Sets the value of the BREAK message mask. When GT.M processes a BREAK command, the BREAK message mask controls whether to display a message describing the source of the BREAK.
The mask uses the following four values that are added together to provide the BREAKMSG value.
1 - BREAKs within the body of a program
2 - BREAKs within a ZBREAK action
4 - BREAKs within a device EXCEPTION
8 - BREAKs within a ZSTEP action
By default GT.M displays all BREAK messages. Linking a GT.M image with a modified GTM$DEFAULTS alters the default for that image.For more information on GTM$DEFAULTS see the "Program Development Cycle" chapter in this manual.
In this example the BREAKMSG value is 5, representing the sum of 1 and 4. This enables BREAKS within the body of a program (value 1) and for a device EXCEPTION (value 4).