The following table lists ZMESSAGE numbers of all messages documented in this manual.
ZM # |
GT.M Message, Description |
150377402 |
ABNCOMPTINC, Deviceparameter xxxx and deviceparameter yyyy are not compatible in the zzzz command |
150377762 |
ACOMPTBINC, Deviceparameter xxxx is compatible with only yyyy in the command zzzz |
150383194 |
ACTCOLLMISMTCH, Global ^gggg inherits alternative collation sequence #nnnn from global directory but database file dddd contains different collation sequence #mmmm for this global |
150379234 |
ACTIVATEFAIL, Cannot activate passive source server on instance iiii while a receiver server and/or update process is running |
150374474 |
ACTLSTTOOLONG, More actual parameters than formal parameters: xxxx |
150374482 |
ACTOFFSET, Actuallist not allowed with offset |
150374290 |
ACTRANGE, Alternate Collating Type xxxx is out of range |
150377010 |
ADDRTOOLONG, Socket address xxxx of length aaaa is longer than the maximum permissible length bbbb |
150383434 |
AIMGBLKFAIL, AIMGBLKFAIL, After image build for block bbbb in region rrrr failed in DSE or MUPIP |
150384002 |
AIOBUFSTUCK, AIOBUFSTUCK, Waited mmmm minutes for PID: pppp to finish AIO disk write of block: bbbb |
150383906 |
AIOCANCELTIMEOUT, Pid pppp timed out waiting for a pending asynchronous IO operation to complete/cancel in database file ffff |
150384530 |
AIOQUEUESTUCK, Waited mmmm minutes for AIO work queue to complete (cr = rrrr) |
150381370 |
ALIASEXPECTED, Alias or alias container variable expected in this context |
150375034 |
AMBISYIPARAM, Parameter xxxx is ambiguous to $ZGETSYI() |
150377394 |
ANCOMPTINC, Deviceparameter xxxx is not compatible with any other deviceparameters in the yyyy command |
150384498 |
APDCONNFAIL, Audit Principal Device failed to connect to audit logger |
150384490 |
APDINITFAIL, Audit Principal Device failed to initialize audit information |
150384506 |
APDLOGFAIL, Audit Principal Device failed to log activity |
150383720 |
ARCTLMAXHIGH, The environment variable XXXX = YYYY is too high. Assuming the maximum acceptable value of ZZZZ |
150383728 |
ARCTLMAXLOW, The environment variable XXXX = YYYY is too low. Assuming the minimum acceptable value of ZZZZ |
150384768 |
ARGTRUNC, UUUU argument number CCCC truncated. Keep the size of total command line within NNNN bytes |
150381803 |
ARROWNTDSP, Unable to display ^----- due to length of source line |
150374524 |
ASSERT, Assert failed xxxx line yyyy |
150383930 |
ASYNCIONOMM, Database file ffffssss cannot cccc |
150384738 |
AUDCONNFAIL, Audit XXXX facility failed to connect to audit logger |
150384730 |
AUDINITFAIL, Audit XXXX facility failed to initialize audit information |
150384746 |
AUDLOGFAIL, Audit XXXX facility failed to log activity |
150384034 |
AUTODBCREFAIL, Automatic creation of database file DDDD associated with region RRRR failed; see associated messages for details |
150375339 |
BACKUPCTRL, Control Y or control C encountered during backup, aborting backup |
150372955 |
BACKUPDBFILE, DB file dddd backed up in file bbbb |
150373874 |
BACKUPFAIL, MUPIP cannot start backup with the above errors |
150381344 |
BACKUPKILLIP, Kill in progress indicator is set for file ffff, backup database could have incorrectly marked busy integrity errors |
150375059 |
BACKUPREPL, Replication Instance file iiii backed up in file rrrr |
150375067 |
BACKUPSEQNO, Journal Seqnos up to 0xhhhh are backed up |
150373419 |
BACKUPSUCCESS, Backup completed successfully |
150375259 |
BACKUPTN, Transactions from 0xbbbb to 0xeeee are backed up |
150372379 |
BADACCMTHD, Invalid access method was specified, file not created |
150381058 |
BADCASECODE, xxxx is not a valid case conversion code. |
150381066 |
BADCHAR, XXX is not a valid character in the YYY encoding form. |
150381050 |
BADCHSET, xxxx is not a valid character mapping in this context. |
150384610 |
BADCONNECTPARAM, Error parsing or invalid parameter. [XXXX] |
150375098 |
BADDBVER, Incorrect database version: xxxx |
150377650 |
BADGBLSECVER, Global section xxxx does not match the current database version |
150375218 |
BADGTMNETMSG, Invalid message sent to GT.CM server, type: xxxx |
150372386 |
BADJPIPARAM, xxxx is not a legal parameter for $ZGETJPI() |
150372690 |
BADLKIPARAM, xxxx is not a legal parameter for $ZGETLKI() |
150375490 |
BADLOCKNEST, Unsupported nesting of LOCK commands |
150384618 |
BADPARAMCOUNT, -CONNECTPARAMS accepts one to six parameter values |
150374618 |
BADQUAL, Unrecognized qualifier: xxxx |
150382138 |
BADREGION, Region is not BG, MM, or CM |
150375210 |
BADSRVRNETMSG, Invalid message received from GT.CM server |
150372394 |
BADSYIPARAM, xxxx is not a legal parameter to $ZGETSYI() |
150381498 |
BADTAG, BADTAG Unable to use file ffff (CCSID tttt) with CCSID uuuu |
150375274 |
BADTRNPARAM, xxxx is not a legal parameter to $ZTRNLNM |
150383034 |
BADZPEEKARG, Missing, invalid or surplus xxxx parameter for $ZPEEK() |
150383050 |
BADZPEEKFMT, $ZPEEK() value length inappropriate for selected format |
150383042 |
BADZPEEKRANGE, Access exception raised in memory range given to $ZPEEK() |
150377154 |
BCKUPBUFLUSH, Unable to flush buffer for online backup |
150375627 |
BEGINST, Beginning LOAD at record number: xxxx |
150380522 |
BEGSEQGTENDSEQ, Journal file xxxx has beginning sequence number aaaa greater than end sequence number bbbb |
150375786 |
BFRQUALREQ, The [NO]BEFORE qualifier is required for this command |
150376714 |
BIGNOACL, Existing file found when BIGRECORD specified with UDF format but no GT.M ACE, perhaps lost during COPY |
150375603 |
BINHDR, gggg Date: dddd TIME: tttt Extract Region Characteristics rrrr Blk Size: xxxx Rec Size: yyyy Key Size: kkkk |
150372402 |
BITMAPSBAD, Database bit maps are incorrect |
150384722 |
BKUPFILEPERM, Backup file dddd does not have write permission |
150384715 |
BKUPPROGRESS, Transfer : cccc / tttt (pppp%) ; Speed : zzzz MiB/sec ; Transactions : nnnn ; Estimated left : tt minutes |
150384707 |
BKUPRETRY, Retrying MUPIP BACKUP for region: rrrr (database file: dddd). Attempt: #nnnn of mmmm |
150382890 |
BKUPRUNNING, Process dddd is currently backing up region xxxx. Cannot start another backup. |
418816282 |
BKUPTMPFILOPEN, Open of backup temporary file aaaa failed |
418816290 |
BKUPTMPFILWRITE, Write to backup temporary file aaaa failed |
150379435 |
BLKCNTEDITFAIL, MUPIP recover or rollback failed to correct the block count field in the file header for file xxxx |
150383418 |
BLKINVALID, BLKINVALID, bbbb is not a valid block as database file ffff has nnnn total blocks |
150376899 |
BLKSIZ512, Block size xxxx rounds to yyyy |
150375584 |
BLKTOODEEP, Block level too deep |
150381130 |
BOMMISMATCH, XXX Byte Order Marker found when YYY character set specified. |
150381928 |
BOOLSIDEFFECT, Extrinsic ($$), External call ($&) or $INCREMENT() with potential side effects in Boolean expression |
150380514 |
BOVTMGTEOVTM, Journal file xxxx has beginning timestamp aaaa greater than end timestamp bbbb |
150380506 |
BOVTNGTEOVTN, Journal file xxxx has beginning transaction yyyy which is greater than end transaction zzzz |
150372411 |
BREAK, Break instruction encountered |
150372419 |
BREAKDEA, Break instruction encountered during Device error action |
150372427 |
BREAKZBA, Break instruction encountered during ZBREAK action |
150372371 |
BREAKZST, Break instruction encountered during ZSTEP action |
150379314 |
BSIZTOOLARGE, xxxx Block larger than specified maximum size |
150372442 |
BTFAIL, The database block table is corrupt; error type xxxx |
150377666 |
BUFFLUFAILED, Errors flushing buffers from uuuu for database file dddd |
150383848 |
BUFFSIZETOOSMALL, TCP xxxx buffer size passed to yyyy too small, setting to minimum size of zzzz. |
150379226 |
BUFOWNERSTUCK, PID xxxx waiting for PID yyyy to finish disk read of block zzzz. Been waiting for aaaa minutes. |
150376882 |
BUFRDTIMEOUT, Pid xxxx timed out waiting for buffered read by process yyyy to complete in database file zzzz |
150503803 |
BUFSIZIS, Journal Buffer size is xxxx |
150384520 |
BUFSPCDELAY, Request for bbbb blocks in region rrrr delayed |
150503811 |
BUFTOOSMALL, But block size xxxx requires buffer size yyyy |
150377099 |
CALLERID, Routine xxxx called from yyyy |
150381530 |
CALLINAFTERXIT, After a gtm_exit, a process can never create a valid GT.M context |
150383426 |
CANTBITMAP, CANTBITMAP, Can't perform this operation on a bit map (block at a 200 hexadecimal boundary) |
150376258 |
CEBIGSKIP, Compiler escape user routine skip count is too large |
150376274 |
CENOINDIR, Indirection type information not available for compiler escape feature |
150376266 |
CETOOLONG, Compiler escape substitution exceeds maximum line size |
150376242 |
CETOOMANY, Too many compiler escape substitutions in a single statement |
150376250 |
CEUSRERROR, Compiler escape user routine returned error code xxxx |
150384019 |
CHANGELOGINTERVAL, ssss Server is now logging to ffff every IIII transactions |
150380795 |
CHNGTPRSLVTM, Mupip will change tp_resolve_time from xxxx to yyyy because expected EPOCH or EOF record was not found in Journal File zzzz. |
150383402 |
CHSETALREADY, CHSETALREADY, Socket device already contains sockets with iCHSET=xxxx, oCHSET=xxxx |
150379642 |
CIDIRECTIVE, Invalid directive parameter passing. Expected I, O or IO. |
150379610 |
CIENTNAME, No label reference found for this entry in call-in table |
150380266 |
CIMAXLEVELS, Too many nested Call-ins. Nested resources exhaused at level !UL.>/error/fao=1!/ansi=0 |
150380250 |
CIMAXPARAM, Exceeded maximum number of parameters in the call-in table entry. An M routine cannot accept more than 32 parameters. |
150379666 |
CINOENTRY, No entry specified for xxxx in the call-in table |
150379650 |
CIPARTYPE, Invalid type specification for O/IO directive - expected pointer type |
150379626 |
CIRCALLNAME, Call-in routine name expected but not found |
150379634 |
CIRPARMNAME, Invalid parameter specification for call-in table |
150379618 |
CIRTNTYP, Invalid return type |
150379594 |
CITABENV, Environment variable for call-in table xxxx not set |
150379602 |
CITABOPN, Unable to open call-in table: xxxx |
150380258 |
CITPNESTED, Call-ins can not be used inside a TP transaction |
150379658 |
CIUNTYPE, Unknown parameter type encountered |
150379882 |
CLIERR, xxxx |
150384194 |
CLISTRTOOLONG, SSSS specified is BBBB bytes long which is greater than the allowed maximum of MMMM bytes |
150381410 |
CLOSEFAIL, Error while closing file descriptor dddd |
150375130 |
CLSTCONFLICT, Cluster conflict opening database file xxxx; could not secure access. Already open on node yyyy. |
150372458 |
CMD, Command expected but not found |
150373410 |
CMDERR, Error running command : cccc |
150569002 |
CMEXCDASTLM, Exceeded AST limit. Cannot open database. |
150568988 |
CMINTQUE, Interlock failure accessing GT.CM server queue |
150569010 |
CMSYSSRV, Error doing system service, status: |
150374978 |
CNOTONSYS, command is not supported by this operating system |
150375746 |
COLLARGLONG, Collation sequence nnn does not contain routines for long strings |
150376282 |
COLLATIONUNDEF, Collation type xxxx is not defined |
150373626 |
COLLDATAEXISTS, Collation type cannot be changed while xxxx data exists |
150375802 |
COLLFNMISSING, Routine xxx is not found for collation sequence nnn |
150375930 |
COLLTYPVERSION, Collation type xxxx, version yyyy mismatch |
150372466 |
COLON, Colon (:) expected in this context |
150383314 |
COLTRANSSTR2LONG, COLTRANSSTR2LONG,Output string after collation transformation is too long |
150372474 |
COMMA, comma expected in this context |
150372482 |
COMMAORRPAREXP, Comma or right parenthesis expected but not found |
150372491 |
COMMENT, Comment line. Placed zbreak at next executable line. |
150384346 |
COMMFILTERERR, Error executing the command filter for FFFF DDDD |
150381290 |
COMMITWAITPID, Pid wwww waited tttt minute(s) for pid pppp to finish commits in database file dddd |
150381282 |
COMMITWAITSTUCK, Pid wwww waited tttt minute(s) for nnnn concurrent GT.M process(es) to finish commits in database file dddd |
150374642 |
COMPILEQUALS, Error in compiler qualifiers: xxxx |
150378922 |
CONNSOCKREQ, CONNSOCKREQ, Socket not connected |
150382074 |
COREINPROGRESS, Previous core attempt failed; core generation bypassed. |
150372890 |
CORRUPT, Corrupt input in Blk #xxxx, Key #yyyy; resuming with next global block |
150373018 |
CORRUPTNODE, Corrupt input in Record # rrrr, Key #yyyy; resuming with next global node |
150377026 |
CPBEYALLOC, Attempt to copy beyond the allocated buffer |
150379570 |
CREDNOTPASSED, CREDNOTPASSED, Socket message contained no passed credentials |
150374562 |
CRITRESET, The critical section crash count for region xxxx has been incremented |
150375914 |
CRITSEMFAIL, Error with semaphores for region xxxx |
418818394 |
CRYPTBADCONFIG, Could not retrieve data from encrypted file ffff due to bad encryption configuration. eeee |
150383498 |
CRYPTBADWRTPOS, CRYPTBADWRTPOS, Encrypted WRITE disallowed from a position different than where the last WRITE completed |
150381434 |
CRYPTDLNOOPEN, Failed to load encryption library while opening encrypted file ffff. eeee |
150382930 |
CRYPTDLNOOPEN2, Failed to load encryption library dddd. Eeee |
150381482 |
CRYPTHASHGENFAILED, Failed to generate cryptographic hash for symmetric key corresponding to file ffff. eeee |
150381418 |
CRYPTINIT, Failed to initialize encryption library while opening encrypted file ffff. eeee |
150382922 |
CRYPTINIT2, Failed to initialize encryption library during GT.M startup. eeee |
150376362 |
CRYPTJNLMISMATCH, Encryption settings mismatch between journal file jjjj and corresponding database file dddd |
418816922 |
CRYPTKEYFETCHFAILED, Failed to retrieve encryption key corresponding to file ffff. eeee |
150381474 |
CRYPTKEYFETCHFAILEDNF, Cannot obtain encryption key. xxxx |
418819290 |
CRYPTKEYRELEASEFAILED, Could not safely release encryption key corresponding to file ffff. eeee |
150383490 |
CRYPTKEYTOOBIG, CRYPTKEYTOOBIG, Specified key has length xxxx, which is greater than the maximum allowed key length yyyy |
150383450 |
CRYPTNOAPPEND, CRYPTNOAPPEND, APPEND disallowed on the encrypted file xxxx |
150381490 |
CRYPTNOKEY, No encryption key specified |
150383474 |
CRYPTNOKEYSPEC, Key name needs to be specified with KEY, IKEY, or OKEY device parameter for encrypted I/O |
150381450 |
CRYPTNOMM, ffff is an encrypted database. Cannot support MM access method. |
150383482 |
CRYPTNOOVERRIDE, Cannot override IVEC and/or key without compromising integrity |
150383458 |
CRYPTNOSEEK, SEEK disallowed on the encrypted file ffff |
150383466 |
CRYPTNOTRUNC, Not positioned at file start or EOF. TRUNCATE disallowed on the encrypted file ffff |
150381426 |
CRYPTOPFAILED, Encrypt/Decrypt operation failed for file ffff. eeee |
150375890 |
CTLMNEMAXLEN, The maximum length of a control mnemonic has been exceeded |
150375898 |
CTLMNEXPECTED, Control mnemonic is expected in this context |
150372498 |
CTRAP, Character trap $C(xxxx) encountered |
150372507 |
CTRLC, CTRL_C encountered |
150372515 |
CTRLY, User interrupt encountered |
150377426 |
CURRSOCKOFR, Current socket of index xxxx is out of range. There are only yyyy sockets. |
150382714 |
CUSTERRNOTFND, Error mnemonic eeee specified in custom errors file is not valid for this version of GT.M |
150382722 |
CUSTERRSYNTAX, Syntax error in file ffff at line number nnnn |
150382706 |
CUSTOMFILOPERR, Error while doing oooo operation on file ffff |
150380531 |
DBADDRALIGN, Database file xxxx, element location aaaa: blk = bbbb: [yyyy] control cccc was unaligned relative to base dddd and element size eeee |
150376547 |
DBADDRANGE, Database file rrrr element location aaaa: control vvvv was outside qqqq range bbbb to tttt |
150378739 |
DBADDRANGE8, Database file rrrr element location aaaa: control vvvv was outside qqqq range bbbb to tttt |
150379024 |
DBBADFREEBLKCTR, Database xxxx free blocks counter in file header: oooo appears incorrect; should be nnnn. Auto-corrected. |
150378146 |
DBBADKYNM, xxxx is an invalid key name |
150378138 |
DBBADNSUB, xxxx Bad numberic subscript |
150378154 |
DBBADPNTR, xxxx Bad pointer value in directory |
150381936 |
DBBADUPGRDSTATE, Correcting conflicting values for fields describing database version upgrade state in the file header for region rrrr (ffff) - make fresh backups with new journal files immediately. |
150378186 |
DBBDBALLOC, xxxx Block doubly allocated |
150378178 |
DBBFSTAT, xxxx Block busy/free status unknown (local bitmap corrupted) |
150374675 |
DBBLEVMN, xxxx Block level less than zero |
150374667 |
DBBLEVMX, xxxx Block level higher than maximum |
150383922 |
DBBLKSIZEALIGN, Database file ffff has AIO=ON and block_size=bbbb which is not a multiple of filesystem block size ssss |
