Table of Contents
The M Peripheral Interchange Program (MUPIP) is a utility used for GT.M database management, database journaling, and database replication.
The following list summarizes the MUPIP function commands. The list is split into two sections, one for standalone actions, and one for concurrent actions. When using standalone access, no other process can access the database file(s) when MUPIP accesses them.
In contrast, where concurrent actions are allowed other processes can read or update the file. Standalone services cannot be executed in a concurrent mode. Concurrent services can be executed in either standalone or concurrent mode. Each command is fully described in sthis chapter.
Most MUPIP functions require write access to the database files with whsich they interact. The exceptions are STOP, which does not require database access, but may require other privileges; EXTRACT, which requires read access; and INTEG, which may require write access, depending on the circumstances it encounters and the qualifiers with which it is invoked.
Services requiring standalone access to database files are:
Create and initialize database files CREATE
Grow the size of MM database files EXTEND
Check integrity of database files INTEG (file)
Recover database files (for example, after a system crash) and extract journal records JOURNAL
Update databases from incremental backup files RESTORE
Check and close database files when processes terminate incorrectly (ignores files that do not have standalone access) RUNDOWN
Modify database file characteristics (most parameters) SET
Services available with concurrent access to database files are:
Backup database files BACKUP
Grow the size of BG database files–EXTEND
Extract data from database files into sequential (flat) files–EXTRACT
Prevent updates to database files FREEZE
Check the integrity of GDS databases INTEG (region)
Load data from sequential files into databases LOAD
Defragment database files to optimize performance REORG
Change journal files SET
Non-database services:
CONVERT M programs in sequential format into RMS files
HELP for MUPIP commands
Stop GT.M processes–STOP