The conversion utilities are:
%DH: Decimal to hexadecimal conversion.
%DO: Decimal to octal conversion.
%HD: Hexadecimal to decimal conversion.
%HO: Hexadecimal to octal conversion.
%LCASE: Converts a string to all lower case.
%OD: Octal to decimal conversion.
%OH: Octal to hexadecimal conversion.
%UCASE: Converts a string to all upper case.
The conversion utilities can be invoked as extrinsic functions.
Some of these conversions may be performed by VMS run-time library routines. If you need to use the numeric utilities as extrinsic functions frequently, consider calling the VMS run-time library routines using the GT.M $ZCALL function. Refer to the "Functions" chapter in this manual GT.M Programmer's Guide for further information on $ZCALL().
The "%" sign has been removed from the topic headings below, intentionally.