GTM>DO ^%RCE Routine Change Every occurrence Routine: BES* BEST BEST2 BEST3 BEST4 Current total of 4 routines Routine: <RETURN> Old string:^NAME New string:^STUDENT Replace all occurrences of: >^NAME< With >^STUDENT< Show changed lines <Yes>?: <RETURN> Output Device: <RETURN> USER:[SMITH.WORK]BEST.M Was: S ^NAME=SMITH Now: S ^STUDENT=SMITH Was: S ^NAME(1)=JOHN Now: S ^STUDENT(1)=JOHN USER:[SMITH.WORK] BEST2.M USER:[SMITH.WORK]BEST3.M Was: S ^NAME=X Now: S ^STUDENT=X Was: W ^NAME Now: W ^STUDENT USER:[SMITH.WORK]BEST4.M Total of 4 routines parsed. 4 occurrences changed in 2 routines. GTM>
This example selects a list of routines that change the string "^NAME" to the string "^STUDENT," and displays a trail of the changes.
GTM>DO ^%RCE Routine Change Every occurrence Routine: BES* BEST BEST2 BEST3 BEST4 Current total of 4 routines Routine: <RETURN> Old String:<TAB> The find string contains control characters New string: <RETURN> Replace all occurrences of: ><TAB>< With: >< Show changed lines <Yes>?: N BEST BEST2 BEST3 BEST4 Total 4 routines parsed. 4 occurrences changed in 2 routines. GTM>
This example removes all occurrences of the <TAB> key from specified routines and suppresses the display trail of changes.