Database encryption is only useful as one component of a comprehensive security plan and is insufficient as the sole means of securing data. The use of database encryption should follow from a good security plan. This document describes implementing encrypted GT.M databases; it does not discuss security plans.

Proper security protocol never places an unencrypted password, even in obfuscated form and/or in an obscure location, on disk. With GT.M database encryption, unencrypted passwords exist in the address space of processes accessing the database, which means that unencrypted passwords can theoretically be written to swap files when process memory is paged out. To be secure, an installation must handle this by means such as: using encrypted swap devices or files, ensuring that GT.M processes are not paged out, or some other means to ensure that information in swap files is available only to the running process. In other words, even with respect to encryption, GT.M database encryption is only part of a complete security infrastructure.

Our expertise is in GT.M, not in encryption. Encryption needs vary. Furthermore, the use of encryption may be restricted - or required - by regulations applicable to your location and circumstances. Therefore, our approach is to create a plug-in architecture where you can choose your preferred encryption software. In the course of development, we tested it primarily with GNU Privacy Guard, the widely available implementation of Pretty Good Privacy (see "PGP: Pretty Good Privacy" by Simson Garfinkel). Ensure that you have confidence in (and confidence in the support for) whichever encryption software you choose, because failure of the encryption software is likely to leave your data unrecoverable. GT.M itself performs no encryption, and encryption is performed exclusively by software that you install and configure. FIS neither endorses nor supports any specific encryption algorithm or library.

Furthermore, just as GT.M allows for the use of your choice of encryption libraries, encryption libraries in turn require keys that must be managed. In its simplest form, key management requires both that only those who need a key have that key, and also that keys are not lost. Key management is two steps removed from GT.M's implementation of database encryption, but is important to the successful use of encrypted databases. It must be part of your operations policies and procedures. FIS strongly recommends that you understand in detail how to implement the infrastructure for whichever specific encryption you choose.

Elements of your security infrastructure and management processes outside of GT.M database encryption need to manage issues discussed in the following sections.

This is a corollary of the fact that data not at rest is not protected by GT.M database encryption.

In order to encrypt and decrypt databases, keys must exist in the address space / environment of GT.M processes. Furthermore, with the reference implementation, processes also need to have access to the user's private key, and to get access to the private key, they need access to the passphrase of the user's GPG keyring. In order to pass encryption to child processes, the passphrase also exists in the process environment, even if obfuscated. This means that any process that can access the address space or environment of a GT.M process accessing encrypted databases has access to the passphrases and keys.

FIS neither endorses nor supports any specific encryption algorithm.

The selection of an encryption algorithm is determined by many factors, including but not limited to, organizational preferences, legal requirements, industry standards, computational performance, robustness, the availability of encryption hardware, etc. No algorithm meets all needs.

Therefore, GT.M provides a "plug-in" architecture for encryption algorithms, which allows you to integrate your preferred encryption software with GT.M. In the GT.M development environment, we created variations on a reference implementation using popular encryption packages for our validation. We tested each reference implementation variation on at least one computing platform, and one reference implementation variation on each computing platform. This document lists which encryption package we tested on which platform.

You take all responsibility for the selection and use of a specific encryption package. Please be aware that:

  1. All encryption libraries that run within the address space of a GT.M process must conform to the rules of any functions for GT.M, as documented, including but not limited to being single threaded, not altering GT.M's signal handlers, restricting the use of timers to the API provided by GT.M, etc.[4]

  2. Malfunction of encryption software or hardware can render your data irrecoverable. As part of your comprehensive organizational risk management strategy, please consider the use of logical multi-site application configurations, possibly with different encryption packages and certainly with different encryption keys.

  3. The cipher used for database encryption must not change the length of the encrypted sequence of bytes. In other words, if the cleartext string is n bytes, the encrypted string must also be n bytes.

At some point in the process invocation chain, the reference implementation requires a human being to provide a password that is placed (in obfuscated form) in the process environment where child processes can inherit it. If you want to be able to access encrypted databases without any human interaction, you must modify the reference implementation, or create your own implementation.

For example, if you have a GT.M based application server process that is started by xinetd in response to an incoming connection request from a client, you may want to consider an approach where the client sends in a key that is used to extract an encrypted password for the master key ring from the local disk, obfuscates it, and places it in the environment of the server process started by xinetd. If the application protocol cannot be modified to allow the client to provide an additional password, xinetd can be started with the $gtm_passwd obfuscated password in its environment, and the xinetd passenv parameter used to pass $gtm_passwd from the xinetd process to the spawned server process.

[3] In the event core dumps are needed to troubleshoot operational issues, they can always be re-enabled.

[4] GT.M provides functions gtm_hiber_start(), gtm_hiber_start_any(), gtm_start_timer(), gtm_cancel_timer(), gtm_jnlpool_detach(), gtm_malloc() and gtm_free() which can be freely used by plug-ins.

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