150376467 |
DBBMBARE, xxxx Bit map does not protect itself |
150376475 |
DBBMINV, xxxx Bit map contains an invalid pattern |
150379730 |
DBBMLCORRUPT, Database xxxx: Bitmap blk yyyy is corrupt (Size = aaaa, levl = bbbb, tn = cccc: Dbtn = dddd): Database integrity errors likely |
150376483 |
DBBMMSTR, xxxx Bit map does not match master map |
150376459 |
DBBMSIZE, xxxx Bit map has incorrect size |
150378162 |
DBBNPNTR, Bit map block number as pointer |
150378250 |
DBBPLMGT2K, Blocks per local map is greater than 2k |
150378242 |
DBBPLMLT512, Blocks per local map is less than 512 |
150378266 |
DBBPLNOT512, Blocks per local map is not 512 |
150374682 |
DBBSIZMN, xxxx Block too small |
150374690 |
DBBSIZMX, xxxx Block larger than file block size |
150378210 |
DBBSIZZRO, Block size equals zero |
150380587 |
DBBTUFIXED, The blocks-to-upgrade file-header field has been changed to the correct value |
150380576 |
DBBTUWRNG, The blocks-to-upgrade file-header field is incorrect. Expected xxxx, found yyyy |
150372522 |
DBCCERR, Interlock instruction failure in critical mechanism for region xxxx |
150377451 |
DBCLNUPINFO, Database file xxxx / yyyy |
150374760 |
DBCMPBAD, xxxx yyyy Compression count not maximal |
150374739 |
DBCMPMX, xxxx yyyy Record compression count is too large |
150374714 |
DBCMPNZRO, xxxx yyyy First record of block has nonzero compression count |
150376611 |
DBCNTRLERR, Database file xxxx: control error suspected but not found |
150382944 |
DBCOLLREQ, JOURNAL EXTRACT proceeding without collation information for globals in database. eeee ffff . |
150375779 |
DBCOMMITCLNUP, Pid dddd [hhhh] handled error (code = eeee) during commit of xxxx transaction in database file yyyy |
150378554 |
DBCOMPTOOLRG, xxxx Record has too large compression count |
150378338 |
DBCREINCOMP, xxxx Header indicates database file creation was interrupted before completion |
150376563 |
DBCRERR, Database file xxxx, cr location yyyy blk = zzzz error: aaaa was bbbb, expecting cccc -- called from module xxx at line yyy |
150378723 |
DBCRERR8, Database file xxxx, or location yyyy blk = zzzz error: aaaa was bbbb, expecting cccc -- called from module yyy at line xxx |
150378976 |
DBDANGER, Process pppp killed while committing update for database file xxxx. Possibility of damage to block yyyy. |
150382754 |
DBDATAMX, xxxx Record too large |
150376515 |
DBDIRTSUBSC, <xxxx Directory tree block contains non name-level entries> |
150378307 |
DBDSRDFMTCHNG, Database file xxx, Desired DB Format set to yyy by zzz with pid ppp [0xppp] at transaction number [0xttt] |
150384010 |
DBDUPNULCOL, Discarding kkkk=vvvv key due to duplicate null collation record |
150381042 |
DBENDIAN, Database file xxxx is aaaa endian on a gggg endian system |
150378312 |
DBFGTBC, xxxx File size larger than block count would indicate |
150376539 |
DBFHEADERR4, DBFHEADERR4:Database file ffff: control problem: aaaa was xxxx expecting yyyy |
150381315 |
DBFHEADERR8, DBFHEADERR8: Database file ffff: control problem: aaaa was xxxx expecting yyyy |
150382643 |
DBFHEADERRANY, Database file ffff: control problem: aaaa was xxxx expecting yyyy |
150383891 |
DBFHEADLRU, Database file ffff LRU pointer: pppp is outside of range: bbbb to tttt or misaligned |
150384115 |
DBFILECREATED, Database file DDDD created |
150375954 |
DBFILERDONLY, The database file ffff was opened as read-only (perms pppp) |
150372546 |
DBFILERR, Error with database file. xxxx. |
150377491 |
DBFILEXT, Database file xxxx extended from yyyy blocks to zzzz blocks at transaction aaaa |
150384600 |
DBFILNOFULLWRT, Disabling fullblock writes. iiii tttt: bbbb |
150375378 |
DBFILOPERR, Error doing database I/O to region xxxx |
150378346 |
DBFLCORRP, xxxx Header indicates database file is corrupt |
150384267 |
150384259 |
150380474 |
DBFRZRESETFL, Freeze release failed on database file xxxx |
150379835 |
DBFRZRESETSUC, Unfreeze successfully done on database file xxxx. |
150378322 |
DBFSTBC, xxxx File size smaller than block count would indicate |
150378330 |
DBFSTHEAD, xxxx File smaller than database header |
150378082 |
DBFSYNCERR, Error synchronizing database file xxxx to disk |
150378386 |
DBGTDBMAX, xxxx Key larger than database maximum |
150378354 |
DBHEADINV, xxxx Header size not valid for database |
150379346 |
DBIDMISMATCH, Database file xxxx ID (region yyyy) does not match file ID in shared memory (ID=zzzz). Ensure region is properly rundown. |
150378170 |
DBINCLVL, xxxx Block at incorrect level |
150378362 |
DBINCRVER, xxxx Incorrect version of GT.M database |
150378370 |
DBINVGBL, xxxx Invalid mixing of global names |
150382762 |
DBIOERR, Error while doing write operation on region rrrr (ffff) |
150372538 |
DBJNLNOTMATCH, Database xxxx points to journal file name yyyy but the journal file points to database file zzzz |
150378378 |
DBKEYGTIND, xxxx Key greater than index key |
150374754 |
DBKEYMN, xxxx Key too short |
150374746 |
DBKEYMX, xxxx Key too long |
150374770 |
DBKEYORD, xxxx Keys out of order |
150378394 |
DBKGTALLW, xxxx Key larger than maximum allowed length |
150378424 |
DBLOCMBINC, xxxx Local bit map incorrect |
150378410 |
DBLRCINVSZ, xxxx Last record of block has invalid size |
150378402 |
DBLTSIBL, xxxx Keys less than sibling's index key |
150378432 |
DBLVLINC, xxxx Local bitmap block level incorrect |
150378522 |
DBMAXKEYEXC, xxxx Maximum key size for database exceeds design maximum |
150377995 |
DBMAXNRSUBS, XXXX Maximum number of subscripts exceeded. |
150380594 |
DBMAXREC2BIG, Maximum record size (xxx) is too large for this block size (yyy) - Maximum is zzz |
150378464 |
DBMBMINCFRE, xxxx Master bit map incorrectly asserts this local map has free space |
150383056 |
DBMBMINCFREFIXED, Master bitmap incorrectly marks local bitmap 0xAAAA as free. Auto-corrected |
150378496 |
DBMBPFLDIS, xxxx Master bit map shows this map full, in disagreement with both disk and INTEG results |
150378480 |
DBMBPFLDLBM, xxxx Master bit map shows this map full, agreeing with disk local map |
150378488 |
DBMBPFLINT, xxxx Master bit map shows this map full, agreeing with MUPIP INTEG |
150378504 |
DBMBPFRDLBM, xxxx Master bit map shows this map has space, agreeing with disk local map |
150378512 |
DBMBPFRINT, xxxx Master bit map shows this map has space, agreeing with MUPIP INTEG |
150378472 |
DBMBPINCFL, xxxx Master bit map incorrectly marks this local map full |
150378450 |
DBMBSIZMN, xxxx Map block too small |
150378440 |
DBMBSIZMX, xxxx Map block too large |
150378459 |
DBMBTNSIZMX, xxxx Map block transaction number too large |
150380634 |
DBMINRESBYTES, Minimum RESERVED BYTES value required for certification/upgrade is xxx - Currently is yyy |
150381098 |
DBMISALIGN, Database file xxxx has yyyy blocks which does not match alignment rules. Reconstruct the database from a backup or extend it by at least zzzz blocks. |
150378200 |
DBMRKBUSY, xxxx Block incorrectly marked busy |
150378194 |
DBMRKFREE, xxxx Block incorrectly marked free |
150379338 |
DBNAMEMISMATCH, Database file xxxx (region (yyyy) referenced by shared memory (ID=zzzz) is not accessible. Ensure region is properly rundown |
150375762 |
DBNOCRE, Not all specified databases, or their associated journal files were created |
150384026 |
DBNONUMSUBS, XXXX Key contains a numeric form of subscript in a global defined to collate all subscripts as strings |
418814106 |
DBNOREGION, None of the database regions accessible |
150378626 |
DBNOTDB, xxxx File does not have a valid GDS file header |
150372554 |
DBNOTGDS, xxxx - Unrecognized database file format |
150378226 |
DBNOTMLTP, xxxx Block size not a multiple of 512 bytes |
150383946 |
DBNULCOL, XXXX NULL collation representation differs from the database file header setting |
418808018 |
DBOPNERR, Error opening database file xxxx |
150377778 |
DBPREMATEOF, Premature end of file with database file xxxx |
418809050 |
DBPRIVERR, No privilege for attempted update operation for file: xxxx |
150374795 |
DBPTRMAP, xxxx Block pointer is a bit map block number |
150374786 |
DBPTRMX, xxxx Block pointer larger than file maximum |
150374778 |
DBPTRNOTPOS, xxxx Block pointer negative |
150376555 |
DBQUELINK, Database file xxxx, element location yyyy: blk = zzzz: control aaaa queue problem: was bbbb, expecting cccc |
150378578 |
DBRBNLBMN, xxxx Root block number is a local bit map number |
150378586 |
DBRBNNEG, xxxx Root block number negative |
150378570 |
DBRBNTOOLRG, xxxx Root block number greater than the last block number in file |
418808026 |
DBRDERR, Cannot read database file xxxx after opening |
418812490 |
DBRDONLY, Database file xxxx read only |
150378546 |
DBREADBM, xxxx Read error on bitmap |
150376418 |
DBREMOTE, Database region xxxx is remote; perform maintenance on the server node |
150378602 |
DBRLEVLTONE, xxxx Root level less than one |
150378594 |
DBRLEVTOOHI, xxxx Root level higher than maximum |
150378946 |
DBRNDWN, Error during global database rundown for region xxxx. Please notify those responsible for proper database operation. |
150379240 |
DBRNDWNWRN, Global database xxxx not rundown successfully by PID yyyy [zzzz]. Global section was not removed. |
150382418 |
DBROLLEDBACK, Concurrent ONLINE ROLLBACK detected on one or more regions. The current operation is no longer valid |
150376491 |
DBROOTBURN, xxxx Root block has data level |
150374698 |
DBRSIZMN, xxxx Physical record too small |
150374706 |
DBRSIZMX, xxxx Physical record too large |
150382026 |
DBSHMNAMEDIFF, Database file ffff points to shared memory mmmm which points to a different database file |
150382746 |
DBSPANCHUNKORD, xxxx Chunk of yyyy blocks is out of order |
150382738 |
DBSPANGLOINCMP, xxxx Spanning node is missing. Block no yyyy of spanning node is missing |
150374731 |
DBSTARCMP, DBSTARCMP xxxx Star record has nonzero compression count |
150374723 |
DBSTARSIZ, xxxx Star record has wrong size |
150378610 |
DBSVBNMIN, xxxx Start VBN smaller than possible |
150378218 |
DBSZGT64K, xxxx Block size is greater than 64k |
150378643 |
DBTN, Block TN is xxxx |
150378666 |
DBTNLTCTN, Transaction numbers greater than the current transaction were found |
150378291 |
DBTNNEQ, xxxx Current tn and early tn are not equal |
150378674 |
DBTNRESET, Cannot reset transaction number for this region |
150378656 |
DBTNRESETINC, WARNING: tn_reset for database is incomplete due to integrity errors |
150378235 |
DBTNTOOLG, xxxx Block transaction number too large |
150378634 |
DBTOTBLK, File header indicates total blocks is tttt but file size indicates total blocks would be eeee |
150378618 |
DBTTLBLK0, xxxx Total blocks equal zero |
150378283 |
DBUNDACCMT, xxxx Cannot determine access method; trying with BG |
150381570 |
DBUPGRDREQ, Database file DDDD is not fully upgraded (format FFFF) and cannot be used by this version of GT.M. Please upgrade the database. |
150380547 |
DBWCVERIFYEND, Database file xxxx, write cache verification finished by pid pppp [aaaa] at transaction number yyyy |
150380539 |
DBWCVERIFYSTART, Database file xxxx, write cache verification started by pid pppp [aaaa] at transaction number bbbb |
150376978 |
DELIMSIZNA, Delimiter size is not appropriate |
150379722 |
DELIMWIDTH, Delimiter length xxxx exceeds device width yyyy |
150380034 |
DEVICEOPTION, Option xxxx on yyyy command: zzzz |
150373618 |
DEVICEREADONLY, Cannot write to a read-only device |
150382042 |
DEVICEWRITEONLY, Cannot read from a write-only device |
150384458 |
DEVNAMERESERVED, Cannot use NNNN as device name. Reserved for GTM internal usage. |
150376402 |
DEVNOTIMP, XXXX device not implemented on in this environment |
150379354 |
DEVOPENFAIL, Error opening xxxx |
150372586 |
DEVPARINAP, Device parameter inappropriate to this command |
150372658 |
DEVPARMNEG, Deviceparameter must be a positive value |
150383170 |
DEVPARMTOOSMALL, Deviceparameter must be greater than zero (0) |
150372610 |
DEVPARPROT, The protection specification is invalid |
150372634 |
DEVPARTOOBIG, String deviceparameter exceeds 255 character limit |
150372642 |
DEVPARUNK, Deviceparameter unknown |
150372650 |
DEVPARVALREQ, A value is required for this device parameter |
150375074 |
DIRACCESS, Do not have full access to directory for temporary files: pppp |
150374594 |
DIRONLY, Directories only are allowed in file specs: xxxx |
150377682 |
DISTPATHMAX, $gtm_dist path is greater than maximum (xxxx) |
150373210 |
DIVZERO, Attempt to divide by zero |
150379738 |
DLCKAVOIDANCE, Possible deadlock detected: Database pppp: Dbtn qqqq: t_tries rrrr: dollar_trestart ssss: now_crit tttt: TP transaction restarted |
150381114 |
DLLCHSETM, Routine XXX in library YYY was compiled with CHSET=M which is different from $ZCHSET. Recompile with CHSET=UTF-8 and re-link. |
150381122 |
DLLCHSETUTF8, Routine XXX in library YYY was compiled with CHSET=UTF-8 which is different from $ZCHSET. Recompile with CHSET=M and re-link. |
150379266 |
DLLNOCLOSE, Failed to unload external dynamic library |
150379250 |
DLLNOOPEN, Failed to load external dynamic library xxxx |
150379258 |
DLLNORTN, Failed to look up the location of the symbol xxxx |
150380210 |
DLLVERSION, Routine aaaa in library bbbb was compiled with an incompatible version of GT.M. Recompile with the current version and re-link. |
150381074 |
DLRCILLEGAL, Illegal $CHAR() value xxxx |
150375834 |
DLRCTOOBIG, xxxx value cannot be greater than 255 |
150375826 |
DLRCUNXEOR, xxxx unexpected end of record in $CHAR()/$ZCHAR() subscript |
150373344 |
DONOBLOCK, Argumentless DO not followed by a block |
150372666 |
DSEBLKRDFAIL, Failed attempt to read block |
150372674 |
DSEFAIL, DSE failed. Failure code: xxxx. |
150377138 |
DSEINVALBLKID, Trying to edit DB with 64-bit block IDs using pre-V7 DSE |
150375288 |
DSEINVLCLUSFN, Specified function is invalid for clustered databases |
150383410 |
DSEMAXBLKSAV, DSE cannot SAVE another block as it already has the maximum of mmmm |
150379194 |
DSENOFINISH, DSE unable to finish all requested actions |
150383378 |
DSENOTOPEN, DSE could not open region rrrr - see DSE startup error message for cause |
150375280 |
DSEONLYBGMM, xxxx is supported only for BG/MM access methods |
150374147 |
DSEWCINITCON, No action taken, enter YES at CONFIRMATION prompt to initialize global buffers |
150382427 |
DSEWCREINIT, Database cache reinitialized by DSE for region rrrr |
150382675 |
DSKNOSPCAVAIL, Attempted write to file FFFF failed due to lack of disk space. Retrying indefinitely. |
150382682 |
DSKNOSPCBLOCKED, Retry of write to file FFFF suspended due to new instance freeze. Waiting for instance to be unfrozen. |
150377531 |
DSKSPACEFLOW, Disk space for file xxxx nearing maximum size. YYYY blocks available. |
150382691 |
DSKSPCAVAILABLE, Write to file FFFF succeeded after out-of-space condition cleared. |
150384082 |
DSKSPCCHK, Error while checking for available disk space to create file DDDD |
150377040 |
DUPTN, Duplicate transaction found [TN = xxxx] at offset aaaa in journal file yyyy |
150372530 |
DUPTOKEN, Token xxxx is duplicate in the journal file yyyy for database zzzz |
150372706 |
DVIKEYBAD, $ZGETDVI("xxxx","yyyy") contains an illegal keyword |
150380698 |
DYNUPGRDFAIL, Unable to dynamically upgrade block 0xaaa in database yyy due to lack of free space in block |
150381914 |
DZTRIGINTRIG, $ZTRIGGER() is not allowed inside trigger context. Trigger name: nnnn |
150381394 |
DZWRNOALIAS, $ZWRTAC cannot be aliased. |
150381386 |
DZWRNOPAREN, $ZWRTACxxx is not allowed inside a parenthesized SET target |
150379696 |
ECLOSTMID, $ECODE overflow, the first and last ecodes are retained, but some intervening ecodes have been lost |
150380624 |
ENCODING, M or W-1252 code designation for character set encoding, might return unexpected results when ""UTF-8""=$ZCHSET |
150383858 |
ENCRYPTCONFLT, MUPIP REORG -ENCRYPT and MUPIP EXTRACT -FORMAT=BIN cannot run concurrently - skipping oooo on region: rrrr, file: ffff |
150373296 |
ENCRYPTCONFLT2, Message: A concurrent MUPIP REORG -ENCRYPT changed the encryption key for RRRR before the process could initialize it |
150381035 |
ENDIANCVT, Converted database file xxxx from yyyy endian to zzzz endian on a wwww endian system |
150382699 |
ENOSPCQIODEFER, Write to file FFFF deferred due to lack of disk space |
150372914 |
EORNOTFND, xxxx End of record not found |
150380786 |
EPOCHTNHI, At the EPOCH record at offset xxxx of yyyy transaction number [0xaaaa] is higher than database transaction number [0xbbbb] |
150372722 |
EQUAL, Equal sign expected but not found |
150376722 |
ERRCALL, Error called from xxxx line yyyy |
150372730 |
ERRORSUMMARY, Errors occurred during compilation |
150379578 |
ERRWETRAP, Error while processing $ETRAP |
150372738 |
ERRWEXC, Error while processing exception string |
150372746 |
ERRWIOEXC, Error while processing I/O exception string |
