED_RECOV]=boolean | |
- |
-JNL_YIELD_LIMIT=journal yeild limit | |
- |
-K[EY_MAX_SIZE]=key_max_size |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
-M[ACHINE_NAM]=value | |
- |
Use only with -FILEHEADER |
- |
-NO[CRIT] | |
- |
- |
- |
-RE_READ_TRIGGER=read trigger | |
- |
-Q[UANTUM_INTERVAL] [=delta time] |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
-REC[ORD_MAX_SIZE]=maximum record size |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
-REF[ERENCE_COUNT]=reference count |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
-REG[_SEQNO]=sequence number |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; hexa |
- |
-RESERVED_BYTES=reserved bytes |
Use only with -FILEHEADER;decimal |
- |
-[NO] RES[PONSE_INTERVAL] [=delta time] |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
-SLEEP_SPIN_COUNT=mutex sleep spin count |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; |
- |
-SPIN_SLEEP_TIME=mutex sleep time | |
- |
-[NO]S[TALENESS_TIMER] [=delta time] |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
-TIC[K_INTERVAL] [=delta time] |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
-TIM[ERS_PENDING]=timers pending |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
-TO[TAL_BLKS]=total_blocks |
Use only with -FILEHEADER |
- |
-TR[IGGER_FLUSH]=trigger flush |
Use only with -FILEHEADER |
- |
-W[RITES_PER_FLUSH]=writes per flush |
Use only with -FILEHEADER; decimal |
- |
-WAIT_DISK=wait disk |
- |
- |
-Zqgblmod_S[EQNO] = sequence number |
Use only with -FILEHEADER;hexa |
- |
-Zqgblmod_TN=sequence_number |
Use only with -FILEHEADER;hexa |
- |
- |
-I[NIT] |
Use only with -RESET |
- |
-O[WNER] |
Use alone |
- |
Use alone |
- |
Use alone |
- |
-RES[ET] |
Use only with -INIT |
- |
-S[EIZE] |
Use alone |
D[UMP] |
-B[LOCK]=block_number |
Incompatible with -FILEHEADER |
- |
-C[OUNT]=count |
Incompatible with -FILEHEADER |
- |
Use alone |
- |
-G[LO] |
Incompatible with -FILEHEADER, -HEADER |
- |
Use only with -FILEHEADER |
- |
Incompatible with -FILEHEADER, -GLO |
- |
-O[FFSET]=offset |
Incompatible with -FILEHEADER, -RECORD |
- |
-R[ECORD]=record_number |
Incompatible with -FILEHEADER, -OFFSET |
Incompatible with -HEXADECIMAL |
- |
Incompatible with -DECIMAL |
- |
-N[UMBER]=number |
Required |
EX[IT] |
- | |
F[IND] |
-B[LOCK]=block_number |
Incompatible with -KEY, -REGION |
- |
Incompatible with -KEY, -REGION, -FREEBLOCK |
- |
Required with -HINT; compatible with -BLOCK |
- |
-H[INT]=block_number |
Required with -FREEBLOCK |
- |
-K[EY]=key |
Use alone |
- |
-R[EGION][=region] |
Use alone |
- |
Incompatible with -FREEBLOCK, -HINT, -KEY, -REGION |
H[ELP] |
[help topic] |
- |
-B[LOCK]=block_number |
- |
M[APS] |
-BL[OCK]=block_number |
Incompatible with -RESTORE_ALL |
- |
-BU[SY] |
Compatible only with -BLOCK |
- |
-F[REE] |
- |
- |
- |
- |
Use alone |
OP[EN] |
-F[ILE]=file |
- |
-B[LOCK]=block_number -D[ATA]=string |
- |
- |
-O[FFSET]=offset |
- |
P[AGE] |
- |
- |
-F[ROM]=block_number |
- |
- |
-T[O]=block_number |
- |
- |
-I[NDEX]=block_number -L[OST]=block_number -[NOT]BUSY=busy/free -S[TAR]=block_number -L[OWER]=key |
- |
- |
-U[PPER]=key |
- |
-B[LOCK]=block-number |
- |
- |
-C[OUNT]=count |
Incompatible with -VERSION |
- |
-O[FFSET]=offset |
Incompatible with -VERSION, -RECORD |
- |
-R[ECORD]=record-number |
Incompatible with -VERSION, -OFFSET |
- |
-V[ERSION]=version-number |
Use only with -BLOCK; decimal |
-B[LOCK]=block-number |
- |
- |
-F[ROM]=block-number |
- |
- |
-R[EGION]=region |
- |
- |
-V[ERSION]=version-number |
Required; decimal |
SA[VE] |
-B[LOCK]=block-number |
- |
- |
-C[OMMENT]=string |
Incompatible with -LIST |
- |
-L[IST] |
Incompatible with -COMMENT |
-B[ACKWARD]=shift |
Incompatible with -FORWARD |
- |
-F[ORWARD]=shift |
Incompatible with -BACKWARD |
- |
-O[FFSET]=offset |
- |
[CLI command] |
- |
- |
- |
* Use these qualifiers only with instructions from FIS.