PREVJNLLINKCUT, Previous journal file name link set to NULL in new journal file xxxx created for database file yyyy

Run Time/MUPIP Error: This indicates that GT.M or MUPIP has removed the link of previous journal file name and set it to NULL in the new xxxx journal files header. This could possibly be because journal state was ON for the database file yyyy and its corresponding journal file was inaccessible, this triggered MUPIP or GT.M to create new journal file xxxx clearing the previous generation journal file name(s).

Action: If the error is issued by GT.M review the accompanying message(s) in the operator log.

If a MUPIP SET -JOUNAL=ON command produces this message for the region in the operator log, it may indicate that one or more of the current generation journal files are damaged/missing and new journal files were created with no back pointers to the previous journal files. FIS recommends taking a database backup at the earliest convenience because a MUPIP RECOVER/ROLLBACK will not be able to go back past xxxx. If this message is for a specified region(s), consider switching the journal files for all regions (with REGION "*") that the process has opened (all journaled/replicated regions in the instance if replication is in use) to ensure that the RECOVER/ROLLBACK for other regions remains unaffected.

No action is required if the MUPIP BACKUP -NEWJNLFILES=NOPREVLINK issues the error.