GDE Overview

The GT.M Global Directory Editor (GDE) is a utility that enables you to create, examine, and modify a global directory. GDE is a program written in M and you can invoke it from the shell with $gtm_dist/mumps -run ^GDE, with the gtm alias gtm -run GDE, or from inside the direct mode with Do ^GDE.


The input to GDE can be a text file. In a production environment, FIS recommends using text files to define database configurations, and putting these text files under version control.

MUPIP CREATE uses a global directory to create new database files. At other times, the global directory is used only to map global variable names to database files. So, if you change the global directory, the database file is not changed and vice versa.

Identifying the Current Global Directory

GT.M identifies the current Global Directory by referring to the environment variable gtmgbldir. GDE, MUPIP, LKE, DSE, and the GT.M run-time system use this environment variable. The run-time system normally uses this environment variable, but may also access a Global Directory by setting $ZGBLDIR or by using the extended global reference || or {} syntax.

If you maintain multiple Global Directories, define gtmgbldir to point to the currently active Global Directory. You may want to define gtmgbldir in your login file. Note that this definition is a pathname. If it does not start with a "/", then it is a relative pathname and GT.M searches for it starting in the current working directory.

To change the current Global Directory assignment, specify a new definition for gtmgbldir.


$ gtmgbldir=prod.gld
$ export gtmgbldir

Creating a Default Global Directory

When you invoke GDE and no Global Directory exists for gtmgbldir, GDE produces a default Global Directory that contains a minimal set of required components and values for database characteristics. It can be used for purposes such as development and testing work. A default Global Directory also serves as a starting point or template for building custom global directories.

To retain this default Global Directory, exit GDE without making any changes.


$ gtmgbldir=./mumps.gld
$ export gtmgbldir
$ gtm
%GDE-I-GDUSEDEFS, Using defaults for Global Directory
%GDE-I-VERIFY, Verification OK
%GDE-I-GDCREATE, Creating Global Directory file

Mapping Global Variables in a Global Directory

Mapping is the process of connecting a global variable name to a database file.

A complete mapping has the following four components:

  • NAME



  • FILE

These components may be defined in any order, but the final result must be a complete logical path from name to file:

NAME(s) ---> REGION ---> SEGMENT ---> FILE

The default Global Directory contains one complete mapping that comprises these entries for name, region, segment, and file.

* ---> DEFAULT ---> DEFAULT ---> mumps.dat

The * wildcard identifies all possible global names. Subsequent edits create entries for individual global names or name prefixes.

Regions and segments store information used to control the creation of the file. The characteristics stored with the region and segment are passed to MUPIP only when creating the database file using the CREATE command, so subsequent changes to these characteristics in the Global Directory have no effect on an existing database.

When you create a new mapping, GDE ensures that it has all these components by refusing to complete the EXIT command until all components of the mapping exist. Informational messages inform you of any missing or extra components.

Examining the Default Global Directory

The default Global Directory looks like this:

                        *** TEMPLATES ***
                              Def   Rec   Key   Null      Standard
Region                        Coll  Size  Size  Subs      NullColl  Journaling
<default>                     0     256    64   NEVER      N         N
Segment          Active       Acc Typ Block    Alloc  Exten   Options
<default>          *          BG  DYN  1024      100    100   GLOB =1024
                                                               LOCK = 40
<default>                     MM  DYN  1024      100    100   DEFER
                                                               LOCK = 40
                        *** NAMES ***
Global                             Region
*                                  DEFAULT
Gharial                            REPTILES
Hoopoe                             BIRDS
Jacare                             REPTILES
Trogon                             BIRDS
                        *** REGIONS ***
             Dynamic         Def    Rec   Key Null       Standard
Region       Segment        Coll   Size  Size Subs       NullColl  Journaling
BIRDS        BIRDS             0    256    64 NEVER      N         N
DEFAULT      DEFAULT           0    256    64 NEVER      N         N
REPTILES     REPTILES          0    256    64 NEVER      N         N
                        *** SEGMENTS ***
Segment      File (def ext: .dat)    Acc Typ Block      Alloc Exten Options
BIRDS        flap.dat                BG  DYN  1024        100   100 GLOB=1024
                                                                     LOCK=  40
                                                                     RES =   0
DEFAULT      mumps.dat               BG  DYN  1024        100   100 GLOB=1024
                                                                     LOCK=  40
                                                                     RES =   0
REPTILES     creep.dat               BG  DYN  1024        100   100 GLOB=1024
                                                                     LOCK=  40
                                                                     RES =   0
                        *** MAP ***
-  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  - Names -  -  - -  -  -  -  -  -  -