150372754 |
ERRWZBRK, Error while processing ZBREAK action string |
150379874 |
ERRWZINTR, Error while processing $ZINTERRUPT |
150384418 |
ERRWZTIMEOUT, Error while processing $ZTIMEOUT |
150372762 |
ERRWZTRAP, Error while processing $ZTRAP |
150377346 |
EVENTLOGERR, Error in event logging subsystem |
150384402 |
EXCEEDSPREALLOC, Preallocated size ssss for M external call label LLLL exceeded by string of length SSSS |
150377592 |
EXCLUDEREORG, Global: xxxx is present in the EXCLUDE option. REORG will skip the global. |
150503443 |
EXECOM, Executing command file xxxx |
150383226 |
EXITSTATUS, Unexpected process exit (xxxx), exit status aaaa -- called from module yyyy at line zzzz |
150372778 |
EXPR, Expression expected but not found |
150384396 |
EXTCALLBOUNDS, Wrote outside bounds of external call buffer. M label: LLLL |
150374138 |
EXTGBLDEL, Invalid delimiter for extended global syntax |
150375163 |
EXTRACTCTRLY, User interrupt encountered during extract, halting |
150374866 |
EXTRACTFILERR, Error with extract file xxxx |
150378914 |
EXTRCLOSEERR, Error closing extract file xxxx |
150374890 |
EXTRFAIL, Extract failed for the global gggg. MUPIP INTEG should be run. |
150382242 |
EXTRFILEXISTS, Error opening output file: ffff -- File exists |
150377090 |
EXTRFMT, Extract error: invalid record format - no records found. |
150383826 |
EXTRINTEGRITY, Database ffff potentially contains spanning nodes or data encrypted with two different keys |
150378906 |
EXTRIOERR, Error writing extract file xxxx |
150376699 |
EXTSRCLIN, xxxx yyyy |
150376707 |
EXTSRCLOC, At column xxxx, line yyyy, source module zzzz |
150384330 |
FAILEDRECCOUNT, LOAD unable to process MMMM records |
150374442 |
FALLINTOFLST, Fall-through to a label with formallist is not allowed |
150372802 |
FCHARMAXARGS, Argument count of $CHAR() function exceeded the maximum of 255 |
150372810 |
FCNSVNEXPECTED, Function or special variable expected in this context |
150383090 |
FDSIZELMT, Too many nnnn descriptors needed by GT.CM server |
150375715 |
FILECREATE, AAAA file xxxx created |
150384098 |
FILECREERR, Error OOOO for file DDDD during DB creation |
150375555 |
FILEDEL, File xxxx successfully deleted |
150380320 |
FILEDELFAIL, Deletion of file xxxx failed |
150379914 |
FILEEXISTS, File xxxx already exists |
150377634 |
FILEIDGBLSEC, File ID in global section does not match with the database file |
150376690 |
FILEIDMATCH, Saved File ID does not match the current ID - the file appears to have been moved |
150379978 |
FILENAMETOOLONG, File name too long |
150375723 |
FILENOTCREATE, AAAA file xxxx not created |
150374338 |
FILENOTFND, File xxxx not found |
418813146 |
FILEOPENFAIL, Failed to open file ffff. |
150374602 |
FILEPARSE, Error parsing file specification: xxxx |
150376186 |
FILEPATHTOOLONG, Filename including the path cannot be longer than 255 characters |
150378835 |
FILERENAME, File xxxx is renamed to yyyy |
150379290 |
FILTERBADCONV, Bad conversion of transaction xxxx by filter |
150379282 |
FILTERCOMM, Error communicating transaction xxxx with the filter |
150379274 |
FILTERNOTALIVE, Replication server detected that the filter is not alive while attempting to send transaction xxxx |
150383242 |
FILTERTIMEDOUT, Replication server timed out attempting to read seqno ssss from external filter |
150374466 |
FMLLSTMISSING, The formal list is absent from a label called with an actual list: xxxx |
150372818 |
FNARGINC, Format specifiers to $FNUMBER are incompatible: "xxxx" |
150376002 |
FNNAMENEG, Depth argument to $NAME cannot be negative |
150375026 |
FNOTONSYS, Function or special variable is not supported by this operating system |
150384066 |
FNTRANSERROR, Filename including path exceeded 255 chars while trying to resolve filename FFFF |
150372842 |
FNUMARG, $FNUMBER format specifier xxxx contains an illegal character: yyyy |
150374364 |
150377132 |
FORCEDHALT2, Receipt of 3 MUPIP STOP signals within xxxx seconds, process: yyyy shutting down with no exit handling like a kill -9 |
150372850 |
FOROFLOW, FOR commands nested too deeply |
150376960 |
FREEBLKSLOW, Only bbbb free blocks left out of tttt total blocks for ffff |
150379050 |
FREEMEMORY, Error occurred freeing memory |
150374875 |
FREEZE, Region: xxxx is already frozen |
150376307 |
FREEZECTRL, Control Y or control C encountered during attempt to freeze the database. Aborting freeze. |
150381402 |
FREEZEERR, Error while trying to ffff region rrrr |
150374578 |
FSEXP, File specification expected but not found |
150379418 |
FTOKERR, Error getting ftok of the file xxxx |
150382995 |
FTOKKEY, FTOK key 0xnnnn |
150381882 |
GBLEXPECTED, Global variable reference expected in this context |
150377306 |
GBLMODFAIL, Global variable Conflict Test failed. Failure code: xxxx. |
150504082 |
GBLNAMCOLLRANGE, Collation sequence #nnnn is out of range (0 thru 255) |
150504050 |
GBLNAMCOLLUNDEF, Error opening shared library of collation sequence #nnnn for GBLNAME gggg |
150504098 |
GBLNAMCOLLVER, Global directory indicates GBLNAME gggg has collation sequence #nnnn with a version #vvvv but shared library reports different version #llll |
150372874 |
GBLNAME, Either an identifier or a left parenthesis is expected after a ^ in this context |
150503907 |
GBLNAMEIS, in gblname gggg |
150379779 |
GBLNOEXIST, Global xxxx no longer exists |
150383202 |
GBLNOMAPTOREG, Global gggg does not map to region rrrr in current global directory |
150372882 |
GBLOFLOW, Database file FFFF is full |
150377642 |
GBLSECNOTGDS, Global section xxxx is not a GT.M global section |
150503459 |
GDCREATE, Creating global directory File xxxx |
150504106 |
GDEASYNCIONOMM, ssss segment has ASYNCIO turned on. Cannot support MM access method |
150503467 |
GDECHECK, Internal GDE consistency check |
150503874 |
GDECRYPTNOMM, ssss segment has encryption turned on. Cannot support MM access method |
150504122 |
GDELOGFAIL, GDE failed to log command. Check operator log for more information |
150374514 |
GDINVALID, Unrecognized Global Directory file format: ffff, expected label: eeee, found: bbbb |
150503843 |
GDNOTSET, Global Directory not changed because the current GD cannot be written |
150503835 |
GDREADERR, Error reading Global Directory: xxxx |
150503475 |
GDUNKNFMT, xxxx is not formatted as a global directory |
150503483 |
GDUPDATE, Updating Global Directory File xxxx |
150503491 |
GDUSEDEFS, Using defaults for Global Directory xxxx |
150383114 |
GETADDRINFO, Error in getting address info |
150383122 |
GETNAMEINFO, Error in getting name info |
150380234 |
GETSOCKNAMERR, Getting the socket name failed from getsockname(): (errno==aaaa) xxxx |
150379178 |
GETSOCKOPTERR, Getting the socket attribute xxxx failed: (errno == yyyy) zzzz |
150375611 |
GOQPREC, Numeric precision in key error: Blk #xxxx, Key #yyyy. Record not loaded. |
150376532 |
GTMASSERT, xxxx - assert failed yyyy line zzzz |
150382164 |
GTMASSERT2, GT.M eeee - Assert failed LLLL for expression (eeee) |
150372900 |
GTMCHECK, Internal GT.M error. Report to GT.M Support. |
150373442 |
GTMCURUNSUPP, The requested operation is unsupported in this version of GT.M |
150377714 |
GTMDISTUNDEF, Environmental variable $gtm_dist is not defined |
150383442 |
GTMDISTUNVERIF, Environment variable $gtm_dist (dddd) could not be verified against the executables path (pppp) |
150382866 |
GTMEISDIR, dddd : Is a directory |
150381258 |
GTMERREXIT, GTM image has exited with errors |
150376938 |
GTMSECSHR, xxxx Error during GTMSECSHR operation |
150382796 |
GTMSECSHRBADDIR, gtmsecshr is not running from $gtm_dist/gtmsecshrdir or $gtm_dist cannot be determined |
150381986 |
GTMSECSHRCHDIRF, gtmsecshr unable to chdir to its temporary directory (dddd). GTMSECSHR process error: GTMSECSHR is not able to change directory to its temporary directory, dddd. |
150373907 |
GTMSECSHRDMNSTARTED, [client pid pppp] File (ffff) removed |
150378076 |
GTMSECSHRFORKF, GTMSECSHR server unable to fork off a child process |
150377016 |
GTMSECSHRGETSEMFAIL, error getting semaphore errno = xxxx |
150382788 |
GTMSECSHRISNOT, GTMSECSHRISNOTgtmsecshr is not running as gtmsecshr but xxxxx - must be gtmsecshr |
150382780 |
GTMSECSHRNOARG0, GTMSECSHRNOARG0gtmsecshr cannot identify its origin - argv[0] is null |
150378044 |
GTMSECSHROPCMP, GTMSECSHR operation may be compromised |
150377706 |
GTMSECSHRPERM, The gtmsecshr module in $gtm_dist (DDDD) does not have the correct permission and uid (permission: PPPP, and UID: UUUU) |
150378018 |
GTMSECSHRRECVF, GTMSECSHR receive on server socket failed |
150375699 |
GTMSECSHRREMFILE, [client pid pppp] File (ffff) removed |
150374499 |
GTMSECSHRREMSEM, [client pid pppp] Semaphore (ssss) removed |
150374456 |
GTMSECSHRREMSEMFAIL, error removing semaphore errno = xxxx |
150375691 |
GTMSECSHRREMSHM, [client pid pppp] Shared memory segment (ssss) removed, nattch = nnnn |
150378002 |
GTMSECSHRSCKSEL, GTMSECSHR select on socket failed |
150373892 |
GTMSECSHRSEMGET, semget error errno = xxxx |
150378026 |
GTMSECSHRSENDF, GTMSECSHR send on server socket failed |
150378056 |
GTMSECSHRSGIDF, GTMSECSHR server setGID to root failed |
150375648 |
GTMSECSHRSHMCONCPROC, More than one process attached to Shared memory segment (ssss) not removed (nnnn) |
150378755 |
GTMSECSHRSHUTDN, GTMSECSHR process has received a shutdown request. Shutting down. |
150374818 |
GTMSECSHRSOCKET, xxxx - yyyy; Error initializing GTMSECSHR socket |
150376298 |
GTMSECSHRSRVF, Client - yyyy; Attempt to service request failed (retry = zzzz) |
150376944 |
GTMSECSHRSRVFID, xxxx: yyyy - Attempt to service request failed. Client ID: zzzz, mesg ID: aaaa, mesg code: bbbb |
150376952 |
GTMSECSHRSRVFIL, xxxx: yyyy; Attempt to service request failed. Client ID: zzzz, mesg type: aaaa, file: bbbb |
150378064 |
150377618 |
GTMSECSHRSTART, xxxx - yyyy; GTMSECSHR failed to startup |
150378048 |
GTMSECSHRSUIDF, GTMSECSHR server setUID to root failed |
150378011 |
GTMSECSHRTMOUT, GTMSECSHR exiting due to idle timeout |
150381251 |
GTMSECSHRTMPPATH, gtmsecshr path is pppp |
150375875 |
GTMSECSHRUPDDBHDR, [client pid pppp] database fileheader (dddd) updated iiii |
150372906 |
GVDATAFAIL, Global variable $DATA function failed. Failure code: xxxx |
150381714 |
GVDATAGETFAIL, Global variable DATAGET sub-operation (in KILL function) failed. Failure code: cccc. |
150379818 |
GVFAILCORE, A core file is being generated for later analysis if necessary |
150372922 |
GVGETFAIL, Global variable retrieval failed. Failure code: xxxx. |
150377538 |
GVINCRFAIL, <Global variable $INCR failed. Failure code: xxxx> |
150377586 |
GVINCRISOLATION, <$INCREMENT cannot be performed on global xxxx as it has NOISOLATION turned ON> |
150372626 |
GVINVALID, xxxx Invalid global name |
150372931 |
GVIS, Global variable: xxxx |
150372938 |
GVKILLFAIL, Global variable kill failed. Failure code: xxxx. |
150372946 |
GVNAKED, Illegal naked global reference |
150374130 |
GVNAKEDEXTNM, Cannot reference different Global Directory in a naked reference |
150372962 |
GVORDERFAIL, Global variable $ORDER or $NEXT function failed. Failure code: xxxx. |
150372970 |
GVPUTFAIL, Global variable put failed. Failure code: xxxx. |
150375178 |
GVQUERYFAIL, Global variable $QUERY function failed. Failure code: xxxx. |
150379306 |
GVQUERYGETFAIL, Global variable QUERY and GET failed. Failure code: xxxx. |
150375946 |
GVREPLERR, Error replicating global in region xxxx |
150374314 |
GVRUNDOWN, Error during global database rundown |
150372986 |
GVSUBOFLOW, The combined length of subscripts (xxxx) is greater than maximum allowed limit (yyyy) for region: zzzz |
150372994 |
GVUNDEF, Global variable undefined: xxxx |
150374410 |
GVZPREVFAIL, Global variable $ZPREVIOUS function failed. Failure code: xxxx |
150381890 |
GVZTRIGFAIL, ZTRIGGER of a global variable failed. Failure code: cccc. |
150373402 |
HEX64ERR, Error: cannot convert VVVV value to 64 bit hexadecimal number |
150373394 |
HEXERR, Error: cannot convert VVVV value to hexadecimal number |
150383546 |
HLPPROC, Helper Process error |
150383106 |
HOSTCONFLICT, Host hhhh could not open database file dddd because it is marked as already open on node nnnn |
150376442 |
HTOFLOW, Hash table overflow, local or region name space exceeded |
150380560 |
HTSHRINKFAIL, Hash table compaction failed to allocate new smaller table due to lack of memory |
150382050 |
ICUERROR, ICU returned status ssss which is either unrecognized or inconsistent with the operating context |
150377504 |
ICUNOTENABLED, ICU libraries not loaded |
150381514 |
ICUSYMNOTFOUND, Symbol xxxxx not found in ICU libraries. ICU needs to be built with symbol-renaming disabled or gtm_icu_version environment variable needs to be specified |
150381506 |
ICUVERLT36, Type 1 - $gtm_icu_version is aaa.bbb. ICU version greater than or equal to 3.6 should be used. Type 2 - libicuio has version aaa.bbb. ICU version greater than or equal to 3.6 should be used. |
150374802 |
IFBADPARM, External Interface Bad Parameter |
150374810 |
IFNOTINIT, External Interface must first call GTM$INIT or M routine |
150382459 |
IGNBMPMRKFREE, Ignoring bitmap free-up operation for region rrrr (dddd) due to concurrent ONLINE ROLLBACK |
150503498 |
ILLCHAR, xxxx is not a legal character in this context |
150379154 |
ILLESOCKBFSIZE, The specified socket buffer size is xxxx, which is either 0 or too big |
150377698 |
IMAGENAME, The executing module name should be xxxx instead of yyyy |
150373010 |
INDEXTRACHARS, Indirection string contains extra trailing characters |
150381770 |
INDRCOMPFAIL, Compilation of indirection failed |
150373026 |
INDRMAXLEN, Maximum length xxxxx of an indirection argument was exceeded |
150382770 |
INITORRESUME, UPDATERESYNC on a Supplementary Instance must additionally specify INITIALIZE or RESUME |
150503508 |
INPINTEG, Input integrity error -- aborting load |
150373034 |
INSFFBCNT, Insufficient byte count quota left for requested operation |
150382186 |
INSNOTJOINED, Replicating Instance RRRR is not a member of the same Group as Instance IIII |
150382194 |
INSROLECHANGE, Supplementary Instance SSSS and non-Supplementary Instance IIII belong to the same Group |
150383139 |
INSTFRZDEFER, Instance Freeze initiated by eeee error on region rrrrr deferred due to critical resource conflict. |
150382202 |
INSUNKNOWN, Supplementary Instance SSSS has no instance definition for non-Supplementary Instance IIII |
150373042 |
INTEGERRS, Database integrity errors |
150376642 |
INVACCMETHOD, Invalid access method |
150376346 |
INVADDRSPEC, Invalid IP address specification |
150504130 |
INVALIDAUTODELDB, Autodelete DB must be specified as non-journaled autodb |
150376890 |
INVALIDRIP, Invalid read-in-progress field in Cache Record. Resetting and continuing. Region: xxxx. |
150376154 |
INVBITLEN, Invalid size of the bit string |
150376170 |
INVBITPOS, Invalid position in the bit string |
150376162 |
INVBITSTR, Invalid bit string |
150373048 |
INVCMD, Invalid command keyword encountered |
150376986 |
INVCTLMNE, Invalid control mnemonics |
150381090 |
INVDLRCVAL, Invalid $CHAR() value. |
150379498 |
INVECODEVAL, Invalid value for $ECODE (xxxx). |
150380354 |
INVERRORLIM, Invalid ERROR_LIMIT qualifier value. Must be at least zero |
150373058 |
INVFCN, Invalid function name |
150503851 |
INVGBLDIR, Invalid Global Directory spec: xxxx. Continuing with yyyy. |
150375738 |
INVGLOBALQUAL, Error in GLOBAL qualifier : Parse error at offset xxxx in yyyy |
150380242 |
INVGTMEXIT, Inappropriate invocation of gtm_exit. gtm_exit cannot be invoked from external calls. |
150384538 |
INVGVPATQUAL, Invalid Global Value Pattern file qualifier value |
150380362 |
INVIDQUAL, Invalid ID qualifier value xxxx |
150568994 |
INVINTMSG, Invalid interrupt message received |
150383522 |
INVLINKTMPDIR, Value for $gtm_linktmpdir is either not found or not a directory: dddd |
150383802 |
INVLOCALE, Attempt to reset locale to supplied value of $gtm_locale xxxx failed |
150381264 |
INVMEMRESRV, Could not allocate GT.M memory reserve (xxxx) |
150379794 |
INVMNEMCSPC, Unsupported mnemonicspace xxxx |
150375636 |
INVMVXSZ, Invalid block size for GOQ load format |
150375194 |
INVNETFILNM, Invalid file name following node designation in global directory |
150373066 |
INVOBJ, Cannot ZLINK object file due to unexpected format |
150380986 |
INVOBJFILE, Cannot ZLINK object file ffff due to unexpected format |
150376338 |
INVPORTSPEC, Invalid port specification |
150568970 |
INVPROT, Invalid protocol specified by remote partner |
150380330 |
INVQUALTIME, Invalid time qualifier value. Specify as xxxx=delta_or_absolute_time. |
150380346 |
INVREDIRQUAL, Invalid REDIRECT qualifier value. xxxx |
150377746 |
INVROLLBKLVL, Rollback level (xxxx) not less than the current $tlevel (yyyy). Cannot rollback. |
150384314 |
