$VIEW() provides a means of accessing GT.M environmental information. $VIEW() is similar in purpose to Intrinsic Special Variables. When GT.M permits modification of the factors accessible with $VIEW(), the VIEW command generally provides the tool for performing the change.
$VIEW() Argument Keywords |
ARG 1 |
ARG 2 |
none |
Value of the break message mask; GT.M defaults to 15. |
region |
Number of free database blocks in a given region. |
region |
Process-id of the process that has frozen the database associated with the region specified. If the region is currently not frozen, a value of 0 is returned. |
none |
Truth Value indicating whether Database block certification is currently enabled or disabled. To enable or disable Database block certification, use the VIEW "GDSCERT" command. |
region |
Access method of the region. |
region |
Name of the database associated with the region. |
none |
Name of the first database region in the current global directory. Is functionally equivalent to $VIEW("GVNEXT","") |
region |
Name of the next database region after the given one; "" for region starts with the first region. |
region |
Encoded information about database behaviour since segment creation. |
none |
Number of indirection cache hits since GT.M image activation. |
none |
Number of indirection cache misses since GT.M image activation. |
region |
can return the following values: -1 (internal error) 0 journaling is disabled 1 journaling is enabled but closed (OFF) 2 journaling is enabled and open (ON) |
region |
Journal file name associated with the region. |
none |
Truth value showing how many ZTSTART transaction fences have been opened (and not closed). |
none |
Truth value showing whether label case sensitivity is ON (1 for "LOWER") or OFF (0 for "UPPER"); GT.M defaults to 1. |
none |
Truth value showing whether null subscripts are permitted in local arrays (1 for "LVNULLSUBS") or not (o for "NOLVNULLSUBS"); GT.M defaults to 1. |
global |
The current isolation-status of the specified global variable which should have a leading "^" in its specification. This function will return 1 if the global has isolation turned off (i.e. noisolation turned on) and 0 otherwise. By default, all globals will have isolation turned on i.e. a $VIEW command will return 0. The isolation-status of a global variable can be turned on and off by the VIEW "NOISOLATION" command. |
gvn |
Name of the region holding the given global name. |
none |
Name of the active patcode table; GT.M defaults to "M". |
routine name |
Name of the next routine in the image after the given one; "" for routinename starts with the first routine in ASCII collating sequence. |
none |
Number of bytes in the process stack; the default is 16k. |
none |
Returns the GT.M stack size in bytes. In VMS, the GT.M stack size is user settable at image startup time by means of the USER_STACK_SIZE parameter in GTM$DEFAULTS.M64. |
region |
Total number of database blocks in a given region. |
NULL or transaction level |
Transaction ID specified in the particular level (when the transaction level is specified). The first level TSTART is returned if the level is not specified as second argument. NOTE: A NULL string is returned if the specified level (explicitly or implicitly) is greater than the current value of $TLEVEL. |
none |
Truth value showing whether undefined variables should be treated as having a null value (1 for "UNDEF"; 0 for "NOUNDEF"); GT.M defaults to 0. |
none |
Integer value showing whether four digit year code is active for $ZDATE(); GT.M defaults to 0 (for "YY" format). Logical name Environment variable gtm_zdate_form can be used to set the initial value of this factor. (Refer to $ZDATE() section in this chapter for its usage.) |
none |
Truth value showing whether ISV $ZDIR stores the whole path (including device specification) or just the directory path (0 for $ZDIR storing device specification and directory path; 1 for $ZDIR storing only the directory path); GT.M defaults to 0. |