Appendix B. Reference Implementation Error messages

Table of Contents

Cannot find DB keys file <path>
Cannot find MUMPS executable in <path>
Cannot open DB keys file - <path>
DB keys file of unknown file type : <path>
Database file <path> missing in DB keys file or does not exist
Database file <path> not found
Encryption handle corrupted
Encryption key file <path> not found
Encryption library has not been initialized
Environment variable <environment_variable> not set
Environment variable gtm_dbkeys set to empty string
Environment variable gtm_dbkeys undefined. Cannot find <path>/.gtm_dbkeys
Environment variable gtm_passwd set to empty string. Password prompting not allowed for utilities
Error initializing GpgME: <reason_for_error>/<specific_Gpg_ME_error>
Error parsing database key file. At line <line_number>: No matching 'dat' entry found in <contents_of_line>
Error parsing database key file. At line <line_number>: <line_contents> does not start with 'dat' / 'key'
Error parsing database key file. At line <line_number>: No matching 'key' entry found in <contents_of_line>
Incorrect password
libgcrypt version mismatch. Expected <expected_version>, found <found_version>
Matching encryption key <hash> not found in database key file
No entries found in DB keys file
Symmetric key <path> found to be empty

The error messages listed in this appendix are generated by the reference plug-in. If you change the plug-in, the messages will be those generated by your plug-in. Note that the messages from the plug-in (incorrectly) use the term "DB keys file" for the master key file.