INVSEQNOQUAL, Invalid SEQNO qualifier value xxxx |
150384666 |
INVSHUTDOWN, Shutdown timeout should be from 0 to 3600 seconds |
150374058 |
INVSPECREC, Invalid global modifier record |
150379514 |
INVSTACODE, Invalid value for second parameter of $STACK (xxxx). |
150384146 |
INVSTATSDB, Database file SSSS associated with statistics database region RRRR is not a valid statistics database |
150375522 |
INVSTRLEN, Invalid string length xxxx: max yyyy |
150373074 |
INVSVN, Invalid special variable name |
150383714 |
INVTMPDIR, Value for $gtm_tmpdir is either not found or not a directory: dddd - Reverting to default value |
150382114 |
INVTRCGRP, Invalid trace group specified in $gtm_trace_groups: gggg |
150380370 |
150383706 |
INVZBREAK, Cannot set ZBREAK in direct mode routine (GTM$DMOD) |
150379762 |
INVZDIRFORM, Illegal value (xxxx) specified for ZDIR_FORM |
150380218 |
INVZROENT, xxxx is neither a directory nor an object library(DLL) |
150375506 |
INVZSTEP, Invalid ZSTEP qualifier |
150373082 |
IOEOF, Attempt to read past an end-of-file |
150381546 |
IOERROR, Error occurred while doing aaaa in oooo operation -- called from module mmmm at line LLLL |
150373090 |
IONOTOPEN, Attempt to USE an I/O device which has not been opened |
150374330 |
IORUNDOWN, Error during image rundown |
150379010 |
IOWRITERR, IO write by PID xxxx to block yyyy of database zzzz failed. PID aaaa retrying the IO. |
150379363 |
IPCNOTDEL, xxxx : yyyy did not delete IPC resources for region zzzz |
150377546 |
ISOLATIONSTSCHN, Error changing NOISOLATION status for global xxxx within a TP transaction from aaaa to bbbb |
150383210 |
ISSPANGBL, Operation cannot be performed on global ^gggg as it spans multiple regions in current global directory |
150373106 |
IVTIME, Invalid time specification: xxxx |
150382154 |
JIUNHNDINT, An error during $ZINTERRUPT processing was not handled: eeee; |
150373818 |
JNI, xxxx |
418808282 |
JNLACCESS, Error accessing journal file jjjj |
150375808 |
JNLACTINCMPLT, Mupip journal action might be incomplete |
150379803 |
JNLALIGNSZCHG, Journal ALIGNSIZE is rounded up to xxxx blocks (closest next higher power of two) |
150380392 |
JNLALIGNTOOSM, Alignsize xxxx (bytes) is smaller than block size yyyy (bytes) for aaaa bbbb. Using alignsize of cccc (bytes) instead. |
150382107 |
JNLALLOCGROW, Increased Journal ALLOCATION from [ssss blocks] to [aaaa blocks] to match AUTOSWITCHLIMIT for ffff nnnn |
150375562 |
JNLBADLABEL, Specified File xxxx fdoes not have a GT.M Journal File Label |
150377362 |
JNLBADRECFMT, Journal Record Format Error encountered for file jjjj at disk address yyyy |
150382808 |
JNLBUFFDBUPD, Journal file buffer size for database file dddd has been adjusted from xxxx to yyyy |
150384235 |
JNLBUFFPHS2SALVAGE, Salvaged journal records from process PPPP for database file DDDD at transaction number NNNN and journal-sequence-number/unique-token JJJJ with journal file starting offset OOOO and length LLLL |
150382800 |
JNLBUFFREGUPD, Journal file buffer size for region rrrr has been adjusted from xxxx to yyyy |
150378843 |
JNLBUFINFO, Pid aaaa dsk bbbb free cccc bytcnt dddd io_in_prog eeee fsync_in_prog ffff dskaddr gggg freeaddr hhhh qiocnt iiii now_writer xxxx fsync_pid yyyy filesize zzzz cycle oooo errcnt pppp wrtsize qqqq fsync_dskaddr rrrr |
150373466 |
JNLCLOSE, Error closing journal file: xxxx |
150381210 |
JNLCLOSED, Journaling closed for database file dddd at transaction number xxx |
150376866 |
JNLCNTRL, Journal control unsynchronized for ffff. |
150379939 |
JNLCREATE, Journal file xxxx created for <database/region> yyyy with aaaa |
150380192 |
JNLCRESTATUS, xxxx at line aaaa for journal file yyyy, database file zzzz encountered error |
150380482 |
JNLCYCLE, Journal file jjjj causes cycle in the journal file generations of database file dddd |
150383786 |
JNLDBSEQNOMATCH, Journal file ffff has beginning region sequence number jjjj but database dddd has region sequence number ssss |
150374210 |
JNLDBTNNOMATCH, Journal file xxxx has beginning transaction number aaaa but database yyyy has current transaction number bbbb |
150379904 |
JNLDISABLE, Specified journal option(s) cannot take effect as journaling is DISABLED on database file dddd |
150381690 |
JNLENDIANBIG, Journal file jjjj is BIG endian on a LITTLE endian system |
150381682 |
JNLENDIANLITTLE, Journal file jjjj is LITTLE endian on a BIG endian system |
150372794 |
JNLEXTEND, Journal file extension error for file jjjj. |
150384306 |
JNLEXTRCTSEQNO, Journal Extracts based on sequence numbers are restricted to a single region when replication is OFF |
150380410 |
JNLFILECLOSERR, Error closing journal file xxxx |
150381594 |
JNLFILEDUP, Journal files xxxx and yyyy are the same |
150380402 |
JNLFILEOPNERR, Error opening journal file xxxx |
150379842 |
JNLFILEXTERR, Error during extension of journal file xxxx |
150377338 |
JNLFILNOTCHG, Journal file not changed |
150373306 |
JNLFILOPN, Error opening journal file jjjj for database file dddd |
150382978 |
JNLFILRDOPN, Error opening journal file xxxx for read for database file yyyy |
150376315 |
JNLFLUSH, Error flushing journal buffers to journal file xxxx |
150379120 |
JNLFLUSHNOPROG, No progress while attempting to flush journal file jjjj |
150379955 |
JNLFNF, Journal file xxxx not found |
150377498 |
JNLFSYNCERR, Error synchronizing journal file xxxx to disk |
150379712 |
JNLFSYNCLSTCK, JNLFSYNCLSTCK, Journaling fsync lock is stuck in journal file jjjj |
150373322 |
JNLINVALID, jjjj is not a valid journal file Region: rrrr |
150375656 |
JNLINVALLOC, Journal file allocation xxxx is not within the valid range of yyyy to zzzz. Journal file not created. |
150375664 |
JNLINVEXT, Journal file extension xxxx is greater than the maximum allowed size of yyyy. Journal file not created. |
150379674 |
JNLINVSWITCHLMT, Specified AUTOSWITCHLIMIT xxxx falls outside of allowed limits aaaa and bbbb |
150377176 |
JNLMINALIGN, Journal Record Alignment xxxx is less than the minimum value of yyyy |
150377082 |
JNLMOVED, Journal file appears to have been moved. Journaling activity will not be done. |
150378882 |
JNLNEWREC, Target system cannot recognize journal record of type xxxx. Last recognized type is yyyy. |
150377258 |
JNLNMBKNOTPRCD, Journal file xxxx does not match the current journal file yyyy of database file zzzz |
150380378 |
JNLNOBIJBACK, MUPIP JOURNAL BACKWARD cannot continue as journal file xxxx does not have before image journaling |
150379946 |
JNLNOCREATE, Journal file jjjj not created |
150382090 |
JNLNOREPL, Replication not enabled for journal file jjjj (database file dddd) |
150376650 |
JNLOPNERR, Error opening journal file xxxx for region yyyy |
418817450 |
JNLORDBFLU, Error flushing database blocks to dddd. See related messages in the operator log |
150381016 |
JNLPOOLBADSLOT, Source server slot for secondary instance xxxx is in an inconsistent state. Pid = pppp, State = ssss, SlotIndex = iiii |
150384243 |
JNLPOOLPHS2SALVAGE, Salvaged journal records from process PPPP for replication instance file iiii at journal sequence number JJJJ with journal pool starting offset OOOO and length LLLL |
150383866 |
JNLPOOLRECOVERY, The size of the data written to the journal pool (xxxx) does not match the size of the data in the journal record (yyyy) for the replication instance file zzzz. The journal pool has been recovered. |
150377194 |
JNLPOOLSETUP, Journal Pool setup error |
150380490 |
JNLPREVRECOV, Journal file has nonzero value in prev_recov_end_of_data field |
150375728 |
JNLPROCSTUCK, Journal file writes blocked by process xxxx |
150378795 |
JNLPVTINFO, Pid aaaa cycle mmmm fd_mismatch nnnn channel rrrr sync_io ssss pini_addr xxxx qio_active yyyy |
150383011 |
JNLQIOSALVAGE, Journal IO lock salvaged |
418808682 |
JNLRDERR, Error reading journal file xxxx: unable to initialize. |
418812842 |
JNLRDONLY, Journal file xxxx read only |
150377170 |
JNLREAD, Error reading from journal file xxxx at offset yyyy |
150372698 |
JNLREADBOF, Beginning of journal file encountered for xxxx |
150375570 |
JNLREADEOF, End of journal file encountered for jjjj |
150375578 |
JNLRECFMT, Journal file record format error encountered |
150382098 |
JNLRECINCMPL, Incomplete journal record at disk address aaaa for file jjjj while attempting to read seqno ssss |
150376658 |
JNLRECTYPE, Journal record type does not match expected type |
150380043 |
JNLSENDOPER, pid = aaaa : status = bbbb : jpc_status = cccc : jpc_status2 = dddd : iosb.cond = eeee |
150378874 |
JNLSETDATA2LONG, SET journal record has data of length xxxx. Target system cannot handle more than yyyy bytes. |
150375771 |
JNLSPACELOW, Journal file jjjj nearing maximum size, nnnn blocks to go |
150379923 |
JNLSTATE, Journaling state for <database/region> xxxx is now yyyy |
150377202 |
JNLSTATEOFF, ROLLBACK or RECOVER BACKWARD cannot proceed as database file xxxx does not have journaling ENABLED and ON |
150372865 |
JNLSUCCESS, xxxx successful |
150384186 |
JNLSWITCHFAIL, Failed to switch journal file xxxx for database file yyyy |
150384179 |
JNLSWITCHRETRY, Retrying previously abandoned switch of journal file jjjj for database dddd |
150380011 |
JNLSWITCHSZCHG, Journal AUTOSWITCHLIMIT [aaaa blocks] is rounded down to [bbbb blocks] to equal the sum of journal ALLOCATION [cccc blocks] and a multiple of journal EXTENSION [dddd blocks] |
150380002 |
JNLSWITCHTOOSM, Journal AUTOSWITCHLIMIT [aaaa blocks] is less than journal ALLOCATION [bbbb blocks] for database file dddd |
150374354 |
JNLTMQUAL1, Time qualifier BEFORE_TIME=xxxx is less than SINCE_TIME=yyyy |
150374506 |
JNLTMQUAL2, Time qualifier LOOKBACK_TIME=xxxx is later than SINCE_TIME=yyyy |
150373426 |
JNLTMQUAL3, Time qualifier BEFORE_TIME=xxxx is less than the journal file(s) minimum timestamp=yyyy |
150375682 |
JNLTMQUAL4, Time qualifier BEFORE_TIME="xxxx is less than AFTER_TIME="yyyy" |
150374282 |
JNLTNOUTOFSEQ, End transaction aaaa of journal xxxx different from Begin transaction bbbb of next generation journal yyyy |
150380304 |
JNLTPNEST, Mupip journal command found nested TP transactions for journal file jjjj at offset oooo at transaction number nnnn |
150379994 |
JNLTRANS2BIG, Transaction needs an estimated [aaaa blocks] in journal file xxxx which exceeds the AUTOSWITCHLIMIT of bbbb |
150376666 |
JNLTRANSGTR, Transaction number in journal is greater than in database |
150376674 |
JNLTRANSLSS, Transaction number in journal is less than in database |
150380802 |
JNLUNXPCTERR, Unexpected error encountered for Journal aaaa at disk address 0xbbbb |
150376914 |
JNLVSIZE, Journal File xxxx has incorrect virtual_filesize aaaa Allocation is bbbb extension is cccc filesize is dddd file_system_block_size is eeee |
150376682 |
JNLWRERR, Error writing journal file xxxx. Undable to update header Region: yyyy |
150373691 |
JNLWRTDEFER, Journal write start deferred |
150379690 |
JOBACTREF, Actual parameter in job command passed by reference |
150379851 |
JOBEXAMDONE, GT.M process aaaa completed job examine to xxxx |
150379858 |
JOBEXAMFAIL, GT.M process aaaa executing $ZJOBEXAM function failed with the preceding error message |
150373114 |
JOBFAIL, JOB command failure |
150373122 |
JOBLABOFF, Label and offset not found in created process |
150383642 |
JOBLVN2LONG, The zwrite representation of a local variable transferred to a JOB'd process is too long. The zwrite representation cannot exceed MMMM. Encountered size: LLLL |
150373130 |
JOBPARNOVAL, This job parameter cannot take a value |
150373138 |
JOBPARNUM, The value of this job parameter must be an integer |
150373146 |
JOBPARSTR, The value of this job parameter must be a string |
150375978 |
JOBPARTOOLONG, JOBPARTOOLONG Total parameter length is too long for job command |
150373154 |
JOBPARUNK, Job parameter unknown |
150373162 |
JOBPARVALREQ, A value is required for this job parameter |
150378714 |
JOBSETUP, Error receiving aaaa from parent process |
150377186 |
JOBSTARTCMDFAIL, JOB command STARTUP script invocation failed. |
150382610 |
JRTNULLFAIL, Applying NULL journal record failed. Failure code: xxxx. |
150373170 |
JUSTFRACT, Fraction specifier to $JUSTIFY cannot be negative |
150373178 |
KEY2BIG, Key size (xxxx) is greater than maximum (yyyy) for region zzzz |
150503891 |
KEYFORBLK, But block size bbbb and reserved bytes rrrr limit key size to kkkk. |
150503523 |
KEYSIZIS, Key size is xxxx |
150503515 |
KEYTOOBIG, But record size xxxx can only support key size yyyy |
150503530 |
KEYWRDAMB, xxxx is ambiguous for yyyy |
150503538 |
KEYWRDBAD, xxxx is not a valid yyyy in this context |
150381336 |
KILLABANDONED, Abandoned kills counter is greater than zero for file ffff, tttt |
150377788 |
KILLBYSIG, Process xxxx has been killed by a signal yyyy |
150377804 |
KILLBYSIGSINFO1, iiii process xxxx has been killed by a signal yyyy at address aaaa (vaddr bbbb) |
150377812 |
KILLBYSIGSINFO2, iiii process xxxx has been killed by a signal yyyy at address aaaa |
150381244 |
KILLBYSIGSINFO3, iiii process xxxx has been killed by a signal yyyy accessing vaddress aaaa |
150377796 |
KILLBYSIGUINFO, Process xxxx has been killed by a signal yyyy from process zzzz with userid number aaaa |
150377108 |
KRNLKILL, Process was terminated by SIGDANGER signal from the system --System swap space is too low --Report to System Administrator |
150373186 |
LABELEXPECTED, Label expected in this context |
150373194 |
LABELMISSING, Label referenced but not defined : xxxx |
150383506 |
LABELNOTFND, GOTO referenced a label that does not exist |
150374394 |
LABELONLY, Routine xxxx was compiled for label-only entry. |
150373202 |
LABELUNKNOWN, Label referenced but not defined |
150374155 |
LASTFILCMPLD, The file currently being compiled is xxxx |
150384691 |
LASTTRANS, Last transaction sequence number SSSS : NNNN |
150383672 |
LASTWRITERBYPAS, The last writer for database file xxxx bypassed the rundown |
150375145 |
LCKGONE, Lock removed: xxxx |
150375186 |
LCKSCANCELLED, Error on remote node holding locks or zallocates. All locks and zallocates cancelled. |
150375361 |
LCKSGONE, Locks selected for deletion removed |
150375880 |
LCKSTIMOUT, DAL timed lock request expired |
150374898 |
LDBINFMT, Unrecognized header for load file |
150375618 |
LDGOQFMT, Corrupt GOQ format header information |
150382834 |
LDSPANGLOINCMP, Incomplete spanning node found during load!/!_!_at File offset : oooo |
150384762 |
LINETOOLONG, UUUU prompt input exceeds NNNN bytes |
150375108 |
LINKVERSION, This image must be relinked with the current version of GT.M |
150377442 |
LISTENPASSBND, Controlmnemonic LISTEN can be applied to PASSIVE socket which is in the state BOUND ONLY |
150381304 |
LITNONGRAPH, standard requires graphics in string literals; found non-printable: $ZCHAR(cccc) |
150379202 |
LKENOFINISH, LKE unable to finish all requested actions |
150373218 |
LKNAMEXPECTED, An identifier is expected after a ^ in this context |
150374322 |
LKRUNDOWN, Error during lock database rundown |
150375018 |
LOADABORT, Aborting load at record xxxx |
150374826 |
LOADBGSZ, Load error: BEGIN too small. No records loaded. |
150375123 |
LOADCTRLY, Control Y encountered during load. Load halting. |
150374386 |
LOADEDBG, Load error: END smaller than BEGIN. No records loaded. |
150374538 |
LOADEDSZ, Load error: END too small. No records loaded. |
150374370 |
LOADEOF, Load error: EOF reached prior to BEGIN record xxxx No records loaded |
150374842 |
LOADFILERR, Error with load file xxxx |
150374834 |
LOADFMT, Load error: bad format type. Must be GO, BINARY, or GOQ. |
150503547 |
LOADGD, Loading Global Directory xxxx |
150381106 |
LOADINVCHSET, Extract file CHSET xxx is incompatible with gtm_chset. |
150384339 |
LOADRECCNT, Last EXTRACT record processed by LOAD: RRRR |
150373234 |
LOADRUNNING, Cannot ZLINK an active routine xxxx |
150378858 |
LOCALSOCKREQ, LOCAL socket required |
150384371 |
LOCKCRITOWNER, LOCK crit is held by: PPPP |
150382818 |
LOCKINCR2HIGH, Attempt to increment a LOCK more than LLLL times |
150382827 |
LOCKIS, Resource name: RRRR |
150381538 |
LOCKSPACEFULL, No more room for LOCK slots on database file ffff |
150382603 |
LOCKSPACEINFO, Region: rrrr: processes on queue: pppp/qqqq; LOCK slots in use: llll/kkkk; SUBSCRIPT slot bytes in use: ssss/tttt |
150382147 |
LOCKSPACEUSE, Estimated free lock space: xxx% of pppp pages. |
150382618 |
LOCKSUB2LONG, Following subscript is xxxx bytes long which exceeds 255 byte limit. |
150383872 |
LOCKTIMINGINTP, A LOCK at pppp within a TP transaction is waiting in a final TP retry, which may lead to a general response gap |
150503555 |
LOGOFF, No longer logging to file xxxx |
150503563 |
LOGON, Logging to file xxxx |
150381354 |
LOGTOOLONG, Environment variable eeee is too long. Maximum length allowed is llll bytes. |
150378768 |
