The GTMI$_GLOBAL mode indicates a full global reference. Key1 refers to a global name without the "^" character, the optional key2 indicates the first subscript level and so on. GTMI$_GLOBAL is valid for both global reference and LOCK resource name operations. After GTM$INIT, a function with a GTMI$_GLOBAL mode and a key count greater than one must precede a function with a GTMI$_NAKED mode.

The GTMI_GLOBAL mode indicates a full global reference. Key1 refers to a global name without the "^" character, the optional key2 indicates the first subscript level and so on. After gtm_init, a function with a GTMI_GLOBAL mode and a non-zero key count must precede any function with a GTMI_NAKED mode.


	gtm$kill(GTMI$_GLOBAL, &gname)

This specifies the global name gname as key1. The reference does not have a subscript because the example does not specify key2.