$ZMAXTPTI[ME] contains a value in seconds with millisecond precision indicating the time duration GT.M should wait for the completion of all activities fenced by the current transaction's outermost TSTART/TCOMMIT pair. A SET to a value outside the accepted range of zero (0) and 60 leaves the current value unchanged.

$ZMAXTPTIME can be SET but cannot be NEWed.

$ZMAXTPTIME takes its value from the environment variable gtm_zmaxtptime. If gtm_zmaxtptime is not defined, the initial value of $ZMAXTPTIME is zero (0) seconds which indicates "no timeout" (unlimited time). The value of $ZMAXTPTIME when a transaction's outermost TSTART operation executes determines the timeout setting for that transaction.

When a $ZMAXTPTIME expires, GT.M executes the $ETRAP/$ZTRAP exception handler currently in effect.

[Note] Note

Negative values of $ZMAXTPTIME are also treated as "no timeout". Timeouts apply only to the outermost transaction, that is, $ZMAXTPTIME has no effect when TSTART is nested within another transaction.


Test;testing TP timeouts
  set $ZMAXTPTIME=6,^X=0,^Y=0,^Z=0
  write "Start with $ZMAXTPTIME=",$ZMAXTPTIME,":",!
  for sleep=3:2:9 do
  . set retlvl=$zlevel
  . do longtran;ztrap on longtran 
  ;continues execution
  ;on next line
  . write "(^X,^Y)=(",^X,",",^Y,")",!
  write !,"Done TP Timeout test.",!
longtran ;I/O in TP doesn't get rolled back
  set $etrap=" goto err"
  tstart ():serial
  set ^X=1+^X
  write !,"^X=",^X,",will set ^Y to ",sleep
  write " in ",sleep," seconds..."
  hang sleep
  set ^Y=sleep
  write "^Y=",^Y
  write "...committed.",!
  write !,"In $ETRAP handler. Error was: "
  write !," ",$zstatus
  if $TLEVEL do ;test allows handler use outside of TP
  . trollback
  . write "Rolled back transaction."
  write !
  set $ecode=""
  zgoto retlvl


Start with $ZMAXTPTIME=6:
^X=1,will set ^Y to 3 in 3 seconds...^Y=3...committed.
^X=2,will set ^Y to 5 in 5 seconds...^Y=5...committed.
^X=3,will set ^Y to 7 in 7 seconds...
In $ETRAP handler. Error was:
150377322,longtran+7^tptime,%GTM-E-TPTIMEOUT, Transaction timeoutRolled back transaction.
^X=3,will set ^Y to 9 in 9 seconds...
In $ETRAP handler. Error was:
150377322,longtran+7^tptime,%GTM-E-TPTIMEOUT, Transaction timeoutRolled back transaction.
Done TP Timeout test.