From              Up to                 Region / Segment / File(def ext: .dat)

%                 Gharial               REG = DEFAULT
                                         SEG = DEFAULT
                                         FILE = mumps.dat
Gharial           Gharial0              REG = REPTILES
                                         SEG = REPTILES
                                         FILE = creep.dat
Gharial0          Hoopoe                REG = DEFAULT
                                         SEG = DEFAULT
                                         FILE = mumps.dat
Hoopoe            Hoopoe0               REG = BIRDS
                                         SEG = BIRDS
                                         FILE = flap.dat
Hoopoe0           Jacare                REG = DEFAULT
                                         SEG = DEFAULT
                                         FILE = mumps.dat
Jacare            Jacare0               REG = REPTILES
                                         SEG = REPTILES
                                         FILE = creep.dat
Jacare0           Trogon                REG = DEFAULT
                                         SEG = DEFAULT
                                         FILE = mumps.dat
Trogon            Trogon0               REG = BIRDS
                                         SEG = BIRDS
                                         FILE = flap.dat
Trogon0           ...                   REG = DEFAULT
                                         SEG = DEFAULT
                                         FILE = mumps.dat
LOCAL LOCKS                             REG = DEFAULT
                                         SEG = DEFAULT
                                         FILE = mumps.dat

There are five primary sections in a Global Directory:





  • MAP

The function of each section in the Global Directory is described below.


This section of the Global Directory provides a default value for every database or file parameter passed to GT.M as part of a region or segment definition. GDE uses templates to complete a region or segment definition where one of these necessary values is not explicitly defined.

GDE provides initial default values when creating a new Global Directory. You can then change any of the values using the appropriate -REGION or -SEGMENT qualifiers with the TEMPLATE command.


An M program sees a monolithic global variable name space. The NAMES section of the Global Directory partitions the name space so that different globals reside in different files. While each M global can reside in only one file, each file can store many M globals.


The REGIONS section lists all of the regions in the Global Directory. Each region defines common properties for all the M global variables; therefore, multiple sets of names from the NAMES section map onto a single region.

You assign these values by specifying the appropriate qualifier when you create or modify individual regions. If you do not specify a value for a particular parameter, GDE assigns the default value from the TEMPLATES section.


This section of the Global Directory lists currently defined segments. While regions specify properties of global variables, segments specify the properties of files. There is a one-to-one mapping between regions and segments. You assign these values by specifying the appropriate qualifier when you create or modify individual segments. If you do not specify a value for a particular parameter, GDE assigns the default value from the TEMPLATES section.


This section of the Global Directory lists the current mapping of names to region to segment to file. In the default Global Directory, there are two lines in this section: one specifies the destination for all globals, the other one is for local locks. If you add any new mapping component definitions (that is, any new names, regions, or segments), this section displays the current status of that mapping. Any components of the mapping not currently defined display "NONE". Because GDE requires all elements of a mapping to be defined, you will not be able to EXIT (and save) your Global Directory until you complete all mappings.

Global Directory Abbreviations

GDE uses the following abbreviations to display the output of a global directory. The following list show global directory abbreviations with the associated qualifiers. For a description of the function of individual qualifiers, see "GDE Comman Summary".

Abbreviation    Full Form
Acc             ACCESS_METHOD
Alloc           ALLOCATION
Block           BLOCK_SIZE
Exten           EXTENSION_COUNT
File            FILE_NAME
Journaling      [NO]JOURNAL
KeySize         KEY_SIZE
LOCK            LOCK_SPACE
RecSize         RECORD_SIZE
Region          REGION
Typ             DYNAMIC_SEGMENT

Customizing a Global Directory

Once you have installed GT.M and verified its operation, create a Global Directory based on your needs. To create this customized Global Directory, use the appropriate GDE commands and qualifiers to build the desired Global Directory. The GDE commands are described later in this chapter.

You can also create a text file of GDE commands with a standard text editor and process this file with GDE. In a production environment, this gives better configuration control than interactive usage with GDE.

Adding a Journaling Information Section

If you select the -JOURNAL option when you ADD or CHANGE a region in a Global Directory, the following section is added to your Global Directory and displays when you invoke SHOW. The columns provided display the values you selected with the journal options, or defaults provided by FIS for any options not explicitly defined.

Region Jnl File(ext:.mjl)   Before  Buff  Alloc    Exten
DEFAULT <based on DB file> Y   128  100   100

For more information about journaling, see the section on the JOURNAL qualifier in this chapter and Chapter 6: “GT.M Journaling.