The Run-Time System

A GT.M programmer can execute an M routine from DCL using the VMS RUN utility or interactively, using the M commands from Direct Mode.

The run-time system executes compile-as-written code as long as it does not encounter the compile-time errors. If it detects an error, the run-time system suspends execution of a routine immediately and transfers control to Direct Mode or to a user-written error routine.

The VMS INSTALL utility can install an M image. Installing images as shareable allows multiple users to access the image as a single copy. This approach eliminates the use of a separate copy of the image for each user, allowing a more efficient use of physical memory and of the disk channel.

To run GT.M routines in batch mode, use the DCL SUBMIT command and an appropriate command file.

Automatic and Incremental Linking

The run-time system utilizes a GT.M facility called ZLINK to link in an M routine. When a program or a Direct Mode command refers to an M routine that is not part of the current process, GT.M automatically uses the ZLINK facility and attempts to link the referenced routine (auto-ZLINK). The ZLINK facility also determines whether recompilation of the routine is necessary. When compiling as a result of a ZLINK, GT.M typically ignores errors in the source code.

The run-time system also provides incremental linking. The ZLINK command adds an M routine to the current image. This feature facilitates the addition of code modifications during a debugging session. The GT.M programmer can also use the feature to add patches and generated code to a running M process.