The GTMI$_EXTLCL mode indicates an "extended" local reference with a global directory specified as key1 and a local name as key2. The optional key3 refers to the first subscript level. The extended local mode is valid for GTM$LOCK, GTM$INCLOCK, GTM$DECLOCK, GTM$ZALLOC and GTM$ZDEALLOC operations only.
The GTMI_EXTLCL mode indicates an "extended" local reference with a global directory specified as key1 and a local name as key2. The optional key3 refers to the first subscript level and additional optional keys refer to additional subscript levels. The extended local mode is valid for gtm_lock, gtm_inclock, gtm_declock, gtm_zalloc and gtm_zdealloc operations only.
timeout = 3;DESC_LONG (k0[0],timeout);mode = (short)GTMI_EXTLCL;DESC_MODE (k0[1],mode);DESC_CHAR (k0[2],"XX");DESC_CHAR (k0[3],"A");DESC_CHAR (k0[4],"7");DESC_ZERO (k0[5]); status = gtm_zalloc(k0); $DESCRIPTOR(gdir,"xx.gld") $DESCRIPTOR(gname,"A") $DESCRIPTOR(subscript,"7") gtm$zalloc(3, GTMI$_EXTLCL, &gdir, &gname, &subscript)
This call format specifies a three second timeout, GTMI$_EXTLCL as the mode, a global directory "xx.gld" as key1, a global name "A" as key2, and a subscript "7" as key3.
This example corresponds to the M statement: