The GTMI$_EXTGBL mode indicates an "extended" global reference with a global directory specified as key1 and a global name as key2. The optional key3 refers to the first subscript level and so on. GTMI$_EXTGBL is valid for both global reference and LOCK resource name operations.
The GTMI_EXTGBL mode indicates an "extended" global reference with a global directory specified as key1 and a global name as key2. The optional key3 refers to the first subscript level and so on.
memset(retval, 0, sizeof(ret_value));retval.type = GTM_ARRAY_OF_CHARS;mode = (short)GTMI_EXTGBL;DESC_MODE (k0[0],mode);DESC_CHAR (k0[1],"./mumps.gld");DESC_CHAR (k0[2],"A");DESC_ZERO (k0[3]); status = gtm_data (k0, ret_value);
This corresponds to the M statement:
$DESCRIPTOR(gdir,"mumps.gld") $DESCRIPTOR(gname,"A") $DESCRIPTOR(subscript,"1") $DESCRIPTOR(data,"13.56") gtm$put(GTMI$_EXTGBL, &data, &gdir, &gname, &subscript)
This call format specified GTMI$_EXTGBL as the mode, "13.56" as the source, a global directory "mumps.gld" as key1, a global name "A" as key2, and subscript "1" as key3.
This example corresponds to the M statement:
SET ^|"mumps.gld"|A(1)="13.56