BKUPPROGRESS, Transfer : cccc / tttt (pppp%) ; Speed : zzzz MiB/sec ; Transactions : nnnn ; Estimated left : tt minutes

MUPIP Information: MUPIP BACKUP -SHOWPROGRESS displays this message when the kernel supports copy progress monitoring. cccc is the size (MiB or GiB) of the copied database file and tttt is the total size of the database file. pppp is the progress percentage. Speed is always in MiB/sec and can vary based on the resources available for copy. Transactions includes the number of transaction (increments of current tn), applied to the region during MUPIP BACKUP. If the kernel does not support progress monitoring, MUPIP BACKUP -SHOWPROGRESS does not report this message. This message is expected to appear after about 25% completion of copy. Note that GT.M instructs the kernel to copy as much data as possible in one go. If the kernel has available resources and the database file size is relatively small, you may only see one BKUPPROGRESS message followed by the BACKUP COMPLETED message.

Action: None required.