LOWSPACECRE, Disk space for database file xxxx is not enough for yyyy future extension. aaaa blocks are needed, only bbbb available. |
150384323 |
LOWSPC, WARNING: Database DDDD has less than PPPP% of the total block space remaining. Blocks Used: UUUU Total Blocks Available: AAAA |
150373242 |
LPARENMISSING, Left parenthesis expected |
150373554 |
LPARENREQD, xxxx Left parenthesis expected |
150373250 |
LSEXPECTED, A line separator is expected here |
150381920 |
LSINSERTED, Line YYYY, source module XXXX exceeds maximum source line length; line seperator inserted, terminating scope of any prior IF, ELSE, or FOR |
150375938 |
LVNULLSUBS, LVNULLSUBS Null subscripts not allowed in local variables |
150373258 |
LVORDERARG, Argument to local variable $NEXT must be subscripted |
150503570 |
LVSTARALON, The * name cannot be deleted or renamed |
150383096 |
MALLOCCRIT, Memory allocation critical due to request for bbbb bytes from aaaa |
150503579 |
MAPBAD, xxxx for yyyy does not exist |
150503587 |
MAPDUP, xxxx and yyyy both map to zzzz |
150374490 |
MAXACTARG, Maximum number of actual arguments exceeded |
150373882 |
MAXARGCNT, Maximum number of arguments xxxx exceeded |
150379786 |
MAXBTLEVEL, Global ^gggg in region rrrr reached maximum level |
150373266 |
MAXFORARGS, Maximum number of arguments to a single FOR command exceeded |
150377730 |
MAXGTMPATH, The executing module path is greater than the maximum xxxx |
150373282 |
MAXNRSUBSCRIPTS, Maximum number of subscripts exceeded |
150382082 |
MAXSEMGETRETRY, Failed to get ftok semaphore after tttt tries because it is being continually deleted |
150381554 |
MAXSSREACHED, Maximum snapshots - mmmm - for region rrrr reached. Please wait for the existing snapshots to complete before starting a new one. |
150373290 |
MAXSTRLEN, Maximum string length exceeded |
150381650 |
MAXTRIGNEST, Maximum trigger nesting level LLLL exceeded |
418808770 |
MBXRDONLY, Mailbox is read only, cannot write to it |
418808786 |
MBXWRTONLY, Mailbox is write only, cannot read from it |
150373340 |
MEMORY, Central memory exhausted during request for xxxx bytes |
150377116 |
MEMORYRECURSIVE, Memory Subsystem called recursively |
150379322 |
MERGEDESC, Merge operation not possible. xxxx is descendent of yyyy. |
150379328 |
MERGEINCOMPL, Error encountered during MERGE; operation may be incomplete |
150503946 |
MISSINGDELIM, Delimiter dddd expected before qqqq vvvv |
150384443 |
MLKCLEANED, LOCK garbage collection freed aaaa lock slots for region rrrr |
150384427 |
MLKHASHRESIZE, LOCK hash table for region rrrr (dddd) increased in size from aaaa to bbbb and placed in shared memory (id = mmmm) |
150384432 |
MLKHASHRESIZEFAIL, Failed to increase LOCK hash table for region rrrr (dddd) size from aaaa to bbbb. Will retry with larger size. |
150384362 |
MLKHASHTABERR, A LOCK control structure is damaged and could not be corrected. Lock entry for LLLL is invalid. |
150384378 |
MLKHASHWRONG, A LOCK control structure has an invalid state; LOCK table failed integrity check. TTTT |
150384555 |
MLKREHASH, LOCK hash table rebuilt for region rrrr (dddd) (seed = ssss) |
150381320 |
MMBEFOREJNL, BEFORE image journaling cannot be set with MM access method in database file ffff |
150383026 |
MMFILETOOLARGE, Size of rrrr region (ffff) is larger than maximum size supported for memory mapped I/O on this platform. |
150503819 |
MMNOBEFORIMG, MM segments do not support before image journaling |
150381328 |
MMNOBFORRPL, Replication cannot be used in database file ffff which uses MM access method and NOBEFORE image journaling |
150383082 |
MMREGNOACCESS, Region rrrr (ffff) is no longer accessible. See prior error messages in the operator and application error logs |
150383602 |
MPROFRUNDOWN, Error during M-profiling rundown |
150381202 |
MRTMAXEXCEEDED, Maximum value of xxxx for SOCKET deviceparameter MOREREADTIME exceeded. |
150376290 |
MSTACKCRIT, User-specified M stack size critical threshold of xxxx not appropriate; must be between mmmm and nnnn; reverting to kkkk |
150384299 |
MSTACKSZNA, User-specified M stack size of SSSS KiB not appropriate; must be between LLLL KiB and MMMM KiB; reverting to VVVV KiB |
150376234 |
MTNOSKIP, SKIP operation not supported on this device |
150376138 |
MUBCKNODIR, MUPIP backup aborted due to error in output directory |
418819682 |
MUCREFILERR, Error in/at EEEE creating database DDDD (region RRRR) |
150380738 |
MUDWNGRDNOTPOS, Start VBN value is [xxx] while downgraded GT.M version can support only [yyy]. Downgrade not possible |
150374346 |
MUFILRNDWNFL, File: xxxx rundown failed |
150382842 |
MUFILRNDWNFL2, Database section (id = dddd) belonging to database file ffff rundown failed |
150374531 |
MUFILRNDWNSUC, File successfully rundown |
150378275 |
MUINFOSTR, xxxx : aaaa |
150378107 |
MUINFOUINT4, xxxx : aaaa [0xbbbb] |
150382123 |
MUINFOUINT6, <tttt : vvvv [0x!hhhh] ; $H=dddddd,tttttt |
150378259 |
MUINFOUINT8, xxxx : aaaa [0xbbbb] |
150382851 |
MUINSTFROZEN, tttt : Instance iiii is frozen. Waiting for instance to be unfrozen before proceeding with writes to database file ffff |
150382859 |
MUINSTUNFROZEN, tttt : Instance iiii is now unfrozen. Continuing with writes to database file ffff |
150380427 |
MUJNLPREVGEN, Previous generation journal file xxxx included for database file yyyy |
150380299 |
MUJNLSTAT, xxxx at yyyy |
150379090 |
MUJPOOLRNDWNFL, Jnlpool section (id = xxxx) belonging to the replication instance yyyy rundown failed |
150379075 |
MUJPOOLRNDWNSUC, Jnlpool section (id = xxxx) belonging to the replication instance yyyy successfully rundown |
150384570 |
MUKEEPNODEC, Expected decimal integer input for keep |
150384578 |
MUKEEPNOTRUNC, Keep issued without -truncate |
150384562 |
MUKEEPPERCENT, Keep threshold percentage should be from 0 to 99 |
150377376 |
MUKILLIP, Kill in progress indicator is set for file xxxx, incorrectly marked busy errors should follow |
150379218 |
MULOGNAMEDEF, logical name xxxx, needed to start replication server is already defined for this job. Check for an existing or improperly terminated server. |
150374418 |
MULTFORMPARM, This formal parameter is multiply defined |
150383794 |
MULTIPROCLATCH, Failed to get multi-process latch at xxxx |
150373434 |
MULTLAB, This label has been previously defined |
150376578 |
MUNOACTION, MUPIP unable to perform requested action |
150375706 |
MUNODBNAME, A database name or the region qualifier must be specified |
150377458 |
MUNODWNGRD, MUPIP downgrade did not occur because of preceding errors |
150377482 |
MUNOFINISH, MUPIP unable to finish all requested actions |
150380776 |
MUNOSTRMBKUP, Database xxxx has a block size larger than yyyy and thus cannot use stream (incremental) backup |
150382880 |
MUNOTALLINTEG, At least one region skipped. See the earlier messages |
150374088 |
MUNOTALLSEC, WARNING: not all global sections accessed were successfully rundown |
150376018 |
MUNOUPGRD, MUPIP upgrade did not occur because of preceding errors |
150375674 |
MUPCLIERR, Action not taken due to CLI errors |
150378297 |
MUPGRDSUCC, Database file xxx successfully yyy to zzz |
150373099 |
150378128 |
MUPIPSET2BIG, vvvv too large, maximum tttt allowed is mmmm |
150378536 |
MUPIPSET2SML, vvvv too small, minimum tttt allowed is mmmm |
150380555 |
MUPIPSIG, STOP (signal xxxx) issued from process yyyy to process zzzz |
150380434 |
MUPJNLINTERRUPT, Database file xxxx indicates interrupted MUPIP JOURNAL command. Restore from backup for forward recover/rollback. |
150372450 |
MUPRECFLLCK, Database file xxxx is locked by MUPIP RECOVER. Could not secure access. |
150376130 |
MUPRESTERR, MUPIP RESTORE aborted due to preceding errors |
150377674 |
MUQUALINCOMP, Incompatible qualifiers - FILE and REGION |
150379378 |
MURAIMGFAIL, MUPIP RECOVER failed while processing after-image journal record. Failure code: xxxx. |
150376355 |
MUREENCRYPTEND, Database ffff : MUPIP REORG ENCRYPT finished by pid pppp at transaction number 0xtttt |
150383843 |
MUREENCRYPTSTART, Database ffff : MUPIP REORG ENCRYPT started by pid pppp at transaction number 0xtttt |
150374402 |
MUREORGFAIL, MUPIP REORG failed. Failure code: xxxx. |
150379107 |
MUREPLPOOL, Error with replpool section xxxx |
150379059 |
MUREPLSECDEL, Replication section xxxx deleted |
150379067 |
MUREPLSECNOTDEL, Replication section xxxx not deleted |
150378419 |
MUREUPDWNGRDEND, Region xxxx : MUPIP REORG UPGRADE/DOWNGRADE finished by pid aaaa [0xbbbb] at transaction number [0xcccc] |
150384251 |
MURNDWNARGLESS, Argumentless MUPIP RUNDOWN started with process id PPPP by userid UUUU from directory DDDD |
150382435 |
MURNDWNOVRD, OVERRIDE qualifier used with MUPIP RUNDOWN on database file dddd |
150379098 |
MURPOOLRNDWNFL, Recvpool section (id = xxxx) belonging to the replication instance yyyy rundown failed |
150379083 |
MURPOOLRNDWNSUC, Recvpool section (id = xxxx) belonging to the replication instance yyyy successfully rundown |
150374099 |
MUSECDEL, Section xxxx deleted |
150374107 |
MUSECNOTDEL, Section xxxx not deleted |
150378970 |
MUSELFBKUP, Database file xxxx can not be backed upon itself |
150382906 |
MUSIZEFAIL, MUPIP SIZE : failed. Failure code: xxxx. |
150382898 |
MUSIZEINVARG, MUPIP SIZE : Invalid parameter value for: xxxx |
150376571 |
MUSTANDALONE, Could not get exclusive access to xxxx |
150376906 |
MUTEXERR, Mutual Exclusion subsystem failure |
150376928 |
MUTEXFRCDTERM, Mutual Exclusion subsystem detected forced termination of process pppp. Crit salvaged from database file dddd. |
150376920 |
MUTEXLCKALERT, Mutual Exclusion subsystem ALERT - Lock attempt threshold crossed for region rrrr. Process pppp is in crit cycle cccc. |
150380186 |
MUTEXRELEASED, Process xxxx [aaaa] has released the critical section for database yyyy to avoid deadlock. $TLEVEL: pppp t_tries: qqqq |
150378683 |
MUTEXRSRCCLNUP, Mutex subsystem leftover resource xxxx removed. |
150375864 |
MUTNWARN, Database file xxxx has 0xaaa more transactions to go before reaching the transaction number limit (0xbbbb). Renew database with MUPIP INTEG TN_RESET. |
150382483 |
MUTRUNC1ATIME, Process with PID iiii already performing truncate in region rrrr |
150382491 |
MUTRUNCBACKINPROG, Truncate detected concurrent backup in progress for region rrrr |
150382498 |
MUTRUNCERROR, Truncate of region rrrr encountered service error eeee |
150382506 |
MUTRUNCFAIL, Truncate failed after reorg |
150382515 |
MUTRUNCNOSPACE, Region rrrr has insufficient space to meet truncate target percentage of yyyy |
150384587 |
MUTRUNCNOSPKEEP, Region rrrr has insufficient space to meet truncate target percentage of pppp with keep at bbbb blocks |
150382522 |
MUTRUNCNOTBG, Region rrrr does not have access method BG |
150382538 |
MUTRUNCPERCENT, Truncate threshold percentage should be from 0 to 99 |
150382547 |
MUTRUNCSSINPROG, Truncate detected concurrent snapshot in progress for region rrrr |
150382555 |
MUTRUNCSUCCESS, Database file dddd truncated from oooo blocks to nnnn at transaction tttt |
150380746 |
MUUPGRDNRDY, Database xxx has not been certified as being ready to upgrade to yyy format |
150382250 |
MUUSERECOV, Abnormal shutdown of journaled database dddd detected |
150381898 |
MUUSERLBK, Abnormal shutdown of replication-enabled database dddd detected |
150374434 |
NAMEEXPECTED, A local variable name is expected in this context |
150503594 |
NAMENDBAD, Subscripted name ssss must end with right parenthesis |
150504074 |
NAMGVSUBOFLOW, Subscripted name hhhh...tttt is too long to be represented in the database using collation value #nnnn |
150504002 |
NAMGVSUBSMAX, Subscripted Name specification nnnn has more than the maximum # of subscripts (mmmm) |
150503970 |
NAMLPARENNOTBEG, Subscripted Name specification nnnn needs to have a left parenthesis at the beginning of subscripts |
150504010 |
NAMNOTSTRSUBS, Subscript #nnnn with value vvvv in name specification is not a properly formatted string subscript |
150503930 |
NAMNUMSUBSOFLOW, Subscript #nnnn with value vvvv in name specification has a numeric overflow |
150503986 |
NAMONECOLON, Subscripted Name specification nnnn must have at most one colon (range) specification |
150503954 |
NAMRANGELASTSUB, Ranges in name specification nnnn are allowed only in the last subscript |
150504058 |
NAMRANGEORDER, Range in name specification nnnn specifies out-of-order subscripts using collation sequence #cccc |
150504066 |
NAMRANGEOVERLAP, Range in name specifications mmmm and nnnn overlap using collation sequence #cccc |
150503978 |
NAMRPARENNOTEND, Subscripted Name specification nnnn cannot have anything following the right parenthesis at the end of subscripts |
150503962 |
NAMSTARSUBSMIX, Name specification nnnn cannot contain * and subscripts at the same time |
150504042 |
NAMSTRSUBSCHARG, Subscript #nnnn with value vvvv in name specification specifies a $C/$ZCH with number cccc that is invalid in the current $zchset |
150504034 |
NAMSTRSUBSCHINT, Subscript #nnnn with value vvvv in name specification does not have a positive integer inside $C/$CHAR/$ZCH/$ZCHAR |
150504018 |
NAMSTRSUBSFUN, Subscript #nnnn with value vvvv in name specification uses function other than $C/$CHAR/$ZCH/$ZCHAR |
150503922 |
NAMSUBSBAD, Subscript #nnnn with value vvvv in name specification is an invalid number or string |
150503914 |
NAMSUBSEMPTY, Subscript #nnnn is empty in name specification |
150375818 |
NCTCOLLDIFF, Source and destination for MERGE cannot have different numerical collation type |
150383186 |
NCTCOLLSPGBL, Database region rrrr contains portion of spanning global ^gggg and so cannot support non-zero numeric collation type |
150383570 |
NEEDTRIGUPGRD, Cannot do trigger operation on database file ffff until it is upgraded; Run MUPIP TRIGGER -UPGRADE first |
150376226 |
NEGFRACPWR, Invalid operation: fractional power of negative number |
150375594 |
NESTFORMP, Formal parameter list cannot be combined with nested line |
150375202 |
NETDBOPNERR, Error while attempting to open database across net |
150375234 |
NETFAIL, Failure of Net operation |
150375242 |
NETLCKFAIL, Lock operation across Net failed |
150377523 |
NEWJNLFILECREAT, Journal file xxxx nearing maximum size. New journal file created. |
150378114 |
NLMISMATCHCALC, Location of xxxx expected at yyyy, but found at zzzz |
150383648 |
NLRESTORE, DB file header field FFFF: VVVV does not match the value used in original mapping - restoring to: OOOO |
150503603 |
NOACTION, Not updating Global Directory xxxx |
150381362 |
NOALIASLIST, Parenthetical lists of multiple arguments cannot have a preceding alias introducer or include alias (*) forms |
150379530 |
NOCANONICNAME, Value is not a canonic name (xxxx). |
150375346 |
NOCCPPID, Cannot find CCP process ID |
150379212 |
NOCHLEFT, Unhandled condition exception (all handlers exhausted) process terminating |
150384090 |
NOCREMMBIJ, MM access method not compatible with BEFORE image journaling; Database file DDDD not created |
150384074 |
NOCRENETFILE, Database file DDDD not created; cannot create across network |
150383664 |
NODFRALLOCSUPP, The NODEFER_ALLOCATE qualifier is not allowed on this operating system. Not changing the defer allocation flag |
150383530 |
NOEDITOR, Can't find an executable editor: eeee |
150381026 |
NOENDIANCVT, Unable to convert the endian format of file dddd due to eeee |
150377579 |
NOEXCLUDE, None of the excluded variables exist |
150374163 |
NOEXCNOZTRAP, Neither an exception nor a Ztrap is specified |
150503619 |
NOEXIT, Cannot exit because of verification failure |
150384354 |
NOFILTERNEST, Filter nesting not allowed |
150377160 |
NOFORKCORE, Unable to fork off process to create core. Core creation postponed. |
150383362 |
NOGTCMDB, ffff does not support operation on GT.CM database region: rrrr |
150503827 |
NOJNL, ssss segments do not support journaling. |
150379402 |
NOJNLPOOL, No journal pool info found in the replication instance of xxxx |
150375498 |
NOLBRSRC, Object libraries cannot have SRC paths associated |
150382131 |
NOLOCKMATCH, No matching locks were found in rrrr |
150503627 |
NOLOG, Logging is currently disabled. Log file is xxxx. |
150383811 |
NOMORESEMCNT, SSSS counter semaphore has reached its maximum and stopped counting for database DDDD. Run MUPIP JOURNAL -ROLLBACK -BACKWARD, MUPIP JOURNAL -RECOVER -BACKWARD or MUPIP RUNDOWN to restore the database files and shared resources to a clean state |
150503866 |
NONASCII, ssss is illegal for a oooo as it contains non-ASCII characters |
150503642 |
NONEGATE, Qualifier xxxx cannot be negated |
150383739 |
NONTPRESTART, Database dddd; code: cccc; blk: bbbb in glbl: ^gggg; blklvl: llll, type: tttt, zpos: pppp |
150381082 |
NONUTF8LOCALE, Locale has character encoding (cccc) which is not compatible with UTF-8 character set |
150504114 |
NOPERCENTY, ^%Y* is a reserved global name in GT.M |
150375754 |
