MUPIP SET is the primary utility used to establish and activate journaling (using the /JOURNAL qualifier) and replication (using the /REPLICATION qualifier).
This section provides a description of the MUPIP SET command with specific reference to the journaling related qualifiers, /JOURNAL and /REPLICATION.
When GDE creates a Global Directory, it stores there either the explicitly specified journaling information, or the GDE default value (detailed under each journal-option-subsection) for any unspecified characteristics.
MUPIP CREATE copies existing journaling information from the Global Directory to the database file, establishing journaling characteristics for all GDE supported journal-options.
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The journaling information in the Global Directory is applied to a database file only when it is created. Thereafter use MUPIP or possibly DSE to change journaling characteristics in database files. |
DSE DUMP /FILEHEADER displays the current values for all established journaling characteristics.
MUPIP SET /JOURNAL or /REPLICATION changes some database characteristics, such as whether journaling or replication is active for a specific file or region(s). MUPIP SET operates on either regions or files.
The format for the SET command is:
SE[T] /qualifier... file-spec or region-list
The file-specification or region-list identifies the target of the SET. Region-names separated by commas (,) make up a region-list. Region-names may include the DCL wildcards percent (%) and asterisk (*). For a summary table of MUPIP commands and qualifiers including MUPIP SET, refer to the "MUPIP" chapter.
The MUPIP SET command to establish journaling or replication characteristics must include one of the following qualifiers:
Together with one or more of the qualifiers:
The following qualifiers identify the journaling targets:
Specifies that the argument contains a file-specification for a single database file. The /FILE qualifier is incompatible with the /REGION qualifier.
Specifies that the argument contains a region-name which, through the mapping of the current Global Directory, identifies a database file. SET /REGION modifies multiple files when the parameter contains more than one name and/or wildcards. The /REGION qualifier is incompatible with the /FILE qualifier.
The /JOURNAL and /REPLICATION qualifiers are the only SET qualifiers relevant for journaling. For information on the other MUPIP SET qualifiers, refer to the "MUPIP" chapter.
Enables or disables journaling for the specified database file or region(s). When enabling the journaling capability, it also establishes characteristics for the journal file.
/NOJOURNAL specifies that the database does not allow journaling, or disables journaling for a database that currently has it enabled. It is equivalent to /JOURNAL=DISABLE. /NOJOURNAL does not accept an argument assignment. It does not create new journal files. When a database has been SET /NOJOURNAL, it appears to have no journaling file name or other characteristics.
/JOURNAL= enables journaling for a database file. /JOURNAL= takes one or more arguments in a journal-option-list. As long as journaling is ENABLED and turned ON at the end of the command, SET /JOURNAL= always creates a new version of the specified journal file(s). The journal-option-list contains keywords separated with commas (,) enclosed in parentheses ( ) . When the list contains only one keyword, the parentheses ( ) are optional.
For details on the journal options refer to the SET JOURNAL Options section.
/REPLICATION sets journal characteristics and changes the replication state simultaneously. It can also be used with the /JOURNAL qualifier. As long as journaling is ENABLED and turned ON at the end of the command SET /REPLICATION always creates a new version of the specified journal file(s).
The following section describes the SET /JOURNAL= options.
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This option list is a super set of the journal-option-list available through GDE. |
Every MUPIP SET /JOURNAL command on a database file which specifies an ON or OFF journal-activation option causes the values of all explicitly specified journal-file-options to be stored in the database overriding any previously established characterstics for those options.
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If both /JOURNAL and /NOJOURNAL are specified in the same command line, the last of these specifications on the line takes effect. |
A new journal file can be created in the following three ways:
Explicitly, by specifying a MUPIP SET /JOURNAL=ON command
Implicitly, when the AUTOSWITCHLIMIT (discussed later in the following section) for the current journal file is reached
Implicitly, when the first process to open the current journal file detects that it was not cleanly terminated
Whenever GT.M creates a new journal file, it uses any values for journal-file-options explicitly specified in the command line for the new journal file and takes all journal-file-options that are not explicitly specified from the existing journal file characteristics for the corresponding database file.
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MUPIP SET supports qualifiers (like /ACCESS_METHOD etc.) to change non-journaling characteristics of database file(s). If these qualifiers are specified along with the /JOURNAL qualifier, MUPIP SET modifies the non-journaling characteristics first and the journaling characteristics second. Command execution stops when it encounters an error. If MUPIP SET encounters an error in processing the command line or the non-journaling characteristics, it makes no changes to any characteristics. However, if MUPIP SET encounters an error in processing the journaling characteristics, the non-journaling characteristics get successfully changed. |
The journal-option-list may include:
DISABLE is functionally equivalent to the /NOJOURNAL qualifier of MUPIP SET. It specifies that journaling is not an option for the region or file named. If DISABLE is specified, no other options are allowed in the journal-option-list.
ENABLE specifies that the database file or region is available for journaling. By default, specifying ENABLE also turns journaling ON unless OFF is specified in the same option list, you must also specify BEFORE_IMAGES or NOBEFORE_IMAGES.
OFF specifies that GT.M cease recording subsequent updates to the database in the journal file. OFF may also be used to establish journaling characteristics without creating a journal file or starting journaling. When a database has been SET /JOURNAL=OFF, it has established journal characteristics ready to turn ON, but GT.M does not write journal updates to that file.
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The default for SET /JOURNAL= is ON. |
ON instructs MUPIP to create a new journal file and GT.M to record subsequent database updates in that journal file. A SET /JOURNAL=ON must include either BEFORE_IMAGES or NOBEFORE_IMAGES in the accompanying journal-option-list.
Note that ON can be specified only for a file or region with journaling already ENABLE'd, or, if ENABLE is specified at the same time. ON is ignored if journaling is currently DISABLE'd for the database.
This command turns journaling on only for the regions with journaling already ENABLE'd.
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The default for SET /JOURNAL= is ON. |
ALIGNSIZE=blocks specifies in number of 512-byte-blocks, the alignsize of the journal file.
Since a journal file consits of a sequential stream of journal records each of varying size, it is not easy normally to detect the beginning of the last valid journal record in an abnormally terminated journal file (for example, system crash). To facilitate journal recovery in such circumstances, the GT.M run-time system ensures that offsets in the journal file which are multiple of ALIGNSIZE (excepting offset 0 which houses the journal file header) will always be the beginning of a valid journal record. In order to ensure this, GT.M run-time system writes padding data (if necessary) in the form of ALIGN journal records just before the ALIGNSIZE boundary. These ALIGN records also help in skipping past invalid records in the middle of a journal file allowing MUPIP JOURNAL /EXTRACT /FORWARD /FULL to extract as much data of a corrupt journal file as possible.
If the specified ALIGNSIZE is not a perfect power of 2, it is rounded up to the nearest power of 2.
The default ALIGNSIZE value is 128 blocks (=64 kilobytes) and the minimum value is 32 blocks (=16 KiloBytes). The maximum value is 4194304 (=2 GigaBytes).
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The minimum ALIGNSIZE supported will always be greater than or equal to the maximum journal record size which in turn depends on the maximum database block size. |
Note that a large value of ALIGNSIZE implies less aligned boundaries for recovery to use and hence slows backward recovery down so drastically that a value of 4194304 causes backward recovery (in case of a crash) to take as much time as forward recovery on that journal file.
ALLOCATION=blocks specifies in 512 byte-blocks, the initial size of the journal file allocated on creation. Because, frequent journal file extensions degrade run-time performance, make journal file allocation ample for a production database.
GT.M issues informational messages to the system log whenever the free space available is not much more than the extension size. GT.M provides these extension checks as an operational aid for identifying, before space runs out, that a file system holding the journal file is low on space. When there is no more free space available on the file system holding a journal file, GT.M shuts off journaling for the corresponding database file.
The default ALLOCATION value is 100 blocks. The minimum value allowed is 10. The maximum value is 8,388,607 (4GB-512 bytes, the maximum journal file size).
AUTOSWITCHLIMIT=blocks specifies in 512-byte blocks, a limit on the size of a journal file. When the journal file size reaches the limit, GT.M automatically performs an implicit online switch to a new journal file.
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It is possible to set the AUTOSWITCHLIMIT to a value higher than the maximum file size (in blocks) for the file system. Currently GT.M does not attempt to check for this condition at specification time. When the maximum file-system size is reached, this can cause serious run-time errors. Therefore, ensure that the AUTOSWITCHLIMIT never exceeds the file-system limit. |
The default value for AUTOSWITCHLIMIT is 8388600 & the maximum value is 8388607 blocks (4GB-512 bytes). The minimum value for AUTOSWITCHLIMIT is 2048 (number of blocks needed to have 64 ALIGNSIZE boundaries each 16 KB, which is the minimum ALIGNSIZE). If the AUTOSWITCHLIMIT value is less than the sum of allocation and extension values, an error is issued. If the difference between the AUTOSWITCHLIMIT and the allocation value is not a multiple of the extension value, MUPIP rounds-down the value to make it a multiple of the extension value. An informational message to this effect is issued. In the event of the rounded value of AUTOSWITCHLIMIT being less than the minimum, an error is issued.
[NO]BE[FORE_IMAGES] controls whether or not the journal should capture BEFORE_IMAGES of GDS blocks that an update is about to modify. Databases using MM access must use NOBEFORE_IMAGES journaling. A SET /JOURNAL=ON must include either BEFORE_IMAGES or NOBEFORE_IMAGES in the accompanying journal-option-list.
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If both NOBEFORE_IMAGES and BEFORE_IMAGES are specified in the same journal-option-list, the last of these specifications overrides any previous one(s). |
A BEFORE_IMAGES journal provides the option of performing Rollback Recovery (that is, Backward Recovery) of the associated database. BEFORE_IMAGES increases the load on I/O and CPU resources, and therefore may affect performance.
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Since new journal files are created only with the ON option and since every ON specification must include either BEFORE_IMAGES or NOBEFORE_IMAGES, specifying [NO]BEFORE_IMAGES along with the OFF option establishes a value for the BEFORE_IMAGES option that always gets overridden by a later ON option specification. |
Although it is possible to perform an online switch of a database from (or to) NOBEFORE-IMAGE journaling to (or from) BEFORE-IMAGE journaling, it is important to understand that backward recovery can never succeed if it encounters even one in a set of journal files for a database without BEFORE-IMAGES.
BUFFER_SIZE=blocks specifies, in 512-byte blocks, the amount of memory used to buffer journal file output.
MUPIP requires standalone access to the database in order to actually modify BUFFER_SIZE. Therefore, this option cannot be used to change the current journal-buffer-size as part of an online switch of the journal files.
The minimum BUFFER_SIZE is one more than the number of 512-byte blocks required to hold one GDS database block. The maximum is 2000 blocks. The default value is 128 blocks.
EPOCH_INTERVAL=seconds specifies the elapsed time interval between two successive EPOCHs. An EPOCH is a checkpoint, at which all updates to a database file are committed to disk.
A smaller EPOCH_INTERVAL reduces the time to recover after a crash at the cost of increased I/O load on the run-time system (due to more frequent checkpoints). A larger EPOCH_INTERVAL has the opposite effect.
The default EPOCH_INTERVAL value is 300 seconds (5 minutes). The minimum value is 1 second. The maximum value is 32,767 (one less than 32K) seconds, or approximately 9.1 hours.
EXTENSION=blocks specifies the size of the journal file extension performed when the file expands and becomes full.
Every extension triggers a check of free space available on the device used for the journal file. GT.M issues informational messages to the system log whenever the free space available is not much more than the extension size. GT.M provides these extension checks as an operational aid for identifying, before space runs out, that a file system holding the journal file is low on space. When there is no more free space available on the file system holding a journal file, GT.M shuts off journaling for the corresponding database file.
The Allocation and extension values determine when a check is done on the filesystems to see if it has enough space to hold an extension worth of journal data. When a journal file reaches the size specified by the sum of ALLOCATION and any multiple of EXTENSION, GT.M checks the file system for room, and if the available space is less than three times the EXTENSION, it writes warnings to the operator log. GT.M provides these extension checks as an operational aid for identifying, before space runs out, that a file system holding the journal file is low on space. When there is no more free space available on the file system holding a journal file, GT.M shuts off journaling for the corresponding database file.
The default EXTENSION value is 100 blocks. The minimum EXTENSION is zero (0) blocks and the maximum is 65,535 (one less than 64K) blocks.
