The second external call syntax is in the form of the $ZCALL function. GT.M used this syntax before external calls were standardized. The format for the $ZCALL function is:
The first expression specifies the name of the external routine
The remaining optional expressions specify the arguments that $ZCALL() passes to the external routine
The external call table must contain an entry corresponding to the name specified by expr1; if not, GT.M generates a run-time error.
Each external call returns a string value consisting of zero (0) or more pieces made up of the arguments returned by the named external routine. The string is delimited by commas.
This WRITEs the result of a $ZCALL() that invokes the routine "trnlnm", passing the argument "GTM$GBLDIR".
GTM>SET A=$ZC("AVERAGE",53,76,80)
This SETs A to the value returned from a $ZCALL() that invokes the routine "AVERAGE", passing the arguments 53, 76, and 80.