NOPINI, PINI journal record expected but not found in journal file xxxx at offset yyyy |
150373458 |
NOPLACE, Line specified in a ZBREAK cannot be found |
150374906 |
NOPREVLINK, Journal file xxxx has a null previous link |
150376332 |
NOPRINCIO, Unable to dddd principal device: DDDD at LLLL due to: SSSS |
150379410 |
NORECVPOOL, No receiver pool info found in the replication instance of xxxx |
150374850 |
NOREGION, REGION not found: xxxx |
150377224 |
NOREPLCTDREG, Replication subsystem found no region replicated for dddd ffff |
150382210 |
NORESYNCSUPPLONLY, NORESYNC only supported for Supplementary Instances |
150382218 |
NORESYNCUPDATERONLY, NORESYNC qualifier only allowed on a Supplementary Instance which allows local updates |
150377330 |
NORTN, Routine name missing |
150374880 |
NOSELECT, None of the selected variables exist, halting |
150379162 |
NOSOCKETINDEV, There is no socket in the current socket device |
150383338 |
NOSOCKHANDLE, No socket handle specified in WRITE /PASS |
150378762 |
NOSPACECRE, Not enough space to create database file xxxx. aaaa blocks are needed, only bbbb available. |
150378802 |
NOSPACEEXT, Not enough disk space for file xxxx to extend. aaaa blocks needed. bbbb blocks available. |
150380290 |
NOSTARFILE, Only star(*) argument can be specified with xxxx |
150379538 |
NOSUBSCRIPT, No such subscript found (xxxx) |
150379187 |
NOSUCHPROC, Process xxxx does not exist no need to yyyy it |
150382226 |
NOSUPPLSUPPL, Instance ssss is configured to perform local updates, so it cannot receive from Supplementary Instance iiii |
150378964 |
NOTALLDBOPN, Not all required database files were opened |
150382962 |
NOTALLDBRNDWN, Not all regions were successfully rundown |
150375480 |
NOTALLJNLEN, Journaling disabled/off for dddd regions |
150372680 |
NOTALLREPLON, Replication off for dddd regions |
150376627 |
NOTERMENTRY, TERM = "xxxx" has no "terminfo" entry. Possible terminal handling problems. |
150376619 |
NOTERMENV, Environment variable TERM not set. Assuming "unknown." |
150376635 |
NOTERMINFODB, No "terminfo" database. Possible terminal handling problems. |
150374450 |
NOTEXTRINSIC, Quit does not return to an extrinsic function, argument not allowed |
150372602 |
NOTGBL, Expected a global variable name starting with an up-arrow (^): xxxx |
150384450 |
NOTMNAME, XXXX is not a valid M name |
150380338 |
NOTPOSITIVE, xxxx qualifier must be given a value greater than zero |
150373472 |
NOTPRINCIO, Output currently directed to device xxxx |
150377768 |
NOTREPLICATED, Transaction number xxxx generated by the yyyy process (PID = zzzz) is not replicated to the secondary |
150380018 |
NOTRNDMACC, Only random access files are supported as backup files for non-incremental backup |
150373482 |
NOTTOEOFONPUT, Not positioned to EOF on write (sequential organization only) |
150383370 |
NOUSERDB, ffff does not support operation on non-GDS format region: rrrr |
150503634 |
NOVALUE, Qualifier xxxx does not take a value |
150373491 |
NOZBRK, No zbreak at that location |
150381666 |
NOZTRAPINTRIG, Use of $ZTRAP in a database trigger environment ($ZTLEVEL greater than 0) is not supported. |
150377370 |
NULLCOLLDIFF, Null collation order cannot be different for all regions |
150383066 |
NULLENTRYREF, JOB command did not specify entryref |
150384544 |
NULLPATTERN, Empty line found in the Pattern file |
150373498 |
NULSUBSC, XXXX Null subscripts are not allowed for current region: FFFF |
150373378 |
NUM64ERR, Error: cannot convert VVVV value to 64 bit decimal or hexadecimal number |
150373370 |
NUMERR, Error: cannot convert VVVV value to 64 bit decimal or hexadecimal number |
150373506 |
NUMOFLOW, Numeric overflow |
150378728 |
NUMPROCESSORS, Could not determine number of processors |
150372770 |
NUMUNXEOR, xxxx unexpected end of record in numeric subscript |
150503650 |
OBJDUP, xxxx yyyy already exists |
150376210 |
OBJFILERR, Error with object file I/O on file xxxx |
150503658 |
OBJNOTADD, Not adding xxxx |
150503666 |
OBJNOTCHG, OBJNOTCHG Not changing xxxx |
150503674 |
OBJNOTFND, xxxx does not exist |
150503682 |
OBJREQD, xxxx required |
150375970 |
OFFSETINV, Entry point xxxx+yyyy not valid |
150383960 |
OFRZACTIVE, Region aaaa has an Online Freeze |
150383968 |
OFRZAUTOREL, Online Freeze automatically released for region aaaa |
150383976 |
OFRZCRITREL, Proceeding with a write to region aaaa after Online Freeze while holding crit |
150383984 |
OFRZCRITSTUCK, Unable to proceed with a write to region !AD with Online Freeze while holding crit. Region stuck until freeze is removed. |
150383992 |
OFRZNOTHELD, Online Freeze had been automatically released for at least one region |
150377752 |
OLDBINEXTRACT, Loading an older version (xxxx) of binary extract |
150380811 |
OMISERVHANG, GTCM OMI server is hung |
150381275 |
OPCOMMISSED, n errors and m MBFULLs sending prior operator messages |
150376394 |
OPENCONN, Error opening socket connection |
150375003 |
OPRCCPSTOP, The Cluster Control Program has been halted by an operator stop request |
150376010 |
ORDER2, Invalid second argument to $ORDER. Must be -1 or 1 |
150382379 |
ORLBKCMPLT, ONLINE ROLLBACK completed successfully on instance iiii corresponding to dddd |
150382410 |
ORLBKDBUPGRDREQ, Region RRR (DDDD) is not fully upgraded. ONLINE ROLLBACK cannot continue |
150382403 |
ORLBKFRZOVER, tttt : FREEZE on region rrrr (ddd) cleared |
150382395 |
ORLBKFRZPROG, tttt : waiting for FREEZE on region rrrr (dddd) to clear |
150382731 |
ORLBKINPROG, Online ROLLBACK in progress by PID pppp in region rrrr |
150382387 |
ORLBKNOSTP, ONLINE ROLLBACK proceeding with database updates. MUPIP STOP will no longer be allowed |
150384467 |
ORLBKREL, ONLINE ROLLBACK releasing all locking resources to allow a freeze OFF to proceed |
150384475 |
ORLBKRESTART, ONLINE ROLLBACK restarted on instance iiii corresponding to rrrr |
150378984 |
ORLBKROLLED, ORLBKROLLED, ONLINE ROLLBACK took the database for instance iiii region rrrr corresponding to dddd to a prior state |
150382363 |
ORLBKSTART, ONLINE ROLLBACK started on instance iiii corresponding to dddd |
150382370 |
ORLBKTERMNTD, ONLINE ROLLBACK terminated on instance iiii corresponding to dddd with the above errors |
150378788 |
OUTOFSPACE, Database file xxxx ran out of disk space. Detected by process aaaa. Exit without clearing shared memory due to the disk space constraints. Make space and then perform mupip rundown to ensure database integrity. |
150381154 |
PADCHARINVALID, PAD deviceparameter cannot be greater than 127. |
150373514 |
PARFILSPC, Parameter: xxxx file specification: yyyy |
150376177 |
PARNORMAL, Parse successful |
150376410 |
PATALTER2LARGE, Pattern match alternation exceeded the LLLL repetition limit on prospective matches |
150373522 |
PATCLASS, Illegal character class for pattern code |
150373530 |
PATCODE, Illegal syntax for pattern |
150373538 |
PATLIT, Illegal character or unbalanced quotes for pattern literal |
150374858 |
PATLOAD, Error loading pattern file xxxx |
150373546 |
PATMAXLEN, Pattern code exceeds maximum length |
150379754 |
PATNOTFOUND, Current pattern table has no characters with pattern code xxxx |
150376202 |
PATTABNOTFND, Pattern table xxxx not found |
150372978 |
PATTABSYNTAX, Error in xxxx at line yyyy |
150373562 |
PATUPPERLIM, Pattern code upper limit is less than lower limit |
150383770 |
PBNINVALID, ssss does not have a field named ffff |
150383778 |
PBNNOFIELD, %ZPEEKBYNAME() requires a field.item as its first parameter |
150383754 |
PBNNOPARM, First parameter pppp does not support a second parameter |
150383746 |
PBNPARMREQ, A first parameter value pppp requires a second parameter specified containing rrrr |
150383762 |
PBNUNSUPSTRUCT, $ZPEEK() does not support structure ssss |
150383882 |
PBNUNSUPTYPE, $ZPEEK() does not support type tttt |
150373570 |
PCONDEXPECTED, Post-conditional expression expected but not found |
150384122 |
PCTYRESERVED, Attempted operation not supported on ^%Y* namespace |
150382274 |
PEERPIDMISMATCH, Local socket peer with PID=pppp does not match specified PID=qqqq |
150382475 |
PERMGENDIAG, Permissions: Proc(uid:uuuu,gid:gggg), DB File(uid:vvvv,gid:hhhh,perm:pppp), Lib File(gid:iiii,perm:qqqq), Group Mem(opener:jjjj,owner:kkkk) |
418817922 |
PERMGENFAIL, Failed to determine access permissions to use for creation of xxxx for file yyyy |
150382528 |
PIDMISMATCH, Global variable with PID=pppp does not match specified PID=qqqq |
150378560 |
PIDRESET, Region RRRR had PID PPP doing MMMM but PID did not exist, reset to zero |
150377146 |
PINENTRYERR, Custom pinentry program failure |
150373578 |
PRCNAMLEN, Process name xxxx length is greater than yyyy |
150383658 |
PREALLOCATEFAIL, Disk space reservation for SSSS segment has failed |
150503690 |
PREFIXBAD, xxxx must start with an alphabetic character to be a yyyy |
150372618 |
PREMATEOF, Premature end of file detected |
150379963 |
PREVJNLLINKCUT, Previous journal file name link set to NULL in new journal file xxxx created for database file yyyy |
150379971 |
PREVJNLLINKSET, Previous generation journal file name is changed from xxxx to yyyy |
150375042 |
PREVJNLNOEOF, A previous generation journal file xxxx does not have valid EOF |
150379298 |
PRIMARYISROOT, Attempted operation not valid on root primary instance xxxx |
150380466 |
PRIMARYNOTROOT, Attempted operation not valid on non-root primary instance xxxx |
150381784 |
PROCTERM, uuuu process termination due to cccc from eeee |
150376970 |
PROTNOTSUP, Protocol xxxx not supported |
150503698 |
QUALBAD, xxxx is not a valid qualifier |
150503706 |
QUALDUP, xxxx qualifier appears more than once in the list |
150374610 |
QUALEXP, Qualifier expected but not found |
150503714 |
QUALREQD, xxxx required |
150374626 |
QUALVAL, Qualifier value required but not found |
150381778 |
QUITALSINV, QUIT * return when the extrinsic was not invoked with SET * |
150374546 |
QUITARGLST, Quit cannot take a list of arguments |
150374554 |
QUITARGREQD, Quit from an extrinsic must have an argument |
150374426 |
QUITARGUSE, Quit cannot take an argument in this context |
150373586 |
RANDARGNEG, Random number generator argument must be greater than or equal to one |
150384106 |
RAWDEVUNSUP, RAW device for region RRRR is not supported |
150382314 |
RCVRMANYSTRMS, Receiver server now connecting to source stream NNNN but had previously connected to a different stream nnnn |
150377474 |
RDFLTOOLONG, Length specified for fixed length read exceeds the maximum string size |
150375298 |
RDFLTOOSHORT, Length specified for fixed length read less than or equal to zero |
150381458 |
READONLYNOBG, Read-only cannot be enabled on non-MM databases |
150373602 |
REC2BIG, Record size (xxxx) is greater than maximum (yyyy) for region: zzzz |
150375531 |
RECCNT, Last LOAD record number: xxxx |
150377410 |
RECLOAD, Error loading record number: nnnn |
150372595 |
RECORDSTAT, gggg: Key cnt: kkkk max subsc len: ssss max rec len: dddd max node len: rrrr |
150377658 |
RECSIZENOTEVEN, RECORDSIZE [xxxx] needs to be a multiple of 2 if ICHSET or OCHSET is UTF-16, UTF-16LE or UTF-16BE |
150503731 |
RECSIZIS, Record size is xxxx |
150503723 |
RECTOOBIG, Block size xxxx and yyyy reserved bytes limit record size to zzzz |
150377210 |
RECVPOOLSETUP, Receive Pool setup error |
418819587 |
REGFILENOTFOUND, Database file DDDD corresponding to region RRRR cannot be found |
150503739 |
REGIS, in region xxxx |
150568978 |
REGNTFND, Region referenced not initialized |
150383154 |
REGOPENFAIL, Failed to open region rrrr (dddd) due to conflicting database shutdown activity |
150381618 |
REGSSFAIL, Process pppp encountered error contributing to the snapshot for region rrrr - the snapshot is no longer valid. |
150383514 |
RELINKCTLERR, Error with relink control structure for $ZROUTINES directory dddd |
150378122 |
RELINKCTLFULL, Relinkctl file for directory dddd is full (maximum entries mmmm) |
150383178 |
REMOTEDBNOSPGBL, Database region rrrr contains portion of a spanning global and so cannot point to a remote file |
150383562 |
REMOTEDBNOTRIG, Trigger operations on global gggg not supported as it maps to database region rrrr that points to a remote file |
150378824 |
RENAMEFAIL, Rename of file xxxx to yyyy failed |
150376027 |
REORGCTRLY, User interrupt encountered during database reorg -- halting |
150377600 |
REORGINC, Reorg was incomplete. Not all globals were reorged. |
150380730 |
REORGUPCNFLCT, MUPIP AAAA encountered a conflict due to OOOO (PID:PPPP) |
150384649 |
REPL0BACKLOG, Total backlog for the specified replicating instance(s) is 0 |
150382234 |
REPL2OLD, Instance IIII uses a GT.M version that does not support connection with the current version on iiii. |
150379114 |
REPLACCSEM, Error with replication access semaphore (id = xxxx) for instance file aaaa |
150378530 |
REPLAHEAD, Replicating instance is ahead of the originating instance. aaaa |
150384624 |
REPLALERT, Source Server could not connect to replicating instance [XXXX] for [NNNN] seconds |
150384658 |
REPLBACKLOG, Timeout occurred while there was a backlog |
150377274 |
REPLBRKNTRANS, Replication subsystem found transaction xxxx broken or missing in the journal files |
150377218 |
REPLCOMM, Replication subsystem communication failure |
150377250 |
150378930 |
REPLEXITERR, Replication process encountered an error while exiting |
150377266 |
REPLFILIOERR, Replication subsystem file I/O error xxxx |
150377298 |
REPLFILTER, Replication filter subsystem failure |
150378890 |
REPLFTOKSEM, Error with replication semaphores for instance file xxxx |
150377554 |
REPLGBL2LONG, Global names longer than 8 characters cannot be handled at the secondary |
150377235 |
REPLINFO, xxxx |
150379394 |
REPLINSTACC, Error accessing replication instance file xxxx |
150378706 |
REPLINSTCLOSE, Error closing replication instance file xxxx |
150379130 |
REPLINSTCREATE, Error creating replication instance file xxxx |
150380882 |
REPLINSTDBMATCH, Replication instance file xxxx has seqno xxxx while database has a different seqno yyyy |
150382346 |
REPLINSTDBSTRM, Replication instance file rrrr has seqno xxxx for Stream nnnn while database has a different seqno XXXX |
150379450 |
REPLINSTFMT, Format error encountered while reading replication instance file xxxx. Expected yyyy. Found zzzz. |
150382659 |
150382650 |
REPLINSTFROZEN, Instance xxxx is now Frozen |
150380866 |
REPLINSTMISMTCH, Process has replication instance file ffff (jnlpool shmid = ssss) open but database dddd is bound to instance file gggg (jnlpool shmid =tttt) |
150380906 |
REPLINSTNMLEN, Replication instance name xxxx should be 1 to 15 characters long |
150380890 |
REPLINSTNMSAME, Primary and Secondary instances have the same replication instance name xxxx |
150380898 |
REPLINSTNMUNDEF, Replication instance name not defined |
150380914 |
REPLINSTNOHIST, REPLINSTNOHIST History record for xxxx not found in replication instance file yyyy |
150383162 |
REPLINSTNOSHM, Database dddd has no active connection to a replication journal pool |
418814154 |
REPLINSTOPEN, Error opening replication instance file xxxx |
418816330 |
REPLINSTREAD, Error reading xxxx bytes at offset yyyy from replication instance file ffff |
150380610 |
REPLINSTRECR, Error recreating replication instance file ffff |
150380922 |
REPLINSTSECLEN, REPLINSTSECLEN Secondary replication instance name xxxx should be 1 to 15 characters long |
150380930 |
REPLINSTSECMTCH, REPLINSTSECMTCH Secondary replication instance name xxxx sent by receiver does not match yyyy specified at source server startup |
150380938 |
REPLINSTSECNONE, No information found for secondary instance xxxx in instance file yyyy |
150380946 |
REPLINSTSECUNDF, REPLINSTSECUNDF Secondary replication instance name not defined |
150380954 |
REPLINSTSEQORD, REPLINSTSEQORD ssss has seqno xxxx which is less than last record seqno yyyy in replication instance file zzzz |
150380962 |
REPLINSTSTNDALN, REPLINSTSTNDALN Could not get exclusive access to replication instance file xxxx |
150379386 |
REPLINSTUNDEF, Replication instance environment variable $gtm_repl_instance is undefined |
150382667 |
REPLINSTUNFROZEN, Instance xxxx is now Unfrozen |
418814474 |
REPLINSTWRITE, REPLINSTWRITE Error writing xxxx bytes at offset yyyy from replication instance file ffff |
150378818 |
REPLJNLCLOSED, Replication in jeopardy as journaling got closed for database file dddd. Current region seqno is xxxx[XXXX] and system seqno is yyyy[YYYY] |
150379896 |
REPLJNLCNFLCT, Journaling cannot be turned nnnn on database file ffff as the replication state is rrrr and must also be turned nnnn in the same command |
418812746 |
REPLLOGOPN, Replication subsystem could not open log file LLLL : eeee. Logging done to OOOO |
150382018 |
REPLMULTINSTUPDATE, Previous updates in the current transaction are to xxxx so updates to yyyy (in rrrr) not allowed |