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Use EXTENSION size of zero (0) with caution, since it shuts journaling off whenever the first extension becomes necessary. |
F[ILENAME]=journal filename
F[ILENAME]=journal filename, specifies the name of the journal file. FILENAME is incompatible with SET /REGION, if more than one region is specified.
The default value for the journal-option is based on the following convention:
If the database has a dat extension, the basename of the database filename is taken as the basename for the journal file with an extension of mjl. For example, database name mumps.dat results in a default name mumps.mjl. If the database filename does not have a dat extension, the full database filename is taken replacing ALL occurrences of periods (.) with underscores (_) with an extension of mjl. For example, database name mumps.acn results in a default name mumps_acn.mjl.
Therefore, a journal file always has an extension of mjl. If the new journal filename (the one specified in the FILENAME option or the default) already exists, the existing file is renamed with the string "_YYYYJJJHHMMSS" appended to the existing file extension where the string denotes the time of creation of the existing journal file in the following format:
YYYY 4-digit-year such as 2001 JJ 3-digit-Julian-day (between 1 and 366) such as 199 HH 2-digit-hour in 24 hr format such as 14 MM 2-digit minute such as 40 SS 2-digit seconds such as 30
Assuming the above example for the string value, a journal file mumps.mjl might be renamed to mumps.mjl_2001199144030.
If GT.M detects that the rename-logic yields a filename that already exists, the string "_N[N[N[N...]]]" is appended to the renamed filename where "N[N[N...]]" denotes the sequence of numbers
Numbers from the above sequence are tried in that order until a non-existing rename-filename string is found.
Taking the same example as above, in case mumps.mjl_2001199144030 and mumps.mjl_2001119144030_0 already exists, the rename string would be mumps.mjl_2001199144030_1.
If the existing file renaming scheme or the default journal file naming scheme discussed above results in a filename longer than 255 characters (due to the suffix creation rules), GT.M issues an error and turns off journaling (and replication, if it is active).
For journal recovery purposes, a field is maintained in every journal file’s header that stores the name of the previous generation journal file for the same database file. When a MUPIP SET changes the journal state from DISABLED or OFF to ON, GT.M creates new journal files with no previous generation journal file name. This indicates that this is a fresh start of journaling for the particular database. When journaling is already ON, and GT.M is implicitly (due to AUTOSWITCHLIMIT being reached) or explicitly (due to MUPIP SET JOURNAL) required to create new journal files, GT.M maintains the previous generation journal filename (after any appropriate rename), in the new journal file’s header.
In all cases where journaling is ON both before and after a journal file switch, the previous generation journal file name is maintained in the new journal file's header excepting the following cases, where it is cleared:
If the new journal file is being created due to an implicit switch because of the detection of an abnormally terminated current journal file.
If REPLICATION is turned ON as part of a MUPIP SET command on a database that has journaling ENABLED and turned ON, but does not have REPLICATION already turned ON.
The previous generation journal filename is a back link from the current generation journal.
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If a FILENAME is explicitly specified in a MUPIP SET /JOURNAL command and the specified FILENAME coincides with an already existing file that is not the currently active journal file for the database specified and the database has journaling currently ENABLED and turned ON, then GT.M returns an error status and makes no change to the journaling state of the database. This is done in order to avoid possible cycles in the back-links (such as, a3.mjl has a back-link to a2.mjl which in turn has a back-link to a1.mjl which in turn has a back-link to a3.mjl thereby creating a cycle). Cycles could prevent journal recovery. Also note that cycles in back-links are possible only due to explicit FILENAME specifications and never due to picking up existing FILENAME characteristics from the database or by using the default FILENAME. |
Specification of SYNC_IO causes every WRITE to a journal file to be committed directly to disk. On high-end disk subsystems (for example, those that include non-volatile cache and that consider the data to be committed when it reaches this cache), this might result in better performance than the NOSYNC_IO option.
This initiates NOBEFORE_IMAGE journaling for the database file CUS.DAT with a journal buffer size of 64KB (=128blocks) and establishes its characteristics. The journal file created has the name CUS.MJL. This command assumes that journaling for CUS.DAT is already enabled.
