GT.M components are invoked with commands and symbols. Users who do not perform programming or operational tasks do not need direct access to GT.M components. They access the GT.M run-time libraries, indirectly through their production images.
GT.M provides the MUMPS command with two fundamental variations. Generally the MUMPS command invokes the GT.M compiler. MUMPS/DIRECT_MODE invokes a simple M routine that enters Direct Mode by executing an M BREAK command. This routine has a name that is not a legal M name and therefore can never conflict with one of your program names.
The system manager may load the GT.M commands into the system command tables. When the GT.M commands are not in the system command tables, users must place them in their process command tables with the following command.
Other GT.M components may be invoked with the DCL RUN command or with symbols. The general form of the RUN command is:
$ RUN GTM$DIST:utility-name
If you make frequent use of a component, symbols provide a more convenient way of performing invocations. The documentation relies almost entirely on the symbols.
Commonly Established GT.M Symbols |
Direct Mode |
M Peripheral Interchange Program |
Global Directory Editor |
LOCK Utility Program |
Database Structure Editor |
The symbols in the preceding table are ordered according to general frequency of use, with the most frequently used at the top.
The system manager may provide DCL procedure to set up these symbols. Frequently SYS$MANAGER:SYLOGIN.COM creates these symbols when the users login to VMS. As a programmer or operator, you can modify your environment by setting up the symbols that you use frequently. The set up procedures for a user who does not require a symbol execute slightly faster without the unnecessary definition(s).