150379888 |
REPLNOBEFORE, NOBEFORE option cannot be used when the current replication state is ON for a database file xxxx |
150383554 |
REPLNOHASHTREC, Sequence number NNNN contains trigger definition updates. IIII side must be at least V6.2-000 for replication to continue |
150384640 |
REPLNORESP, No sequence number confirmation from the replicating instance xxxx after waiting for nnnn second(s) |
150383306 |
REPLNOTLS, xxxx requested TLS/SSL communication but the yyyy was either not started with TLSID qualifier or does not support TLS/SSL protocol |
150377074 |
REPLNOTON, Replication is not on for journal file xxxx, rollback will not continue |
150381962 |
REPLNOXENDIAN, SSSS side is running on a GT.M version that does not support cross-endian replication. Upgrade the SSSS side to at least V5.3-003 to support cross-endian replication. Cannot continue. |
150380314 |
REPLOFFJNLON, Replication state for database file <xxx> is OFF but journaling state is enabled. |
150377058 |
REPLPOOLINST, Error with replication pool xxxx for instance file yyyy |
150380460 |
REPLRECFMT, Replication journal record format error encountered |
150380970 |
REPLREQROLLBACK, Replication instance file xxxx indicates abnormal shutdown. Run MUPIP JOURNAL ROLLBACK first. |
150379426 |
REPLREQRUNDOWN, Error accessing replication instance xxxx. Must be rundown on cluster node yyyy. |
150383696 |
REPLSRCEXITERR, Source server for secondary instance xxxx exited abnormally. See log file yyyy for details. |
150379931 |
REPLSTATE, Replication state for region/database file xxxx is now yyyy |
150376498 |
REPLSTATEERR, Replication state cannot be changed to the specified value for database file <xxx>. |
150380418 |
REPLSTATEOFF, MUPIP JOURNAL -ROLLBACK -BACKWARD cannot proceed as database xxxx does not have replication ON |
150377466 |
REPLTRANS2BIG, Transaction xxxx of size yyyy too large to be accommodated in the zzzz pool |
150377240 |
REPLWARN, xxxx |
150381970 |
REPLXENDIANFAIL, SSSS side encountered error while doing endian conversion at journal sequence number JJJJ |
150379035 |
REQ2RESUME, Request to resume suspended processing received from process xxxx owned by userid yyyy |
150375794 |
REQDVIEWPARM, Required View parameter is missing |
150379986 |
REQRECOV, Error accessing database dddd. Must be recovered on cluster node ccccc. |
150383578 |
REQRLNKCTLRNDWN, Error accessing relinkctl file rrrr for $ZROUTINES directory dddd. Must be rundown |
150380978 |
REQROLLBACK, Error accessing database dddd. Run MUPIP JOURNAL -ROLLBACK -NOONLINE on cluster node cccc. |
150374954 |
REQRUNDOWN, Error accessing database dddd. Must be rundown on cluster node ccccc. |
150380499 |
RESOLVESEQNO, Resolving until sequence number dddd [0xxxxx] |
150382339 |
RESOLVESEQSTRM, Resolving until stream sequence number Stream nnnn : Seqno dddd xxxx |
150382635 |
RESRCINTRLCKBYPAS, tttt with PID qqqq bypassing the ssss semaphore for region rrrr (ffff) currently held by PID pppp. |
150382627 |
RESRCWAIT, Waiting briefly for the tttt semaphore for region rrrr (ffff) was held by PID pppp (Sem. ID: ssss) |
150377003 |
RESTORESUCCESS, Restore completed successfully |
418819666 |
RESTRICTEDOP, Attempt to perform a restricted operation: xxxx |
150384218 |
RESTRICTSYNTAX, Syntax error in file ffff at line number nnnn. All facilities restricted for process. |
150382354 |
RESUMESTRMNUM, Error with stream number specified in RESUME qualifier |
150383938 |
RESYNCSEQLOW, MUPIP JOURNAL -ROLLBACK -FORWARD -RESYNC=NNNN [0xXXXX] requested is lower than LLLL which is the starting sequence number for the instance |
150382306 |
REUSEINSTNAME, Error with instance name specified in REUSE qualifier |
150373610 |
RHMISSING, Right-hand side of expression expected |
150381227 |
RLBKJNLNOBIMG, Journal file jjjj has NOBEFORE_IMAGE journaling. |
150380451 |
RLBKJNSEQ, Journal seqno of the instance after rollback is xxxx[yyyy] |
150381235 |
RLBKLOSTTNONLY, ROLLBACK will only create a lost transaction file (database and journal files will not be modified) |
150381218 |
RLBKNOBIMG, ROLLBACK cannot proceed as database dddd has NOBEFORE_IMAGE journaling |
150382331 |
RLBKSTRMSEQ, Stream journal seqno of the instance after rollback is Stream nnnn : Seqno dddd xxxx |
150379824 |
RLNKCTLOPENDEL, The relinkctl file rrrr for $ZROUTINES directory dddd has been deleted by another process, will try to reconnect. (retry = nnnn) |
150383594 |
RLNKCTLRNDWNFL, Relinkctl file for $ZROUTINES directory dddd failed to rundown as it is open by nnnn process(es) |
150383587 |
RLNKCTLRNDWNSUC, Relinkctl file for $ZROUTINES directory dddd successfully rundown |
150375987 |
RLNKINTEGINFO, Integrity check completed successfully: xxxx -- called from module yyyy at line zzzz |
150383626 |
RLNKRECLATCH, Failed to get latch on relinkctl record for routine name rrrr in $ZROUTINES directory dddd |
150373728 |
RLNKRECNFL, Conflict on relinkctl file rrrr for $ZROUTINES directory dddd, running an integrity check |
150383634 |
RLNKSHMLATCH, Failed to get latch on relinkctl shared memory for $ZROUTINES directory dddd |
150376586 |
RMBIGSHARE, File with BIGRECORD specified may only be SHARED if READONLY |
150376450 |
RMNOBIGRECORD, RMNOBIGRECORD File record size requires BIGRECORD parameter |
150375962 |
RMWIDTHPOS, File record size or width must be greater than zero |
150376194 |
RMWIDTHTOOBIG, File record size too big |
150378747 |
RNDWNSEMFAIL, Attempting to acquire gds_rundown semaphore when it is already owned |
150384042 |
RNDWNSTATSDBFAIL, Rundown of statistics database region RRRR (DB DDDD) failed at/in LLLL with following error: EEEE |
150380442 |
ROLLBKINTERRUPT, Database file xxxx indicates interrupted ROLLBACK. Reissue the MUPIP JOURNAL ROLLBACK command. |
150373634 |
ROUTINEUNKNOWN, Routine could not be found |
150503610 |
RPAREN, List must end with right parenthesis or continue with comma |
150373642 |
RPARENMISSING, Right parenthesis expected |
150374114 |
RPARENREQD, xxxx Right parenthesis expected |
150380818 |
RSVDBYTE2HIGH, Record size ssss is greater than the maximum allowed for region rrrr with Block size bbbb and cccc reserved bytes dddd |
150382562 |
RSYNCSTRMSUPPLONLY, RSYNC_STRM qualifier only supported for Supplementary Instances |
150382322 |
RSYNCSTRMVAL, RSYNC_STRM qualifier can only take on a value from 0 to 15 |
150373650 |
RTNNAME, Routine name expected here |
150373667 |
RTSLOC, At M source location xxxx |
150375994 |
RUNPARAMERR, Error accessing parameter for run command |
150373674 |
RWARG, This is not a legal argument for a READ command |
150373682 |
RWFORMAT, A valid format expression (!!, #, or ?expr) expected here |
150378098 |
SCNDDBNOUPD, Database updates not allowed on the secondary |
150378850 |
SDSEEKERR, Sequential device seek error |
150382258 |
SECNOTSUPPLEMENTARY, ssss is a Supplementary Instance and so cannot act as a source to non-Supplementary Instance iiii |
150379810 |
SEFCTNEEDSFULLB, Current side effect setting does not permit full Boolean to be turned off |
150503747 |
SEGIS, in xxxx segment yyyy |
150373698 |
SELECTFALSE, No argument to $SELECT was true |
150375012 |
SELECTSYNTAX, Argument to xxxx clause is not valid |
150383003 |
SEMID, Semaphore id nnnn |
150379458 |
SEMKEYINUSE, Semaphore key xxxx is already in use (possibly by an older version) |
150379443 |
SEMREMOVED, Semaphore id xxxx removed from the system |
418816074 |
SEMUNDOOVERFLOW, The operating system per-process SEM_UNDO table is full and region rrrr cannot be opened |
150378690 |
SEMWT2LONG, Process wwww waited ssss second(s) for the llll lock for region rrrr, lock held by pid pppp |
418818442 |
SEQNUMSEARCHTIMEOUT, Timed out trying to find sequence number ssss in Journal File(s). See above messages for details. Source server exiting |
150375226 |
SERVERERR, Severe error on server: xxxx |
150379506 |
SETECODE, Non-empty value assigned to $ECODE (user-defined error trap) |
150382954 |
SETEXTRENV, Database files are missing or Instance is frozen; supply the database files, wait for the freeze to lift or define gtm_extract_nocol to extract possibly incorrect collation |
150381906 |
SETINSETTRIGONLY, ISV iiii can only be modified in a 'SET' type trigger |
150381642 |
SETINTRIGONLY, ISV iiii cannot be modified outside of the trigger environment |
150382284 |
SETITIMERFAILED, A setitimer() call returned an error status of ssss |
150383818 |
SETQUALPROB, Error getting qqqq qualifier value |
150380387 |
SETREG2RESYNC, Setting resync sequence number xxxx to region sequence number yyyy for database zzzz |
150379170 |
SETSOCKOPTERR, Setting the socket attribute xxxx failed: (errno == aaaa) yyyy |
418815138 |
SETZDIR, Cannot change working directory to xxxx. |
150380840 |
SHMHUGETLB, Could not back shared memory with huge pages, using base pages instead |
150380848 |
SHMLOCK, Could not pin shared memory into physical memory |
150380771 |
SHMPLRECOV, Shared memory pool block recovery invoked for region xxxx |
150382035 |
SHMREMOVED, Removed Shared Memory id mmmm corresponding to file ffff |
150384632 |
SHUT2QUICK, Shutdown timeout ssss shorter than the heartbeat period SSSS; cannot confirm the backlog at the replicating instance iiii |
150382912 |
SIDEEFFECTEVAL, Extrinsic ($$), External call ($&) or $INCREMENT() with potential side effects in actuallist, function arguments, non-Boolean binary operands or subscripts |
418813428 |
SIGACCERR, Signal was caused by invalid permissions for mapped object |
150377884 |
SIGADRALN, Signal was caused by invalid address alignment |
150377892 |
SIGADRERR, Signal was caused by non-existent physical address |
150377876 |
SIGBADSTK, Signal was caused by an internal stack error |
150377868 |
SIGCOPROC, Signal was caused by a coprocessor error |
150377924 |
SIGFLTDIV, Signal was caused by a floating point divided by zero |
150377956 |
SIGFLTINV, Signal was caused by an invalid floating point operation |
150377932 |
SIGFLTOVF, Signal was caused by a floating point overflow |
150377948 |
SIGFLTRES, Signal was caused by a floating point inexact result |
150377940 |
SIGFLTUND, Signal was caused by a floating point underflow |
150377836 |
SIGILLADR, Signal was caused by illegal addressing mode |
150377820 |
SIGILLOPC, Signal was caused by an illegal opcode |
150377828 |
SIGILLOPN, Signal was caused by an illegal operand |
150377844 |
SIGILLTRP, Signal was caused by an illegal trap |
150377908 |
SIGINTDIV, Signal was caused by an integer divided by zero |
150377916 |
SIGINTOVF, Signal was caused by an integer overflow |
150377964 |
SIGMAPERR, Signal was caused by an address not mapped to an object |
150377900 |
SIGOBJERR, Signal was caused by an object specific hardware error |
150377852 |
SIGPRVOPC, Signal was caused by a privileged opcode |
150377860 |
SIGPRVREG, Signal was caused by a privileged register |
150379554 |
SIZENOTVALID4, Size (in bytes) must be either 1, 2, or 4 |
150378034 |
SIZENOTVALID8, Size (in bytes) must be either 1, 2, 4, or 8 |
150383330 |
SOCKACCEPT, Socket accept failed |
150376378 |
SOCKACPT, Error accepting socket connection |
150379146 |
SOCKBFNOTEMPTY, Socket buffer size cannot be set to xxxx due to aaaa bytes of buffered data. Read first. |
150383130 |
SOCKBIND, Error in binding socket |
150384674 |
150384754 |
SOCKCLOSE, Error closing socket: (errno = aaaa) xxxx |
150377434 |
SOCKETEXIST, Socket xxxx already exists |
150380602 |
SOCKHANGUP, Socket has disconnected |
150376386 |
SOCKINIT, Error initializing socket: (errno == aaaa) xxxx |
150376994 |
SOCKLISTEN, Error listening on a socket |
150381146 |
SOCKMAX, Attempt to exceed maximum sockets xxx for the SOCKET device |
150377418 |
SOCKNOTFND, Socket xxxx not found |
150378898 |
SOCKNOTPASSED, Socket message contained no passed socket descriptors |
150383322 |
SOCKPASS, Socket pass failed |
150383354 |
SOCKPASSDATAMIX, Attempt to use a LOCAL socket for both READ/WRITE and PASS/ACCEPT |
150376370 |
SOCKWAIT, Error waiting for socket connection |
150384682 |
SOCKWAITARG, nnnn argument to WRITE /WAIT xxxx |
150376602 |
SOCKWRITE, Write to a socket failed |
150380856 |
SPCFCBUFDELAY, Request for block bbbb in database file dddd delayed by PID iiii |
150382874 |
SPCLZMSG, The following error message cannot be driven through ZMESSAGE |
150373706 |
SPOREOL, Either a space or an end-of-line was expected but not found |
150384699 |
SRCBACKLOGSTATUS, Instance RRRR SSSS NNNN transaction(s) |
418811674 |
SRCFILERR, Error with source file I/O on file xxxx |
150373715 |
SRCLIN, xxxx |
150381795 |
SRCLNNTDSP, Source lines exceeding wwww character width are not displayed |
150373723 |
SRCLOC, At column xxxx, line yyyy, source module zzzz |
150375139 |
SRCNAM, in source module xxxx |
150380994 |
SRCSRVEXISTS, Source server for secondary instance xxxx is already running with pid yyyy |
150381002 |
SRCSRVNOTEXIST, Source server for secondary instance xxxx is not alive |
150381010 |
SRCSRVTOOMANY, Cannot start more than xxxx source servers in primary instance file yyyy |
150382450 |
SRVLCKWT2LNG, PID pppp is holding the source server lock. Waited for ssss seconds(s). Now exiting |
150381850 |
SSATTACHSHM, Error while attaching to shared memory identifier iiii |
150381634 |
SSFILCLNUPFAIL, Error while unlinking snapshot file -- xxxx |
150381610 |
SSFILOPERR, Error while doing oooo operation on file ffff |
150381602 |
SSPREMATEOF, Premature end of file while reading block nnnn of size: bbbb bytes at offset: oooo from zzzz |
150381626 |
SSSHMCLNUPFAIL, Error while doing snapshot shared memory cleanup. Operation -- ssss. Identifier -- dddd |
418817042 |
SSTMPCREATE, Cannot create the temporary file in directory dddd for the requested snapshot |
418817034 |
SSTMPDIRSTAT, Cannot access temporary directory dddd |
150373738 |
STACKCRIT, Stack space critical |
150373748 |
STACKOFLOW, Stack overflow |
150373754 |
STACKUNDERFLO, Stack underflow |
150380282 |
STARFILE, Star(*) argument cannot be specified with xxxx |
150372435 |
STATCNT, xxxx: Key cnt: yyyy max subsc len: zzzz max data len: wwww |
150384154 |
STATSDBERR, Error in/at LLLL attempting to use a statistics database: SSSS |
150384170 |
STATSDBFNERR, This database has no accessible statistics database due to the following error: EEEE |
150384162 |
STATSDBINUSE, Statistics database SSSS is in use with database DDDD so cannot also be used with database OOOO |
150384514 |
STATSDBMEMERR, Process attempted to create stats block in statistics database SSSS and received SIGBUS--invalid physical address. Check file system space. |
150384050 |
STATSDBNOTSUPP, Attempted operation is not supported on statistics database file SSSS |
150504091 |
STDNULLCOLLREQ, Region rrrr needs Standard Null Collation enabled because global gggg spans through it |
150384274 |
STPCRIT, String pool space critical |
150380570 |
STPEXPFAIL, Stringpool expansion failed. It could not expand to xxxx bytes |
150384284 |
STPOFLOW, String pool space overflow |
150373762 |
STRINGOFLOW, String pool overflow |
150503898 |
STRMISSQUOTE, Missing double-quote at end of string specification ssss |
150382571 |
STRMNUMIS, Stream # is ssss |
150382578 |
STRMNUMMISMTCH1, Stream nnnn exists on the receiver instance file but is unknown on the source instance |
150382586 |
STRMNUMMISMTCH2, Stream nnnn exists on the source instance file but is unknown on the receiver instance |
150382594 |
STRMSEQMISMTCH, Unable to play update on Stream nnnn with seqno xxxx as receiving instance has a different stream seqno XXXX |
150379562 |
STRNOTVALID, Error: cannot convert xxxx value to valid yyyy value. |
150372786 |
STRUNXEOR, xxxx unexpected end of record in string subscript |
150381523 |
STUCKACT, Process stuck script invoked: rrrr : pppp |
150375154 |
SUB2LONG, Subscript invalid, too long |
150382266 |
SUPRCVRNEEDSSUPSRC, Instance iiii is not configured to perform local updates, so it cannot act as a receiver for non-Supplementary Instance ssss |
150379139 |
SUSPENDING, Suspending processing on user request or attempt to do terminal I/O while running in the background |
150381170 |
SVNEXPECTED, Special variable expected in this context |
150381178 |
SVNONEW, Cannot NEW this special variable |
150373770 |
SVNOSET, Cannot SET this special variable |
150377722 |
SYSCALL, Error received from system call xxxx -- called from module yyyy at line zzzz |
150384290 |
SYSUTILCONF, Error determining the path for system utility. tttt |
150378994 |
TCGETATTR, Error while getting terminal attributes on file descriptor xxxx |
150381842 |
TCOMMITDISALLOW, TROLLBACK required after an unhandled error in trigger context |
150379002 |
TCSETATTR, Error while setting terminal attributes on file descriptor xxxx |
150373786 |
TERMASTQUOTA, Process AST quota exceeded, cannot open terminal |
