GT.M Utility Programs

GT.M provides utility programs to administer the system. All GT.M utilities follow the OpenVMS Command Definition conventions so that the user interface is consistent with other OpenVMS system components. All the utilities use the standard OpenVMS HELP facility.Each utility is summarized below, and described later in this manual.


The Global Directory Editor (GDE) is a GT.M utility program that creates and maintains global directories. GDE provides commands for operating on the global directory.


MUPIP (M Peripheral Interchange Program) is the GT.M utility program for general database operations, GT.M Journaling, Multi-site Database Replication, and some non-database operations.

The MUPIP commands are:

  • BACKUP: Backup database files

  • CONVERT: Converts M routines from a sequential "%RO" format into GT.M source files.

  • CREATE: Create and initialize database files.

  • EXIT: <CTRL-Z> terminates MUPIP and returns control to the process from which MUPIP was invoked.

  • EXTEND: Expand the size of a database file.

  • EXTRACT: Export data from database files into sequential (flat) files.

  • FREEZE: Prevent updates to database files.

  • INTEG: Check the integrity of GDS databases.

  • INTRPT: Send an asynchronous signal to a GT.M process.

  • JOURNAL: Recover database files (for example, after a system crash) and extract journal records.

  • LOAD: Import data into databases.

  • REORG: Defragment database files to improve performance.

  • REPLICATE: Controls the operation of GT.M database replication from a primary instance to one or multiple instances.

  • RESTORE: Restore databases from bytestream backup files.

  • RUNDOWN: Properly close database files when processes terminate incorrectly.

  • SET: Modify database and/or journal file characteristics.

  • STOP: Stop GT.M processes.


The M Lock Utility (LKE) is the GT.M utility program that examines and modifies the lock space where GT.M maintains the current M LOCK state. LKE can monitor the locking mechanism and remove locks. See ??? for more information.

Database Structure Editor

The Database Structure Editor (DSE) is the GT.M utility program to examine and alter the internal database structures. DSE edits GT.M Database Structure (GDS) files. It provides an extensive database "patch" facility (including block integrity checks), searches for block numbers and nodes, and provides symbolic examination and manipulation facilities. See Chapter 10: “Database Structure Editor for more information.