Installation procedures are semi-automated using the VMSINSTAL software installation tool. For a list of the options in the installation, refer to the "Installing GT.M" chapter in this guide.
Installing images makes them "known" to the system. Images are installed with the OpenVMS INSTALL utility.
An installed image may be:
Shared among many users for better memory utilization and reduced paging for improved performance.
Protected, so that it may perform system level functions without the risk of misdirection.
Privileged, so that it can perform tasks on behalf of users who would not otherwise have the required privileges
Run by users who do not have privileges to the directory where the image is stored.
Started more efficiently than one which is not installed.
Installing an image requires a modest amount of system reserved memory. To perform an installation, you must have CMKRNL privilege, which is generally restricted.
GTMSECSHR is a small image that manages interprocess communication for database operations. Install this image as a protected shareable image.
You may wish to install the GT.M run-time system, GTMSHR, as a shareable image because of its frequent usage. Because they may also be heavily used, you may wish to install the compiler entry, MCOMPILE, and direct mode, GTM$DMOD, even though they are small and not shareable.
The VMSINSTAL distribution kit produces the GTMINSTALL.COM file. GTMINSTALL.COM uses the OpenVMS INSTALL utility to make the GT.M images known to VMS. Review and edit this file, if appropriate. For more information refer to this manual's "Installing GT.M" chapter.
The installation procedure described in the "Installing GT.M" chapter produces the command procedures:
GTMLOGICALS.COM defines logical names required by GT.M.
GTMLOGIN.COM establishes the GT.M environment for a process.
GTMINSTALL.COM installs GT.M images.
GTMSTART.COM consists of invocations of GTMLOGICALS followed by GTMINSTALL.
GTMSTOP.COM stops all active GT.M processes and does a MUPIP RUNDOWN.
The installation session tailors the exact contents of all the files except GTMINSTALL and GTMSTOP. Review these .COM files, and make any adjustments required for your operation.
GTMCOMMANDS.CLD is a command definition file containing a specification of the MUMPS command. The install procedure places this command in the system table (if requested in the installation). If you do not place it in the system table, and decide at some later date that it should be there, issue the following command (assuming that DCLTABLES is kept in SYS$LIBRARY):
$set command /table=sys$library:dcltables /output=sys$library:dcltables gtm$dist:gtmcommands.cld
GT.M uses modules in certain run-time libraries supplied by HP. The following table lists the run-time libraries.
HP Run-time Libraries Used by GT.M | |
Thread library |
DEC C library |
Digital Portable Math library (Alpha only) |
Librarian routines library |
Compiler support library |
General purpose run-time library |
General purpose run-time library (VAX only) |
Screen management library |
Math run-time library (VAX only) |
TPU editor section |
*only activated with ZEDIT.
For the best memory utilization and performance, Fidelity Information Services recommends that the run-time library modules be installed /SHARED. Use INSTALL LIST to see if these are correctly installed on your system.