150384594 |
TERMHANGUP, Terminal has disconnected |
150375922 |
TERMWRITE, Error writing to terminal, status: |
150375539 |
TEXT, xxxx |
150373794 |
TEXTARG, Invalid argument to $TEXT function |
150379040 |
TIMERHANDLER, Incorrect SIGALRM handler xxxx found by yyyy |
150376522 |
TIMEROVFL, Timer overflow; interval probably too large |
150375307 |
TIMRBADVAL, Bad value specified. Timer not changed. |
150383280 |
TLSCONNINFO, Failed to obtain information on the TLS/SSL connection |
150383266 |
TLSCONVSOCK, Failed to convert UNIX TCP/IP socket to TLS/SSL aware socket>/error |
150383250 |
TLSDLLNOOPEN, Failed to load GT.M TLS/SSL library for secure communication |
150383274 |
TLSHANDSHAKE, Connection to remote side using TLS/SSL protocol failed |
150383258 |
TLSINIT, Failed to initialize GT.M TLS/SSL library for secure communication |
150383290 |
TLSIOERROR, Error during TLS/SSL oooo operation |
150383618 |
TLSPARAM, TLS parameter pppp eeee |
150383298 |
TLSRENEGOTIATE, Failed to XXXX TLS/SSL connection |
150376058 |
TLVLZERO, Transaction is not in progress |
150380026 |
TMPFILENOCRE, Error in MUPIP BACKUP while trying to create temporary file xxxx |
150373802 |
TMPSTOREMAX, Maximum space for temporary values exceeded |
150380762 |
TNTOOLARGE, Database file xxx has reached the transaction number limit (0xaaa). Renew database with MUPIP INTEG TN_RESET |
150380752 |
TNWARN, Database file xxx has 0xaaa more transactions to go before reaching the transaction number limit (0xaaa). Renew database with MUPIP INTEG TN_RESET |
150377570 |
TOOMANYCLIENTS, GT.M is serving the maximum number of clients. Try again later. |
150375114 |
TOTALBLKMAX, Extension exceeds maximum total blocks, not extending |
150376090 |
TPFAIL, Transaction COMMIT failed. |
150376074 |
TPLOCK, Cannot release lock(s) held prior to current TSTART |
150376434 |
TPMIXUP, xxxx transaction cannot be started within yyyy transaction |
150384058 |
TPNOSTATSHARE, VIEW "[NO]STATSHARE" is not allowed inside a TP transaction |
150383218 |
TPNOSUPPORT, Operation cannot be performed while inside of a TP transaction |
150378864 |
TPNOTACID, tttt at xxxx in a final TP retry violates ACID properties of a TRANSACTION and could exceed ssss milliseconds and rrrr RESTARTs have occurred |
150376082 |
TPQUIT, Cannot QUIT out of a routine with an active transaction |
150376595 |
TPRESTART, Database mmmm; code: xxxx; blk: yyyy in glbl: zzzz; pvtmods: aaaa, blkmods: bbbb, blklvl: cccc, type: dddd, readset: eeee, writeset: ffff, local_tn: gggg, zpos: hhhh |
150382970 |
TPRESTNESTERR, TP restart signaled while handing error - treated as nested error - Use TROLLBACK in error handler to avoid this |
150377322 |
TPTIMEOUT, Transaction timeout |
150376106 |
TPTOODEEP, $TLEVEL cannot exceed 127 |
150377562 |
TRACEON, Missing global name (with optional subscripts) to dump M-tracing information into |
150379587 |
TRACINGON, Tracing already turned on |
150376146 |
TRANS2BIG, Transaction exceeded available buffer space for region rrrr |
150373274 |
TRANSMINUS, Negative numbers not allowed with ZTCOMMIT |
150373002 |
TRANSNEST, Maximum transaction nesting levels exceeded |
150372834 |
TRANSNOSTART, ZTCOMMIT(s) issued without corresponding ZTSTART(s) |
150377050 |
TRESTLOC, Transaction start: xxxx, Transaction failure: yyyy |
150381866 |
TRESTMAX, TRESTART not allowed in a final TP retry more than once |
150376066 |
TRESTNOT, Cannot TRESTART, transaction is not restartable |
150381720 |
TRIG2NOTRIG, Sending transaction sequence number xxxx which used triggers to a replicator that does not support triggers |
150381658 |
TRIGCOMPFAIL, Compilation of database trigger named tttt failed |
150381827 |
TRIGDATAIGNORE, Ignoring trigger data tttt. Use MUPIP TRIGGER to load trigger definitions |
150381810 |
TRIGDEFBAD, Trigger initialization failed for global ^gggg. Error while processing ^#t("xxxx",yyyy[,zzzz]) |
150381856 |
TRIGDEFNOSYNC, Global ^gggg has triggers defined on the [originating/replicating] instance but none on the [replicating/originating] instance. Current journal sequence number is 0xjjjj |
150381698 |
TRIGINVCHSET, Trigger tttt for global gggg was created with CHSET=cccc which is different from the current $ZCHSET of this process |
150381835 |
TRIGIS, Trigger name: tttt |
150383346 |
TRIGLOADFAIL, MUPIP TRIGGER or $ZTRIGGER operation failed. Failure code: xxxx |
418817634 |
TRIGMODREGNOTRW, Trigger(s) cannot be added/changed/deleted because region rrrr is read-only |
150376874 |
TRIGNAMBAD, Trigger initialization failed. Error while processing ^#t(tttt,cccc) |
150376042 |
TRIGNAMENF, Trigger name nnnn not found with the current default global directory |
150381754 |
TRIGNAMEUNIQ, Unable to make trigger name tttt unique beyond vvvv versions already loaded |
150381706 |
TRIGREPLSTATE, Trigger cannot update replicated database file dddd since triggering update was not replicated |
150381818 |
TRIGSUBSCRANGE, Trigger definition for global ^gggg has one or more invalid subscript range(s) : ssss |
150381738 |
TRIGTCOMMIT, TCOMMIT at $ZTLEVEL=LLLL not allowed as corresponding TSTART was done at lower $ZTLEVEL=BBBB |
150381746 |
TRIGTLVLCHNG, Detected a net transaction level ($TLEVEL) change during trigger tttt. Transaction level must be the same at exit as when the trigger started |
150383682 |
TRIGUPBADLABEL, Trigger upgrade cannot upgrade label NNNN to CCCC on ^GGGG in region RRRR |
150376048 |
TRIGZBREAKREM, ZBREAK in trigger tttt removed due to trigger being reloaded |
150377978 |
TRNLOGFAIL, Translation of [OpenVMS] logical name or [UNIX] environmental variable xxxx failed |
150377738 |
TROLLBK2DEEP, Intended rollback (xxxx) deeper than the current $tlevel (yyyy) |
150376034 |
TSTRTPARM, Error parsing TSTART qualifier |
150375251 |
TTINVFILTER, Invalid FILTER argument |
150377314 |
TTLENGTHTOOBIG, Terminal LENGTH exceeds the maximum allowed limit |
150377282 |
TTWIDTHTOOBIG, Terminal WIDTH exceeds the maximum allowed limit |
150373826 |
TXTSRCFMT, $TEXT encountered an invalid source program file format |
150375082 |
TXTSRCMAT, M object module and source file do not match |
150373834 |
UIDMSG, Unidentified message received |
150373842 |
UIDSND, Unidentified sender PID |
150373850 |
UNDEF, Undefined local variable: xxxx |
150373858 |
UNIMPLOP, Unimplemented construct encountered |
150384482 |
UNIQNAME, Cannot provide same file name (nnnn) for ffff and FFFF |
150374572 |
UNKNOWNFOREX, Process halted by a forced exit from a source other than MUPIP |
150374170 |
UNSDCLASS, Unsupported descriptor class |
150374178 |
UNSDDTYPE, Unsupported descriptor data type |
150375330 |
UNSOLCNTERR, An unsolicited error message has been received from the network |
150373386 |
UNUM64ERR, Error: cannot convert VVVV value to 64 bit unsigned decimal or hexadecimal number |
418812810 |
UPDATEFILEOPEN, Update file open error |
150383538 |
UPDPROC, Update Process error |
150381298 |
UPDREPLSTATEOFF, Error replicating global gggg as it maps to database xxxx which has replication turned OFF. |
150382290 |
UPDSYNC2MTINS, Can only UPDATERESYNC with an empty instance file |
150382298 |
UPDSYNCINSTFILE, Error with instance file name specified in UPDATERESYNC qualifier |
150375906 |
USRIOINIT, User-defined device driver not successfully initialized |
150383954 |
UTF16ENDIAN, The device previously set UTF-16 endianness to cccc and cannot change to eeee |
150503755 |
VALTOOBIG, xxxx is larger than the maximum of yyyy for a zzzz |
150503762 |
VALTOOLONG, xxxx exceeds the maximum length of yyyy for a zzzz |
150503771 |
VALTOOSMALL, xxxx is less than the minimum of yyyy for a zzzz |
150503778 |
VALUEBAD, xxxx is not a valid yyyy |
150503786 |
VALUEREQD, Qualifier xxxx requires a value |
150373866 |
VAREXPECTED, Variable expected in this context |
150503795 |
VERIFY, Verification xxxx |
150376858 |
VERMISMATCH, Attempt to access xxxx with version yyyy, while already using zzzz |
150374082 |
VERSION, Version mismatch - This program must be recompiled |
150374034 |
VIEWAMBIG, View parameter xxxx is ambiguous |
150373898 |
VIEWARGCNT, View parameter xxxx has inappropriate number of subparameters |
150383146 |
VIEWARGTOOLONG, The argument length LLLL to VIEW command vvvv exceeds the maximum mmmm |
150373810 |
VIEWCMD, View parameter pppp is not valid with the VIEW command |
150373778 |
VIEWFN, View parameter pppp is not valid with the VIEW command |
150373658 |
VIEWGVN, Invalid global key name used with VIEW/$VIEW(): xxxx |
150381378 |
VIEWLVN, Invalid local variable name used with VIEW or $VIEW(): vvvv |
150374042 |
VIEWNOTFOUND, View parameter xxxx not valid |
150373360 |
VIEWREGLIST, $VIEW() only handles the first region subparameter |
150376508 |
VMSMEMORY, Central memory exhausted - check page file quota and page file size |
150378779 |
WAITDSKSPACE, Process xxxx will wait aaaa seconds for necessary disk space to become available for yyyy |
150378808 |
WCBLOCKED, Field xxxx is set by process yyyy at transaction number aaaa for database file zzzz |
150375842 |
WCERRNOTCHG, Not all specified databases were changed |
150375266 |
WCSFLUFAIL, Error flushing buffers -- called from module MMMM at line LLLL |
150375848 |
WCWRNNOTCHG, Not all specified databases were changed |
150383690 |
WEIRDSYSTIME, Time reported by the system clock is outside the acceptable range. Please check and correct the system clock. |
150381138 |
WIDTHTOOSMALL, WIDTH should be at least 2 when device ICHSET or OCHSET is UTF-8 or UTF-16. |
150374586 |
WILDCARD, Wild cards are prohibited: xxxx |
150503859 |
WRITEERROR, Cannot exit because of write failure. Reason for failure: xxxx. |
150379746 |
WRITERSTUCK, Buffer flush stuck waiting for concurrent writer PID pppp (mmmm of xxxx) to finish writing to database file dddd |
150381946 |
WRITEWAITPID, PID wwww waited mmmm minute(s) for PID hhhh to finish writing block bbbb in database file ffff |
150384386 |
XCRETNULLREF, Returned null reference from external call LLLL |
150379370 |
XCVOIDRET, Attempt to return a value from function xxxx, which is declared void in external call table yyyy |
150379490 |
XTRNRETSTR, Return string from extended reference translation algorithm is NULL. |
150379482 |
XTRNRETVAL, Length of return value from extended reference translation algorithm is out of bound |
150379474 |
XTRNTRANSDLL, Error during extended reference environment translation. Please check the above message. |
150379466 |
XTRNTRANSERR, Error attempting to generate an environment using an external algorithm. |
150373354 |
ZATRANSCOL, The collation requested has no implementation for the requested operation |
150383234 |
ZATRANSERR, The input string is too long to convert |
150373914 |
ZATTACHERR, Error attaching to xxxx |
150380203 |
ZBREAKFAIL, Could not set breakpoint at xxxx due to insufficient memory |
150374218 |
ZCALLTABLE, External call: Table format error |
150374226 |
ZCARGMSMTCH, External call: Actual argument count, xxxx is greater than formal argument count, yyyy |
150382002 |
ZCCLNUPRTNMISNG, External call: Cleanup routine name missing. Cannot continue |
150376770 |
ZCCOLON, Colon expected but not found |
150374234 |
ZCCONMSMTCH, External call: Too many input arguments |
150374298 |
ZCCONVERT, External call: error converting output argument |
150376834 |
ZCCSQRBR, Closing Square bracket expected |
150376730 |
ZCCTENV, Environmental variable for external package xxxx not set |
150376746 |
ZCCTNULLF, External call table contains no records: xxxx |
418812194 |
ZCCTOPN, Unable to open external call table: xxxx |
150376762 |
ZCENTNAME, No entry found in external call table |
150374274 |
ZCINPUTREQ, External call: Required input argument missing |
150382010 |
ZCINVALIDKEYWORD, External call: Invalid keyword found. Cannot continue. Invalid keyword encountered in the ext call config file. |
150376826 |
ZCMAXPARAM, Exceeded maximum number of external call parameters |
150376810 |
ZCMLTSTATUS, Multiple entries of xc_status in a single entry in external call table |
150381162 |
ZCNOPREALLOUTPAR, Parameter xxxx in external call yyyy.zzzz is an output only parameter requiring pre-allocation. |
150374242 |
ZCOPT0, External call: Qualifier OPTIONAL_0 can be used only with mechanisms REFERENCE or DESCRIPTOR |
150374266 |
ZCPOSOVR, External call: Invalid overlapping of arguments in table position xxxx |
150376842 |
ZCPREALLNUMEX, Pre-allocation value should be a decimal number |
150377514 |
ZCPREALLVALINV, The pre-allocation value exceeded the maximum string length |
150376850 |
ZCPREALLVALPAR, Pre-allocation allowed only for variables passed by reference |
150376786 |
ZCRCALLNAME, Routine name expected but not found |
150376794 |
ZCRPARMNAME, Parameter name expected but not found |
150374306 |
ZCRTENOTF, External call routine xxxx not found |
150376778 |
ZCRTNTYP, Unknown return type |
150374250 |
ZCSTATUS, External call: Unsuccessful return status |
150376818 |
ZCSTATUSRET, External call returned error status |
150376754 |
ZCUNAVAIL, Package, xxxx unavailable |
150374194 |
ZCUNKMECH, External call: Unknown parameter-passing mechanism |
150374202 |
ZCUNKQUAL, External call: Unknown input qualifier |
150374186 |
ZCUNKTYPE, External call: Unknown argument type |
150376802 |
ZCUNTYPE, Unknown type entered |
150374258 |
ZCUSRRTN, External call: Run-time error in user routine |
150377064 |
ZCVECTORINDX, Invalid Vector Index xxxx |
150375858 |
ZCWRONGDESC, A string longer than 65535 is passed via 32-bit descriptor |
150382058 |
ZDATEBADDATE, $ZDATE() date argument dddd is less than -365 (the $HOROLOG value for 01-JAN-1840) or greater than 364570088 (the $HOROLOG value for 31-DEC-999999) |
150382066 |
ZDATEBADTIME, $ZDATE() time argument tttt is less than 0 or greater than 86399 (the $HOROLOG value for a second before midnight) |
150373922 |
ZDATEFMT, $ZDATE format string contains invalid character |
150379768 |
ZDIROUTOFSYNC, $ZDIRECTORY xxxx is not the same as its cached value yyyy |
150373930 |
ZEDFILSPEC, Illegal ZEDIT file specification: xxxx |
150379706 |
ZFF2MANY, Number of characters specified for ZFF deviceparameter (xxxx) is more than the allowed (yyyy) |
150373938 |
ZFILENMTOOLONG, xxxx is longer than 255 characters |
150373946 |
ZFILKEYBAD, xxxx is not a legal keyword for $ZFILE() |
150373954 |
ZFILNMBAD, xxxx is not a legal file name |
418809578 |
ZGBLDIRACC, Cannot access global directory xxxx. Continuing with yyyy. |
150381954 |
ZGOCALLOUTIN, ZGOTO level 0 with entry ref not valid when using call-ins |
150381730 |
ZGOTOINVLVL, ZGOTO in a trigger running in mmmm cannot ZGOTO level LLLL |
150381978 |
ZGOTOINVLVL2, ZGOTO 0:entryref is not valid on VMS (UNLINK is a UNIX only feature) |
150373962 |
ZGOTOLTZERO, Cannot ZGOTO a level less than zero |
150373970 |
ZGOTOTOOBIG, Cannot ZGOTO a level greater than present level |
150381186 |
ZINTDIRECT, Attempt to enter direct mode from $ZINTERRUPT |
150381194 |
ZINTRECURSEIO, Attempt to do IO to the active device in $ZINTERRUPT |
150373978 |
ZLINKFILE, Error while ZLINKing "xxxx" |
150375370 |
ZLKIDBADARG, The tvexpr must be FALSE if last ZLKID not found |
150374658 |
ZLMODULE, Object file name does not match module name: xxxx |
150374650 |
ZLNOOBJECT, No object module was produced |
150373986 |
ZPARSETYPE, Illegal TYPE argument to $ZPARSE(): xxxx |
150373994 |
ZPARSFLDBAD, Illegal $ZPARSE() field parameter: xxxx |
150383610 |
ZPEEKNOJNLINFO, $ZPEEK() unable to access requested journal structure - region rrrr is not currently journaled |
150383074 |
ZPEEKNORPLINFO, $ZPEEK() unable to access requested replication structure |
150374002 |
ZPIDBADARG, The tvexpr must be FALSE if last $ZPID() not found |
150374010 |
ZPRIVARGBAD, xxxx is not a legal privilege for $ZPRIV() |
150374018 |
ZPRIVSYNTAXERR, Privilege string cannot end with a comma |
150374026 |
ZPRTLABNOTFND, Label not found in routine |
150374634 |
ZROSYNTAX, $ZROUTINES syntax error: xxxx |
150374050 |
ZSETPRVARGBAD, xxxx is not a legal privilege for $ZSETPRIV() |
150374066 |
ZSETPRVSYNTAX, $ZSETPRIV() privileges string cannot end with a comma |
150375474 |
ZSHOWBADFUNC, An illegal function was specified for ZSHOW |
150383386 |
ZSOCKETATTR, Attribute "xxxx" invalid for $ZSOCKET function msg name |
150383394 |
ZSOCKETNOTSOCK, $ZSOCKET function called but device is not a socket |
150374074 |
ZSRCHSTRMCT, Search stream identifier out of range |
150375514 |
ZSTEPARG, ZSTEP argument expected |
150384408 |
150381762 |
ZTRIGINVACT, Missing or invalid subcode (first) parameter given to $ZTRIGGER() |
418817626 |
ZTRIGNOTRW, ZTRIGGER cannot operate on read-only region rrrr |
150381674 |
ZTWORMHOLE2BIG, String length of LLLL bytes exceeds maximum length of mmmm bytes for $ZTWORMHOLE |
150375546 |
ZWRSPONE, Subscript patterns in ZWRITE are atomic; Invalid delimiter |