This enables journaling with BEFORE_IMAGES on all regions of the current Global Directory and gives each journal file an ALLOCATION of 50000 RMS blocks and an EXTENSION of 5000 RMS blocks. If the regions have significantly different levels of update, either set the ALLOCATION and EXTENSION in the Global Directory before the MUPIP CREATE(s) or use several MUPIP SET /FILE or /REGION commands.
This command activates journaling with before-images for all regions of the current Global Directory that have previously had journaling enabled. This activation occurs the next time the associated database file is opened.
This declares journaling active with before-images for the regions AREG and BREG of the current Global Directory the next time they are opened.
This disables journaling on the database file MUMPS.DAT.
This section describes the SET /REPLICATION=options. The replication-option-list may include:
Use this option to disable replication of the database file(s) or region(s). MUPIP SET /REPLICATION=OFF switches journal files in case journaling was ENABLE'd and turned ON in the database before and after the command.
This requires standalone access to the databse if replication is not already turned OFF for the database file.
Turning replication OFF for a database file has no effect on the journaling state of the database file unless a simultaneous /JOURNAL= is specified in the same command line.
Use this option to enable replication for the selected database file(s) or region(s). This option requires standalone access to the database file unless replication is already turned ON.
Since replication requires BEFORE_IMAGE journaling, turning replication ON for a database file has the same effect on the journaling state of the database file as if a JOURNAL=(ENABLE,ON,BEFORE_IMAGE) was specified at the same time.
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The previous generation journal-file name is cleared in the new journal file header if replication is not already turned ON even though journaling is already ENABLE'd and turned ON. |
A MUPIP SET /JOURNAL command typically changes the database file journaling state. A MUPIP SET /REPLICATION command changes the database file replication state. Any MUPIP SET command, that uses one or more of the /JOURNAL and /REPLICATION qualifiers might change both the journaling and the replication state of the database file. There are few combinations of these qualifiers along with a combination of journal-option-list and replication-option that require exclusive (standalone) access to the database file. Any combination that can cause at least one of the following to be true requires standalone access to the database file.
the database file transitions from JOURNAL=DISABLED (NOJOURNAL) to JOURNAL=ON or =OFF
the database file transitions from JOURNAL=ON or =OFF to JOURNAL=DISABLED (NO JOURNAL)
the database file transitions from REPLICATION=OFF to REPLICATION=ON
the database file transitions from REPLICATION=ON to REPLICATION=OFF
the journal-option-list specifies a BUFFER_SIZE that is different from the current BUFFER_SIZE setting.
Any other combination of /JOURNAL and or /REPLICATION qualifiers, and their respective options do not need standalone access to the database file.
MUPIP BACKUP supports the following two qualifiers for establishing journaling characteristics on the backup as well as the active databases.
The purpose of the optional /BKUPDBJNL qualifier is to define the journaling characteristics of the BACKUP database. This qualifier must be used if the backup database is to be opened at the same time in the same environment as the original database. This is because two database files cannot share a single journal file.
A value of DISABLE indicates journaling is disabled in the backup database. A value of OFF indicates journaling is turned off in the backup database. Only one of the qualifiers DISABLE or OFF can be specified at any given point in time.
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By default, the journaling characteristics of the current database are preserved in the backup database. This produces a database that is ready for use (inserted in place of the current database file), with the existing journal files. |
/NEWJNLFILES causes a transaction-consistent set of new journal files to be created, for database files in the backup. All established journaling characteristics apply to the new journal files. This qualifier is effective only for an ONLINE backup (the default), when the database has journaling enabled. The /NEWJNLFILES qualifier can take on the following two values:
PREVLINK (the default value), to indicate that there should be back linking of the newly created journals with the current journals.
NOPREVLINK, to indicate that there is no back linking between the newly created journals and current journals.
Specification of the /NEWJNLFILES qualifier causes new journal files to be created as if a MUPIP SET /JOURNAL=(ON, xxxx) command was specified. Where xxxx is BEFORE_IMAGES or NOBEFORE_IMAGES based on the current database characteristics.
The /NONEWJNLFILES qualifier causes processing to continue using the current journal files and does not accept an argument assignment. The default is /NEWJNLFILES.