At compile-time, the compiler stops processing a routine line as soon as it detects the first error on that line. By default, the compiler displays the line in error on SYS$ERROR, and also in a listing file when the compiler options include /LIST. By default, the compiler processes the remaining source lines until it exceeds the maximum error count of 127.
The compile-time error message format displays the line containing the error and the location of the error on the line. The error message also indicates what was incorrect about the M statement. For more information on the error message format, refer to the GT.M Message and Recovery Procedures Reference Manual.
You may correct compile-time errors immediately by activating an editor and entering the correct syntax in the source program. Because several errors may occur on a line, examine the line carefully to avoid compiling the routine several times.
The MUMPS command qualifier /IGNORE, which is the default, instructs GT.M to produce an object file even if the compiler detects errors in the source code. As long as the execution path does not encounter the compile-time errors, the GT.M run-time system executes the compiled-as-written routine. You may take advantage of this feature to exercise some parts of your program before correcting errors detected by the compiler.